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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:21 pm
by technobabbler
Redem wrote:Sarek managed to mess up his relationship with all 3 of his kids
to paraphrase Chuck, Mrs. Sarek must be able to suck down a photon torpedo cuz "logical" Sarek lives the rest of his private life dealing w/his illogical half-human kids.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:29 pm
by Redem
I kinda want to see the Vulcan Expeditionary Group and see the amazing adventures they have that they be considered better than having a post on Starfleet

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:40 pm
by Dînadan
Redem wrote:I kinda want to see the Vulcan Expeditionary Group and see the amazing adventures they have that they be considered better than having a post on Starfleet
Obviously they're not amazing adventures, but unexciting, in depth studies; amazing adventures are a rather illogical way to explore the universe!


Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:50 am
by FakeGeekGirl
Like ... on one hand I'm cringing a little over how they tied in Michael's backstory to Spock's because I still think it's a little Mary Sueish, but it does explain why Sarek was so pissed at Spock for choosing Starfleet even though his marriage to Amanda implies he's not a xenophobe.

Also I'm starting to get the sense that Lorca is like a very dark foil to Kirk. I didn't get that before, but after watching him deploy the Kirk maneuver on the admiral and how obsessive he is over the ship, I was suddenly in mind of Kirk without the heroic qualities.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:53 pm
by CharlesPhipps
Redem wrote:I kinda want to see the Vulcan Expeditionary Group and see the amazing adventures they have that they be considered better than having a post on Starfleet
I have the idea in my head they do nothing but stellar astrography and watching comets with no alien gods, murderous oil slicks, or Ferengi Pirates.

Dînadan wrote:
Redem wrote:I kinda want to see the Vulcan Expeditionary Group and see the amazing adventures they have that they be considered better than having a post on Starfleet
Obviously they're not amazing adventures, but unexciting, in depth studies; amazing adventures are a rather illogical way to explore the universe!

Dammit! Shows me for not reading down.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:04 pm
by technobabbler
Logically, it's safer and cheaper* to send waves of drones/probes into deep space. No space ameobas will eat you, but no fame, glory and smugness of being the first human to see XYZ---but those are human emotional traits anyway.

*yes, post-scarcity economy. assume that only applies to consumer goods and food. Energy, presumably anti-matter, dilithium and space ships still has costs.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:22 pm
by CharlesPhipps
Starfleet stopped sending unmanned probes into space when they started coming back as homicidal world killers.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:07 pm
by Paul Walker
GandALF wrote:I think people are mistaking Worf for the typical Klingon, at the end of Redemption the "good" Klingons scoff at him for not killing the Duras kid. Then there's also this exchange in DS9's You Are Cordially Invited regarding his marriage to Dax:

Worf:"You never told me that your wife was opposed to this marriage!"
Martok:"Sirella is a woman of strong convictions; she believes that by bringing aliens into our families we risk losing our identities as Klingons."
Worf:"That is a prejudiced, xenophobic view!"
Martok:"We are Klingons, Worf! We don't embrace other cultures, we conquer them! If someone wishes to join us, they must honor our traditions, and prove themselves worthy of wearing the crest of a Great House."

So the Discovery writers aren't pulling this stuff out of their ass.
YES! Someone else picked up on that part.

One of the main writers for this series is involved in the ongoing series of books for Voyager. I know, Voyager's not great, but the books are substantially better than the series, because it thrives on its continuity and tries to play characters to their strengths.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:01 pm
by CharlesPhipps
I always liked the fact Worf is the equivalent of a Klingon Paladin. He's extremely good at following the letter AND the spirit of Kahless' laws but the rest of Klingondom tends to follow a much more flexible "Prosperity Gospel" version of Honor--which is to say they follow the ways of honor when it's convenient to them and ditch it whenever it ceases to be. I think this is the result of Worf being raised by the equivalent of textbooks and taking them all at their word.

Of course, it says everything you need to know about Klingons that Kahless was a Middle Ages Warlord and he's STILL a liberal by modern Klingon standards.

Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:21 am
by GandALF
CharlesPhipps wrote:I always liked the fact Worf is the equivalent of a Klingon Paladin. He's extremely good at following the letter AND the spirit of Kahless' laws but the rest of Klingondom tends to follow a much more flexible "Prosperity Gospel" version of Honor--which is to say they follow the ways of honor when it's convenient to them and ditch it whenever it ceases to be. I think this is the result of Worf being raised by the equivalent of textbooks and taking them all at their word.

Of course, it says everything you need to know about Klingons that Kahless was a Middle Ages Warlord and he's STILL a liberal by modern Klingon standards.
Kahless did kill both Surak and Abraham Lincoln in his first appearance as part of the evil team, which I can't see Worf doing. I think Worf's outlook is more of a hybrid: he's an honourable warrior who fights to defend the Enterprise whereas most other Klingons fight for glory i.e for the sake of fighting which is going to be pretty destructive if your whole society revolves around that even if it is done honourably. It also makes Worf kind of a tragic character by being too human for Klingon town and too much of a Klingon for human town.