Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Yukaphile »

I wanted to see the Yuuzhan Vong War.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Yukaphile wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:24 pm I wanted to see the Yuuzhan Vong War.
As both an EU and Vong fan i would not have wanted to unleash all that division.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Yukaphile »

"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Yukaphile wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:12 pmWhy?
Because the Vong are divisive.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Yukaphile »

Because Star Wars fans only want the same thing. They don't want anything new.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Winter »

Andrew Joshua Talon wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:49 pm I would have liked to have seen Disney adapt the Thrawn Trilogy. I know it would have required recasting the main characters but it would have been a far better and more coherent story than the Sequel Trilogy as is. They could have been directly involved in helping the new actors get their characters right.

They could have also gone with the original idea of a clone of Obi-Wan being the Dark Jedi, not C'Boath. That lets you cast Ewan MacGregor as Obi-Wan again, and lets him be a villain. It would have been interesting.
Not sure about the sure about the whole Obi-Wan Clone Idea and while it would be awesome to see Ewen MacGregor return to the series as a villain I think it would also be a bit odd. In regards to recasting the Original Trilogy characters, my personal choices would be Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Luke Skywalker, Gal Gadot as Leia Organa-Solo, Anthony Ingruber as Han Solo and Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian.

Yes, Coster-Waldau and Gal Gadot look nothing like Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, and Coster-Waldau is a good 3 feet taller then Hamill, but I honestly think that both are really the perfect choice for these two in every other way.

As for TTT's characters, Morgan Freeman and Martin Freeman tied as the my personal choice to play Gilad Pellaeon, its' also a tie between Timothy Dalton and Jason Momoaand for Talen Karrde, Benedict Cumberbatch as Grand Admiral Thrawn and Emily Blunt would be my personal choice for Mara Jade.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Yukaphile wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:34 pm Because Star Wars fans only want the same thing. They don't want anything new.
Just because i don't want a Porsche does does not mean i don't want a luxury sports car.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Winter »

In regards to TTT vs. TDST one of my issues with the latter is Ren and his rather weak characterization. For me Ren comes off like Superboy Prime, overly whiny and often feels like a way for the writers to make fun of fans while also somehow being over powered and extremely weak when the script calls for it. With TTT Thrawn and C'baoth are both intimidating and threatening villains who stand shoulder to shoulder with characters like Darth Vader, the Emperor and, going over to Star Trek for a moment, Khan and Dukat.

What I like most about Thrawn, at least as far as he is presented in TTT, is that he is what Luke aspires to be at the start of the Trilogy. Completely in control of his emotions, disciplined and completely dedicated to Balance and Order which is what Luke sees as the absolute strongest characteristic of a Jedi. And yet he is also ruthless and unfeeling towards all those he sees as his enemy and just the idea of him being in the same room as our heroes is a Pants to be Darkened moment.

In The Force Awakens for all the terror behind the Idea of Starkiller Base, there was no real sense of terror the film gives to it. It just shows up, destroys Not Coruscant and then is quickly destroyed by the heroes and not even one of the leads but a character who was suppose to die and is rather unceremoniously destroyed in short order.

Even as it's about to destroy the Resistance base on Not Yavin 4, there is no real sense of dread because we KNOW it's going to be destroyed and we know how it's going to be destroyed. Even the discussion of SB, it's power and how to destroy it treated with a shrug by EVERYONE!

Contrast this with Thrawn and what he brings to the table, all he really has is a few dozen Star Destroyers, a fleet of old Republic Dreadnoughts that are kinda pathetic when compared to a regular Star Destroyer, a Clone Army, some clocking tech and one crazy Dark Jedi. And yet the reader is given a greater sense of fear and dread in this few things there has been for anything the First Order has dished out because the ones behind all this were just as cunning and just as ruthless as Vader and The Emperor were back in the Original Trilogy.

