Chris Pine is out of next Trek movie

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Madner Kami
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Re: Chris Pine is out of next Trek movie

Post by Madner Kami »

Don't care about the Kelvin-Timeline, do care even less about this Kirk meeting his Daddy. Thus don't give a rat's arse about whether this movie flops or just stops.
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Re: Chris Pine is out of next Trek movie

Post by Deledrius »

clearspira wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:45 am Thinking about this further, does anyone here really care about Hemsworth being in this film? We saw George for all of five minutes three films ago. All that is going to happen is that he'll come back to life, they'll fight some enemy together, and then he'll die again. I'm sorry, but Pine is worth 100% more to the success of this franchise than Hemsworth is.

Give the money you were going to give to Hemsworth to Pine.
You make a very good point. Especially after the last film, which did a reasonable job of having Kirk put all that behind him. Not that a good story can't be told about a past coming back that you think you've dealt with, but it's too soon dramatically, and definitely feels more like a casting stunt due to Hemsworth's increase in popularity since his small role in the original rather than the needs of any character arc in the franchise.

It's all stupid poker anyway. If they're going to make another, just pay the actors. They're worth more because of other films, and that's how it goes. Hire a good writer, and as long as they don't let Kurtzman, Orci, Lindelof, or Abrams write the screenplay, the actors will easily draw in the audience to make it worthwhile.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: Chris Pine is out of next Trek movie

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Maybe they'll do a Stargazer movie.
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Re: Chris Pine is out of next Trek movie

Post by sayla0079 »

MrL1992 wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:04 pm
clearspira wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:50 pm
MrL1992 wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:40 pm ... 88196.html

Both Chris Pine (James. T Kirk) and Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk) have reportedly drooped out of the project due to contract disputes,

This movie eas planned to centre Kirk and his father reuniting via means we can only guess (Star Trek time travel method no 68 I guess).so what on Earth do they do now? They say its still happening and all the other Kelvin timeline actors are signed.

I see five potential outcomes:

1) Continue without a Kirk, make Spock the Captain and have the father/son storyline with him or another crew member (McCoy maybe? Expand oj TFF's one good scene?)

2) Recast the Kirks. They've done it before then why not? My only concern is if this particular kind of story is the best for introducing hew actors into the roles, it feels like you'd want to properly acclimate the audience the them first.

3) Scramble to get Pine and Hemsworth back.

4) continue without Kirk but scrap the current script and put together a new story.

5) Re-focus on Quentin Tarintino's proposed project with or without the current actors.

No I don't see them giving up on tube franchise nor Paramount and CBS resolving their issues, so no prime timeline return eithet. Sorrybto those of you wjo dislike these movies.

Quite a conundrum hm?
6) Reboot Star Trek The Next Generation. You just know they want to bring back the Borg.
Not sure if they'd be so keen on it given the original Picard is returning on TV soon. Yes, Paramount doesn't care for what CBS does but it might be a hard sell with the original still active in another area of the franchise.

Plus, if they want the Borg, they're in an alternate timeline. Just bring their meeting with the Federation forward 100 years through whatever means. You could make them look more rudimentary and rough. I see more opportunity for something interesting there honestly.
Option 7 go adapt the tng/ds9/voyager relaunch books it can explain the ages of the characters if they can find a good one.Just avoid destiny and the fall due to confusions on characters.
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