Mass Effect

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Karha of Honor
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Karha of Honor »

excalibur wrote:I think the only way to save the Mass Effect series is rehire everybody that left and make Mass Effect 4 starring Shepard again. It's very safe to bring him back but better than trying out new stuff that failed so badly.

Thinking about it, maybe that's why they didn't call Andromeda a number.
New stuff? There were barely any new species in Andromeda.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by excalibur »

Agent Vinod wrote:
excalibur wrote:I think the only way to save the Mass Effect series is rehire everybody that left and make Mass Effect 4 starring Shepard again. It's very safe to bring him back but better than trying out new stuff that failed so badly.

Thinking about it, maybe that's why they didn't call Andromeda a number.
New stuff? There were barely any new species in Andromeda.
Ok, PRETENDING Andromeda was new stuff.

You're right. Andromeda was so safe, you can list everything off the tropes website.

It wasn't even profitable kind of safe. It was generic and reductive and if anything, extremely pandering
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Madner Kami wrote:Am I the only one who actually began to think, that Mass Effect Andromeda is a fictional happening within a fictional world?
You're not alone in that, no. :D
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by CharlesPhipps »

My long list of complaints about Andromeda.

* They had a possibility to do a Western-themed game like Firefly and chose not to do it

* They could have addressed colonialism versus immigration versus refugees and didn't

* It was obvious the whole thing was about escaping the Reapers but this is treated as a huge mystery

* No one wanted to leave the Milky Way galaxy for a do-over and you could have just had them go to an uncharted part of space in the
Milky Way. The logistics of the whole thing are ridiculous.

* The Khett are incredibly lame underdeveloped villains with the Archon the lamest of them all. What parts weren't stolen from the Borg were stolen from Halo....except made boring.

* Only one new alien race.

* You have the Ryder siblings as a new dynamic and then put one in a coma for the entire game.

* You can only play the Ryders as sort of generically quirky versus RENEGADE or PARAGON which at least provided options of roleplaying.

* It was more massive Dragon Age: Inquisition busy-work and that was awful.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

I don't think Andromeda has horrible gameplay, and it even has its fun moments, but it's definitely the Voyager the the Mass Effect franchise when it comes to risk-taking. Here you have an opportunity to have a real "trailblazer" isolated with his crew in a completely alien galaxy. There are endless story possibilities there. What do they do with it instead? They set up a knock-off citadel, knock-off political situation, knock-off characters, and a repeat of the old story. They didn't even mix up the species- the Garrus of your group is still a Turian for crying out loud.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by CharlesPhipps »

A random aside, I tend to think Saints Row IV feels a bit more like Mass Effect than Andromeda did at times.


At least you had a proper villain, there.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Fixer »

I've always put it that while Mass Effect is the like R rated 1980's movie, Andromeda is like the spin off Saturday morning cartoon that only lasts one season.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by CharlesPhipps »

The kidifying of Mass Effect and Dragon Age is something I've commented on before.

I used to call Corypheus "Skeletor" whenever discussing DA:I.

Except Corypheus is frigging Richard the Third compared to the Archon.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Who exactly is EA and Bioware trying to appeal to by dumbing down their games?
The original Mass Effect trilogy has flaws sure and it's no Arthur C Clarke novel for sure but it had a good deal of intrigue and substance to it, especially compared to Andromeda. Plus each game actually sold better individually than Andromeda, although I'm not sure about the first.

I can't comment on any of the Dragon Age games since I never played them and don't plan to. I like fantasy just fine, I just can't commit that kind of time to any of them right now.

I get the impression that Anthem is going to have a story and world compared to that of the Beyblade anime if this continues. :\
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by excalibur »

SlackerinDeNile wrote:Who exactly is EA and Bioware trying to appeal to by dumbing down their games?
The original Mass Effect trilogy has flaws sure and it's no Arthur C Clarke novel for sure but it had a good deal of intrigue and substance to it, especially compared to Andromeda. Plus each game actually sold better individually than Andromeda, although I'm not sure about the first.

I can't comment on any of the Dragon Age games since I never played them and don't plan to. I like fantasy just fine, I just can't commit that kind of time to any of them right now.

I get the impression that Anthem is going to have a story and world compared to that of the Beyblade anime if this continues. :\

The trend is games have become very main stream and companies realized they can make a ton of money by marketing to the lowest common denominator. Though some companies like Rockstar with their GTA games have done it better, EA has been trying to creating a franchise that requires little effort but gives them boat loads of cash. So a dumbed down story because they think their consumer are stupid and micro transaction because they equally think people are stupid enough to spend even more money for fake things or at least their parent's money.
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