Midnight's Edge and STD's Canon Status

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Makeshift Python
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Re: Midnight's Edge and STD's Canon Status

Post by Makeshift Python »

Midnight’s Edge does this thing where they present facts with cited sources and then get into the “these are rumors” section which could be anything they make up, and then start mixing the facts and rumors together to create their own narrative that they know haters of DIS will eat up. They’re very clever at how they play to their audience, and this is why I’m not subscribed to believe in their crap. There’s a reason they only use video presentations instead of writing it down on article/blogs = it makes them more money. If you haven’t raised an eyebrow about sensational bits like the idea that Netflix execs supposedly laughed the CBS execs out of their offices, then you’ve been duped. This doesn’t sound like reality, it sounds like something from THE HUDSUCKER PROXY. But I’m sure a lot of DIS haters get a kick hearing about that kind of stuff. Unfortunately, reality isn’t going to match up with ME’s suppositions. Didn’t they claim DIS would be cancelled during the first season “because it’s so bad”?

Ultimately, all that will matter is how things actually plays out with Trek and CBS, not what ME says. The only impact they really make is further confusing Trek fans than enlightening them.
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Re: Midnight's Edge and STD's Canon Status

Post by Zoinksberg »

What? You mean to tell me they clearly explain which information is fact and which is unverified rumor and then create a narrative based off of those things and present it to their audience?

What kind of monster does that, other than all of us in our own heads and sometimes on forums?

Meanwhile you offer that ME claimed Discovery would be cancelled in the first season "because it's so bad" without doing any research and formed it as a question to make it look like you aren't throwing around accusations and making up your own narrative. Come on, that's no better than anything you are accusing ME of.

They did, BTW, feel it would be cancelled based off of CBS announcing that Nicholas Meyer was being tasked with creating a Khan series, which is something Meyer confirmed he was doing. It was CBS who dropped that idea and kept Discovery. It is also a good example why nobody should take as fact that any of the new series announced are going to see the light of day, up to and including Picard.

Finally, anybody that takes the phrase "laughed out of the office" at face value should consider looking up the word "hyperbole". I fully believe Netflix gave them a very firm "no" on the initial offer for Short Trek, but I doubt anybody was physically in any offices to be laughed out of. These negotiations are rarely done in person.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Midnight's Edge and STD's Canon Status

Post by Makeshift Python »

This is a pretty good breakdown of ME's formula: https://fanfilmfactor.com/2018/11/19/my ... editorial/

As for the Khan project, Meyer conceived as a three night event mini-series, which doesn't sound like the kind of thing you replace an ongoing series like DISCOVERY with. He believes CBS didn't go for it because they felt such a short program wasn't worth the cost. To Midnight's Edge credit, they were the ones that conducted the interview on Meyer. At the same time, it refuted their earlier suppositions from a year earlier.

https://trekmovie.com/2018/11/21/nichol ... discovery/
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