If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

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If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip

Post by Kamglakly »

Im into death metal mostly. I enjoy a good Doom band like Swallow the Sun or Katatonia, of course. But when it comes to fantasy related stuff...theres NOTHING like Summoning.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Yukaphile wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:42 am Yeah, so if you wanna skip a season, go with number one, but you'll miss great stories like "Vortex" and "Battle Lines" and even "The Storyteller" which sets up the future friendship between O'Brien and Bashir.
Wait, seriously? No "Duet"? It's one of the best eps in the entire series. I can't believe you'd recommend "The Storyteller" before "Duet."
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Yukaphile »

He's watched Chuck's reviews. I don't think he's gonna skip that. I wasn't excluding it so much as trying to show him there's good past "Duet."
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

You know what, a "definitely don't skip" list might be more interesting. So here's mine for Season 1:

"Emissary" - It's the pilot, and it's a good one. Probably the best in the franchise IMO.

"Past Prologue" - This episode has Garak in it. Never, ever skip an episode that has Garak in it.

"Captive Pursuit" - Tosk! C'mon, who doesn't love Tosk? This is another one of which I can't imagine putting "The Storyteller" in front.

"Vortex" - This one's pretty good, with some great character development for Odo, who is clearly the most interesting regular character early on.

"Battle Lines" - Arc-important. And Jonathan Banks is in it! (Mike Ehrmantrout from Breaking Bad, but younger and in alien makeup)

"Progress" - Good character development for Kira, another early-series standout character.

"The Forsaken" - This is not a good episode, and it has the very annoying Lwaxana Troi in it, but it has some important backstory for Odo, and I wouldn't skip it.

"Duet" - Why even bother with this series if you skip this one?

"In the Hands of the Prophets" - Introduction of a great villain, played by Louise Fletcher (Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) at her most loathsome.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Nobody700 »

The episodes I would skip in any rewatch of DS9, in order from start to finish

1. Q-Less. Except for the Sisko punching Q, the episode is garbage. When John De Lancie says it’s the worst episode he ever did, that screams bad.

2. The Passenger. Everyone is a terrible actor in it with Bashir’s actor being so bad in it i’m Legit kind of mad watching it. Also Odo has a hissy fit that makes me want to knock some sense into him.

3. Move Along home. Good twist, bad everything. The game race is stupid and their games are some of the worst I ever saw. Still, Quark was funny in his pleading.

4. The Storyteller. It’s a yawn fest. Don’t even bother watching it unless you want to get your kids to fall asleep. I actually played it for my babies and they fell asleep.

5. Progress. Wow this episode is dumb. Bajor destroys a hospitable moon of farmland for geo thermal energy that does nothing, and Kira has a weird fascination for a old man that’s a metaphor for her shooting people. I guess.

6. If wishers were horses. As someone said on this one, Sisko got his baseball in it. Because I dislike this episode, I pretend his dad gave it to him as a kid. Really nonsensical crap, Kira is out of character, and the world’s greatest baseball player looks like my wife could beat him in baseball.

7. Invasive Procedure. A really dumb episode where Quark is at his worst, Kira loses to a woman with the ultimate 90’s hair in a Fist fight, and Dax forgets she ever had this loser trill steal it. It’s an episode the show forgot and I cannot blame them for it.

8. Second Sight. Another boring one. Instead of my babies, I fell asleep during it. I can’t even find anything to praise in it, or even loathe it. It’s the ultimate meh episode.

9. Sanctuary. A refugee metaphor failed by utter nonsense. Butt ugly aliens with all the male aliens being thugs who try to murder Nog for petty reasons, they try to destroy a Bajor for religious reasons that are ludicrous, and they speak utter nonsense for the 8 longest minutes ever. You are glad they are gone by the end and feel no sympathy for them, unlike real life refugees. It’s almost like an episode written by the Trump administration.

