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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:32 pm
by CharlesPhipps
Wargriffin wrote:Kate made the right decision... from the Way Basil was reacting to the serum... WE SAW IT FAILING and Basil himself was pretty convinced he was about to change back and hurt Cass.
I'm going to challenge the usual Bat-Morality being "wrong" despite the fact I'm with John Stewart when the Guardians gave the Green Lanterns the authority to use lethal force due to the threat of the Sinestro Corps i.e. "it's a right which should be exercised only when necessary but is sometimes necessary." Specifically, Kate is full of crap here and should be arrested. Why? Because the reason Batman doesn't kill isn't just because he's a traumatized orphan with a love of life but because he is an illegal vigilante who holds himself to the standard of not deciding who lives or dies.

Kate's father, literally, just ran a murder squad of Batmen just a few issues ago and she learned nothing from it. It's doubly insane because her father WAS a legitimate and legal member of the United States military with authority to do what he was doing while she is just someone wandering around in a costume. Given the gross abuses of power by legitimate authority, the fact the Batman doesn't kill is the only sign he's not insane and actually worried about the consequences of his actions.

Also, the fact Basil was in this universe an innocent victim of a horrible curse and their ostensible friend.

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:28 am
by Wargriffin
Except none of those factors matter in this scenario, Which is 'was Kate justified in Killing Basil' What Jacob's done to fight the League of shadows 'Who might I add did exist and snuck a thermal nuclear device under Gotham without Bruce noticing' is on Jacob not Kate

two if Bruce cared about legality he'd have turned himself in for numerous violations 'destruction of property, breaking and entering without a warrant and constant fleeing and escaping law enforcement when he is a suspect'

but lets look at the scenario as it was.

Basil was rampaging, yes he had been emotionally tortured to the point his mind was broken as referenced a number of times Basil's emotional state effects his morality while in full Clay face due to what it does to his brain chemistry.

Cass almost talked him down before but that was before the mudroom blew open which pretty much 10X to his mass thus his problems

The Serum was said to work based on the persons's emotional state 'Flowery' IE if Basil thought he was person it would work if he thought he was still a monster it would fail. Th serum failed and we see it failing

Tim and Bruce presented NO other plan in case the serum failed 'This is the big factor here' in fact he presents no alternative when they are arguing

You have Cass and mob of fleeing civilians about to be at the mercy of a Clayface Kaiju 'which Tim himself designates as the most dangerous thing in Gotham.

You either deal with him before he fully transforms back or gamble with other peoples lives

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:27 pm
by Wargriffin
Injustice 2 #46

Well thats anticlimatic

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:27 am
by Wargriffin
So DC is shaking up the majority of its line up due to No Justice and apparently ALL Super Family books are getting cancelled cause the Bendipocalypse is here and the entire Super line is being restructured around him

DC this seems like a BAD move

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:51 am
by PlasmaHam
Wargriffin wrote:Injustice 2 #46

Well thats anticlimatic
Ikr, climatic plot-twists really don't work when the audience determined what the twist would be months ago.

Wargriffin wrote:So DC is shaking up the majority of its line up due to No Justice and apparently ALL Super Family books are getting cancelled cause the Bendipocalypse is here and the entire Super line is being restructured around him

DC this seems like a BAD move
'No Justice' looks like it could be good. Let's be honest, the Justice League books in Rebirth have been among the weakest. A shake-up is welcome in my opinion.

Superman books on the other hand... Look, I'm not a Bendis hater, but the Superman books are so good right now, don't change it!

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:01 am
by Wargriffin
Feels like Bendis has just been given an entire Pillar of the DC verse... and He's gonna be the only one in the toy box for the moment.

Super Sons was good
I preferred New 52 Kara to Rebirth Kara but it wasn't that bad... This just feels like disaster waiting to happen

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:24 am
by Wargriffin

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:53 am
by yamiangie
PlasmaHam wrote:
Wargriffin wrote:Injustice 2 #46

Well thats anticlimatic
Ikr, climatic plot-twists really don't work when the audience determined what the twist would be months ago.
Guns were a dead give away. Sort of like before they confirmed Bucky Cap was Bucky.

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:42 pm
by Wargriffin
Aquaman continues to be the best Rebirth book

The Crown comes DOWN

now only the Tyrant Rath remains

also... Long Live the Queen... Liked Arthur calling Tula sister since Tula and Orm are now half siblings


I was confused by the flashback since it shows him talking to Donna Roy and Wally... the I realized its due to the art

Flashback Dick looks older then Present Dick!!!


Justice league

The JL continue to be outsmarted by an evil Geoff Johns... Its kinda amusing

Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:20 am
by Wargriffin
Forget Doomsday!

The True Unstoppable DC Juggernaut that deserves your respect is NONE OTHER THEN!!!