The First Order has a bigger Death Star, Bigger Star Destroys, Bigger Imperial Walkers and two Force Users who are more powerful then the villains who came before and yet NONE of this is treated like a real threat. Ren, as I said, is just Superboy Prime in Star Wars only replace "Everything was Better on MY Earth!!!" with "The Dark Side is So Much Cooler then the Stupid Light Side and Vader is So Much Cooler then Luke."

With Thrawn even Luke, Mara and Leia, all of whom are Force Users and one of them is a former Assassin, treat Thrawn as a serious threat because he IS A SERIOUS THREAT!!!

One of my favorite bits from TTT is in Dark Force where Luke and Mara go to Thrawn's ship in order to save Karrde and the whole way through there is a growing sense of tension as both Luke and Mara do everything they can to avoid drawing Thrawn's attention. Adding to this tension is Thrawn slowly realizing that something is off as clue after clue starts to present itself, such as the people on the ship not reporting in, the trash compactor being activated while there was barely anything in there and then everything comes together once he is shown a image of Mara's ship on C'baoth's planet with one of the Force Pokemon next to it.

It's really suspenseful and easily one of the best parts of the whole Trilogy and is followed by some really great action scenes and character moments from both the heroes and the villains. And while TTT is, IMHO, really Mara's story this bit Belongs to Luke and Thrawn as the two have a little game of chess with both relying on their cunning and wit to out think and out maneuver one another.

This is why I would love to see TTT on the Big Screen as this bit is something would look great and the action scene that follows it would be much more awesome to see on with the budget of a major motion picture.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Jonathan101 »

I think we should keep in mind that Kylo Ron is intentionally written as a weak villain. He is dangerous because he is sloppy and unhinged, and constantly trying to prove himself.

Of course this also lowers the stakes since the heroes should be capable of handing him, and it's likely in there as a political statement about impressionable, angry young men who go on killing sprees, but it isn't an accident either. They didn't actually WANT a Thrawn-like efficient villain in their story.
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Re: Should Disney Adapted The Thrawn Trilogy?

Post by Winter »

But why make a villain intentionally weak if he's suppose to be the big bad of the story. It works in Spaceballs because it was a parody and therefore giving Dark Helmet as much power as Vader with everyone being just as scared of him as Vader and yet he's so pathetic.

And yes Star Wars has had villains who were suppose to be pathetic like General Grievous who, as Lucas described him, the traditional mustache-twirling villain who talks about how he will take over the world but as soon as things go south he turns tail and runs. Or Nute Gunray, a greedy business man who is easily scared by anyone and everyone and is clearly in over his head and whines like a child when things go his way.

The thing of it is, none of these characters are meant to be the big bad of the series, they're just Doouk's pawns to give him more leeway to take over the galaxy. Ren, Snoke, Phasma and Hux are all meant to be seen as serious threats to the heroes and yet the only reason they haven't won is because the heroes are just as stupid as they are. I've joked about this in the past but if Legends Thrawn was sent to destroy both the First Order and the Resistance he would likely destroy both of them inside an hour.

This is an opinion shared by Timothy Zahn BTW as he mentioned in a interview that Ren would be someone Thrawn could easily manipulate and control as his buttons were so easily pushed. Sure he was overall polite about it but it really does speak volumes when the nicest thing Zahn said about Ren was how he was so quick just shot Luke instead of going into a monologue or anything. Please note that scene is mostly about Luke easily tricking Ren and taking advantage of his anger towards him which just proves Zahn's point.

For all my issues with LotF I will say that Jacen at least had a more believable motivation as he saw a terrible future and the reason he joined the Dark Side was to prevent said future. Damn what everyone will think of me if the only way to avoid this terrible fate is for me to become a monster, then let me be evil and hated if it means everyone I care about will live.

Still hate LotF but at least the villains motives were more believable instead of "The Dark Side is Way Cooler then Light Side and Darth Vader is my Hero." :roll:
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