10. Paradise. After watching it, I wanted to be placed in that hot box rather then rewatch it. Still, Sisko showed how badass he was in said episode and badass Sisko is always desperately needed in any episode, even great ones. Sadly, this was a crap one.

11. Playing God. So many plots, so many annoying guest stars, and a beach ball sized universe nearly causes a moment of thought before everyone forgets they’re in a really bad episode. Honestly this woulda worked better in ANY Trek, hell, even Enterprise. But for DS9? It didn’t have the right idea or mind for this.

12. Meredian. The fact I skipped the episode halfway through to watch another one on my first viewing should scream of how bad it was. It’s slow, boring, and painful to sit through. That’s just the first 5 minutes. 40 minutes in and you’ll wish to have the Dominion free you with Jem’Hadar death squads.

13. Fascination. Gotta give it credit, it is fascinating how bad this episode is. It’s like they watched the episode Sarek and declared ‘how dare they make a good episode, let’s make a shit one, and proceeded to write a terrible episode where everyone is horny for someone and you want it all to end. No amount of O’Brien beating up Quark can save this episode. Unless the entire episode was JUST that though.

14. Heart of Stone. I love the Nog stuff, I hate the rest of the episode. Odo and Kira were never a couple I liked even though Kira is one of my fave female Trek characters and Odo is pretty cool. Do what I do. Watch the Nog stuff and skip the Odo and Kira stuff. It’s a short but great 14 minutes of a trek episode.

15. Hippocratic Oath. Controversial opinion, I know, but I didn’t like it. I liked the ideas but the execution was odd. O’Brien came off as a paranoid fanatic, Bashir became season one naive, Odo didn’t come off as smart but REALLY lazy and pig headed in how he acts (he has a hissy fit whenever anyone tries to come to authority and I always hate it) and Worf isn’t doing his job to go around chasing Quark on a stupid jewelry smuggling ring. The Jem’Hadar stuff was nice, but the 4 main leads were all frustrating with how all of them were annoying.

16. Sword of Kahless. I like Kor. But he can’t an episode that is very boring, with an adventure you would find in a 300 dollar budget fan movie of Indiana Jones, a bizarre turn of Worf and Kor trying to kill each other for a batleth, and Jadzia is the only reasonable one but you wonder why she doesn’t actually stop these two idiots.

17. Crossfire. I hate Shakar, I hate Odo and Kira dating, and I hate episodes that literally have no plot. The entire plot is Odo having a fit that Kira doesn’t Like him. Shakar is a loser and I hate his scenes. Kira liking him and not realizing that Odo is in love with her makes her come off as kind of dumb. Quark comforting Odo though is a great scene.

18. The Muse. As a father to kids, any episode with any hint of pedophile nature sets my dad alarms off. The main focus of the episode is one of Trek’s creepiest characters with how... obviously she is as a pedo, and you want Sisko to punch her through Bajor’s sun, and yet she gets away with how creepy she is. Also some subplot about Odo getting married to Lwxanna that isn’t bad, but it’s nothing to write home. Still, screw that awful pedophile main plot.

19. Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places. I hate that title first of all, and the episode is this really bad love story that I don’t care for. Grilka is awesome and I hate how she wasn’t a major recurring character, she’s my third favorite Klingon and honestly is the only reason to watch the episode. Though Quark being controlled by Worf is funny. Quark as a warrior king coulda been a great Ferengi ep. Still, Jadzia calling Grilka a slut? Not cool.

20. Let he who is without sin. Wow this episode is a trash fire from start to finish. Worf is the biggest baby in the entire universe, Jadzia is an annoying girlfriend who could win an award for ‘Worst woman to date’ Leeta and Bashir were annoying, Quark was a little toad, and I hate Risa. I could go into why this episode fails but I don’t have time to write a 30,0000 word essay on why it fails. So i’ll Just say I give it three thumbs down. Yeah, wrap your head around that.

