Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Riedquat wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:49 pm
Makeshift Python wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 am Christ.

If ALIEN had come out today it would be lambasted by you morons for pushing a woke agenda..
The morons are the "woke" idiots who have made it so people would indeed question that. There was an oh so brief period where peope got cast just because they were the right person for the job - prior to that too tainted by one sort of prejudice, and today it's been tainted by a different prejudice. Not that things were ever perfect but nowdays we seem to have one bunch of bigots having a backlash at a different bunch of bigots, and anyone with half a brain who's unimpressed by either set can't help wondering if either of them is contaminating every choice with their pathetic bile.
With apologies to Q, oh please.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Makeshift Python »

If diverse casting isn’t such a big deal for some of you then why do care at all?

Here’s my reaction to when they cast a black man as Superman:

“Okay, whatever, hope he’s great in the role.”

Then I move the fuck on. Whereas assholes like Doomcock will post several videos about how the left has ruined entertainment.

Get the fuck over it bitch.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by HumanXeroxMachine »

Whoa, whoa hey now... no reason we all can't get along here. Cool heads prevail. Let's all take a deep breath and relax. :)
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Captain Crimson »

DSWC is pilfering from past lore without ever giving nods of respect to it, and acting like they invented it, and watering it down in the process, to boot. Do you think they're ever going to admit where they got the ideas for Rey and Jyn Erso? No, they don't want to be sued. To them, the EU, now under the Legends banner, is a complete non-factor, irrelevant, it was an obstacle to remove, a dumping grounds to take from, and they don't even give it a second thought. They never mention what they liked about it, or how great they thought it was, nothing. Anything resembling that is tokenist language, at best.

That and I really do despise virtue signals of "more diversity" that get deflection handwaves of "the past was always diverse" when you call them out on it. The EU had plenty of diversity as overseen by a classical liberal who dreamed of a better world and despite being a businessman, wasn't too fond of the Hollywood system. They wanted all new female leads, great. Why do you have to grift the EU lore you threw out and disrespected at every turn to the OT? Why can't you do something new? They can't, because they need your nostalgia bait. That's just fact.

You mentioned Superman. You want a black Superman like figure, you don't need to race lift. Just set it some distance into the future, and use a black Kryptonian, perhaps a clone or something, or even return to the era of Krypton before their destruction. There's so many possibilities here. I'm generally against race-lifting or gender swaps and more into creating fresh, new, original POC and female leads, but they can't do that since they don't have any faith in the ones they create, do they? Plus they are manipulating audiences to make back the money here. It's rotten.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

This has to be the thread with the highest stupidity:post ratio.

The novel length racist screeds on here should make all of you ashamed for participating.
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Captain Crimson
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:24 am This has to be the thread with the highest stupidity:post ratio.

The novel length racist screeds on here should make all of you ashamed for participating.
I have no context here to who you're addressing, yet have I said anything racist at all?

I've merely said, don't ruin older lore and characters, create your own. It has nothing to do with race and gender if they're even butchering their names, like how Rey and Jaina Solo are both white women, I believe the slang for them is "Karens," I don't use it, and yet... I hate the rename simply on principle as Rey becomes an avatar to past lore that is diluted. That, and LF can act like they invented this when they really didn't. If they were aiming to make JP and TCS as the basis for their new movies, how good did they ever want them to be? And while DE is divisive even in EU circles, I like it. Far better than I do TROS.

I mean, seriously, it's just insulting on so many levels. Jyn Erso is really Jan Ors, the older lore geeks can see it! Yet where's Kyle Katarn? Nowhere to be seen, not even a botched rename. And I'm not even really a fan of grafting SWL lore to the DSW, yet they won't stop doing that.