21. The Darkness and the Light. DS9 is dark. The Cardassians on Bajor was dark. Terrorism is dark. But wow... this episode was just UNPLEASANT. The episode has a guy ready to cut a baby out of Kira’s Body, and guess what, you somehow come off as hating Kira for her actions. You can argue a LOT if what she did was right or wrong, but their is no arguing that you don’t have any joy in this. At least Duet, as dark and grim it was, was a PHENOMENAL episode. This one is dark and gritty... but also really tepid in how it tries to say something. Terrorism is... bad we guess?

22. A simple investigation. Wow this episode is boring. Odo finds a woman hot and decides to bang her but the Orion syndicate do not approve of boning and try to kill the both of them. You roll your eyes through a romance so devoid of romance, you almost yearn for Kira and Shakar. Almost.

23. Sons and Daughters. Wow, Alexander is a waste of space. Wow, Alexander is a waste of space. Wow, Alexander is a waste of space. Wow, Alexander is a waste of space. Wow, Alexander is a waste of space. Also something about Kira and Dukat arguing. That’s the entire episode. Wait, did I tell you Alexander is a waste of space? Let the episode beat that into your head AGAIN!

24. You are cordially invited. Hey, a wedding of two people who have no chemistry. What can I say but wow they tortured Bashir and O’Brien a lot in the episode. Honestly the only way for me to enjoy this episode is picturing O’Brien and Bashir beat EVERYONE up and then had fun eating good food and playing in the Holosuite while everyone was terrified to mess with the two for the rest of the month.

25. Resurrection. The only interesting thing Bariel did was die. Watching him come back for a really stupid plot by the Insurgent that makes no sense when you realize the dude can stay in our universe because he has nothing bringing him back to the Mirror one, you give no fucks about the episode. Still, Kira kicking Mirror Bariel up was great.

26. Change of Heart. A married couple are sent on a super dangerous mission and are told to not worry about each other while working together. They worry about each other. They are then yelled at for it and told they are horrible people for CARING for each other. You can argue they screwed up and yeah, they did... BUT THEY AREN’T SEASON 1 TNG CHARACTERS THEY ACTUALLY HAVE THE CONCEPT OF LOVE!

27. Wrongs darker than death or night. Kira time travels to find out if Dukat banged her mom. Already the episode is dumb, and yet becomes dumber. Kira battles Sexism, tries to blow up her mom and Dukat, and then learns that her mom was basically being raped to give her and her dad a life. She still hates her mom. Kira is a horrible person and I pretend this was actually a plot by Dukat and he pictured the rest of it in his head. Because he’s a weirdo.

28. His way. I don’t hate Vic. I don’t like Vic. I hate the singing of Vic. Their is a lot of it. Their is a lot to Odo and Kira’s Relationship. Not a terrible episode, but one you will skip and then be completely shocked that Kira and Odo are dating because you remembered that Vic sang a bajillion songs in it.

29. Profit and Lace. Worst episode of DS9. Unfunny, transphobic, sexist, bigoted. Ruined a dynamic of Quark and Ishka I liked because... it reminded me of mine with my mother. Two people who are very similar and yet love each other no matter how much we butt heads. Instead Ishka is a horrible shrew, Quark is a misogynistic monster, and I want the ferengi to be killed by an asteroid or an evil Q by the MIDDLE of the episode. By the end, I wish they were erased from existence. You know an alien can do that in Trek, can we have him do so?

30. Time’s Orphan. Wow I did not care for cavewoman Molly. This was probably the most annoying O’Brien suffers episode, and I am glad that no one brings it up because it is so silly and stupid, and I didn’t find a single thing interesting. Molly time traveling and becoming a cave woman is just... WHO CAME UP WITH THAT?!

31. Afterimage. Ezri introduces herself to the cast and the audience. The cast hates her. I sympathize. She’s not terrible, but by god I don’t care for her and she does nothing to impress me. I should be mad at what Garak says to her, but season 7 did NOTHING to improve my view on her. I hope she’s better in the books. Cause the show didn’t give me a reason to think she was.