It's ironic you're saying this because I can't help but feel there is a degree of racism and ego here from the Disney top dogs. They feel they can recreate the past "better" due to empty identity politics, and when called on it, they just deflect, call YOU a bigot, and don't own up to even the valid criticism. As part of that "younger, liberal, more diverse" crowd, a "twentysomething" Ms. Kennedy doesn't want, I hate this management since it makes the assumption POC and women are just automatically on their side. That's not always the case. Look at all the women who hated TLJ! Ah, but they're "Karens," so they don't count, do they? At least to LF.

Look at the two-second literal lip-service in the TROS les-kiss, which, okay, cool, that'd be a great and empowering thing, however short it was, if only, whoops! You didn't have to cut it for overseas markets. Same with shoving poor Mr. Boyega really far into the background for the Chinese poster of TFA. The man is DONE with DSW. What does that tell you?
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Makeshift Python »

You mentioned Superman. You want a black Superman like figure, you don't need to race lift. Just set it some distance into the future, and use a black Kryptonian, perhaps a clone or something, or even return to the era of Krypton before their destruction. There's so many possibilities here. I'm generally against race-lifting or gender swaps and more into creating fresh, new, original POC and female leads, but they can't do that since they don't have any faith in the ones they create, do they? Plus they are manipulating audiences to make back the money here. It's rotten.
Jesus fucking Christ, it doesn’t matter. If Superman being white is that important to you, just be upfront.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Beelzquill »

I would be annoyed at a black Superman casting I have to admit. However, if the director admitted he/she was not going for a faithful adaptation I wouldn't be annoyed. I probably wouldn't see the movie but I would recognize that this isn't someone saying " the iconic Superman character is Black now" just this is an alternate version of Superman that could exist. I don't know what that says about me.

It's weird, I loved Nick Fury as a comic character before Samuel L Jackson was cast and I had no problem with the casting whatsoever. I guess I just see Superman as someone who grew up as not a minority in America that was discriminated against. I know that's probably faulty because I knew black kids growing up who didn't experience racism in such an extreme way. I guess I see Superman not being white as an inherent change to what his character would be like that's too extreme. It would be like making Sam Wilson an immigrant from New Delhi. It would just change the fundamental attitude and upbringing of the character where I would be thinking, "You're not actually adapting this character you're making a new character that has his abilities".
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

But why is it an inherent change that matters? If we're in this glorious post-racial future.

For that matter, why does superman have to be white when he's an allegory for the minority immigrant experience? I saw a post where somebody make a pretty good case for all Clark Kent's friends assuming he's an undocumented immigrant. (Especially because, if we want to get technical, he is.)

For that matter...why should a Kryptonian be white? They come from another planet, they get superpowers from absorbing the spectrum radiated by the yellow sun through their skin. I find the idea of humanoid aliens ridiculous myself, but if we accept the premise of a creature from outer space that can pass for human in a swimsuit contest, why would they have also evolved this relatively recent minority phenotype that the humans have of abnormally pale skin and straight hair?
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Beelzquill »

We're not in a glorious post-racial future. I don't believe we are anyway. I don't believe his stories necessarily should be in one. Though if you were to make an explicitly elseworlds story or something, wait isn't that what all the movies are in some way.

A Kryptonian doesn't have to be white. Superman himself sort of does though. I don't personally think he has fitted the minority immigrant allegory for the vast majority of his existence. Kryptonians themselves are a ridiculous species that has practically no realistic basis at all.

That all being said, I've probably derailed this thread enough. I don't think my arguments are airtight or anything, in fact in my previous post I basically admitted to hypocrisy with the Nick Fury example. I just don't think you are writing Clark Kent if he's black. I think you're writing a different dude with the same powers and calling him Clark Kent annoys me. I get it if you disagree with me and don't have a particular drive to convince you my thinking is right. So if a black superman movie comes out and if you enjoy it, I'm happy for ya. I don't think a black Superman movie (as in a straight adaptation of superman with a black person explicitly playing Clark Kent) is very likely and as I said I've derailed the thread enough.

So what has Disney been officially doing anyway? Are they changing their framework in anyway to adapt to the buttkicking Covid gave them this year?
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