32. Take me out of the Holosuite. Boring baseball episode, you kinda hope Worf just kills everyone with a baseball by the end. He really was the only tolerable thing in the episode. DEATH TO THE OPPOSITION!

33. Covenant. Kira is kidnapped and told to drink the Kool aid. The utter destruction of Dukat’s character is here and full frontal, for that godawful Pah’Wraith nonsense. I liked them in ONE episode. The one where Keiko was kidnapped. I only didn’t add the other episode because I found the idea of Kira and Jake having a DBZ bean battle HILARIOUS. This though, was boring and more like a life time movie then an episode of Trek.

34. Prodigal daughter. Wow, an Ezri episode. Want to see Ezri meet her annoying awful family, and learn the events of O’Brien’s episode with the Orion Syndicate meant nothing? No? WELL TOO BAD! It’s a dull experience that at best is boring, and at worst infuriates you with how bad it is. I’m O’brien In this episode. In pain and full of contempt.

35. The Emperors new cloak. The Mirror Universe episodes got bad. How bad? A ferengi episode had to replace It. I actually like Ferengi episodes, but man this one was just... bad. Not even a lesbian Ezri, Kira, and Leeta can save this train wreck of an episode. Still, nice to know Mirror Universe Garak is a super saiyian with the fact he was half dead and still could fight off a guy twice his size.

For 173 episodes, the fact 20% is bad should sound bad, but honestly I love DS9. As I even stated, even a lot of these bad eps have some good stuff in it. Course, if you disagree with me, that’s fine. Just remember, if you disagree with me i’ll Have O’Brien and Bashir kick your ass like they did to Worf, Martok, and Sisko for that wedding nonsense.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

And here's my "you could probably skip these, but I personally wouldn't" B-list tier for Season 1:

"A Man Alone" - This one isn't the best written of episodes, but it centers on Odo, and I think he's interesting. Plus, it asks the question: Why is Odo still in charge of station security, anyway? I mean, it doesn't answer that question, but it at least asks it.

"Babel" - This is, at its core, a fairly stock disease plot, but it's got some great character moments, it's got a rather surprising (for Star Trek at least) resolution to the mystery, it's got some great Quark/Odo comic relief, and c'mon, I can't imagine liking Star Trek without enjoying this kind of cheesy-fun episode to some extent.

"The Nagus" - The Ferengi episodes get really annoying really fast, especially given that they keep hitting the same notes over and over and over and over. But since this is the first time, it's not that grating yet.

"Dramatis Personae" - Another one for the "Trek cheesy-fun episode" pile. It's written by Joe Menosky, so you know it'll be a bit weird.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Makeshift Python »

Truthfully, I don’t believe in telling anyone to skip particular episodes. For example I really like “Progress” for Kira’s story, but I can understand why others may find it “boring”. However if you love Kira, it’s almost essential viewing just to see her growth throughout the first season.

I understand DS9 having so many episodes make binges massive, but I honestly believe you should only watch one episode each day. Most episodes are designed to be digested one by one, with only a few arcs that call for binging.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Nobody700 wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:42 am The episodes I would skip in any rewatch of DS9, in order from start to finish

While I disagree with you on a few of those, I have to say that most of those descriptions were more interesting than the episodes they were describing. :lol:
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by Nobody700 »

Durandal_1707 wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:01 am
Nobody700 wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:42 am The episodes I would skip in any rewatch of DS9, in order from start to finish

While I disagree with you on a few of those, I have to say that most of those descriptions were more interesting than the episodes they were describing. :lol:
Oh I knew posting mine would get people to think ‘he hated this episode? What a moron’ and I don’t blame them. Thanks for enjoying my little commentary though.
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Re: If I want to binge DS9 what episodes can I skip?

Post by tacomoney »

Wow a lot more responses then I was expecting.

Thank you everyone, for your opinions, its a lot to process.

Sorry I am just responding now, dealing with getting back to work after long weekend.
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