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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 4:11 pm
by BBally81
Madner Kami wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:17 pm
BBally81 wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:24 am A hilarious thing happened recently, a certain someone on twitter posted his review of the game which he shows he was not particularly fond of the game and some guy reacted negatively to that saying how he was a whiney loser who didn't get the game and its theme.

The hilarious part, that certain someone who written that review was William Gibson, the man who popularized the entire Cyberpunk genre in fiction.
Art can transcend the artist, it happens all the time. Do you have a link at hand? I'd like to read his points. Or is this "recent review" in fact, Gibson's June 2018 comment about it looking like a GTA-clone?

Sure, a bit of a correction, Gibson didn't write the review he just retweeted a review from (I was tired when I posted the original post) but that person still gave him grief for it by saying this:
"Funny, all the people who I know who've played it (on PC) love it, but they are fans of the genre and not Twitter complainers who whine because something wasn't exactly tailored for their wants," ... 4080948224

This is the article he retweeted:

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 4:30 pm
by Madner Kami
Some Rando on Twitter commented to William Gibson's opinion of the game.


Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 7:36 pm
by Madner Kami
Coming back here, about half a year later. Now that I finally went through the entire game (I wish my life would give me as much time to get things like this done more swiftly, as it did back in my youth - it's wierd how much things change despite not changing much apparently), I went back to some pieces, commentary and examinations, that I purposefully avoided before, something which I never did for any other media before. Anyways, there's this think-piece I very much agree with upon on most levels, by Noah Caldwell-Gervais:

What Kind Of Game Did Cyberpunk 2077 Turn Out To Be, Anyway? [SPOILERS]

It beautifully encapsulates the literal development-hell surrounding the game, it's release, creation and existence by stating this line:
Corporate choices at the upper and middle levels of CD Projekt Red have essentially permanently sabotaged their anti-corporate video game.
This simple and true observation is mind-blowing, because it neatly points out everything wrong with the game (as in reality) and everything wrong within the game (as in the setting). The game is an absolute gem, because it comments on everything wrong with reality within the game and displays everything wrong with reality by the mere existence and development-reality of the game. To me, this game is a meta-commentary on a meta-commentary endlessly looping in on itself.

And yet, here I am. Replaying it. Why? Maybe it's silly, but the game manages to connect to me, my experiences, expectations, outlooks and, in some regards, hopes on a level that few things managed to do in my past. It's a flawless flaw, a spotless stain, a perfectly planned accident, the most expertly rough polished diamond. In a way, it's life.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 7:52 pm
by Riedquat
Madner Kami wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 7:36 pm
And yet, here I am. Replaying it. Why? Maybe it's silly, but the game manages to connect to me, my experiences, expectations, outlooks and, in some regards, hopes on a level that few things managed to do in my past. It's a flawless flaw, a spotless stain, a perfectly planned accident, the most expertly rough polished diamond. In a way, it's life.
Interesting, because whilst I liked the game well enough I don't have any particular interest in replaying it yet. And what's more interesting is that you said that it manages to connect to you, because I think my lack of replay interest is because it failed to do that with me - I ended up with no interest in the setting, no connection to it or the characters, no curiosity about it all.

I suppose from that perspective it could be viewed as a success, because I'm quite far down that path with how the real world is now and fear that it'll be entirely that in the future.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:30 am
by Madner Kami
I'd just like to take the chance and point out, that patch 1.5 has been released. It's another huge step forward and I very much recommend checking out the patchnotes and the accompanying patch-stream.

And naturally I recommend (re)playing it. :)

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:18 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
They had their chance. You either let Matrix Resurrections on the table or it's no deal.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:58 pm
by CharlesPhipps
I am genuinely surprised at the changes I've seen:

* Apartment customization. I chose hot pink.

* 4 new apartments to buy, two crappy ones and two very nice ones.

* Completing a Fixer's quests gets you a personalized farewell and gift for doing so.

* You can now control what appears on your map

* You can now refuse phone calls

* You can now skip the tutorial braindance of Judy's

* Driving has been overhauled so its not complete ass. You can now do doughnuts.

* You have headlights on your motorcycle at night and Tron Lines on the rims

* The crowds no longer spawn clones.

* The crowds now have varied reactivity including some people pulling guns, others fleeing, and

* The water physics actually exist now with ripples and pools and splashes.

* The timer is changed so you know what the time is you're going to.

* You can now customize V at the mirrors at your apartment to any way you like.

* The knife throwing attack is now as many as you want and no longer broken with new animations.

* They added makeup and other style options for V in customization, including lipstick.

* You actually get naked when you take a shower.

* You get buffs for sleeping and showering.

* Watching the TV shows is now much easier and more investing

* There's various activities at your apartments like making yourself coffee, playing pool, playing the

* Johnny Silverhand photo mode (I mean...sure)

* You can now have more texts with your dates and romance moments like waking up next to them in
your bed.

* You actually sleep in your bed like a normal human being with your head on one end and feet on the

* The Skill Tree has been overhauled to have less useless options like being undectable under water.

* Enemy health has been rebalanced as have weapons to be more challenging but also easier in some cases (The final boxing match)

* They removed the exploits where you could use a weapon in the boxing matches

* Crafting has been rebalanced.

* PS5 and Xbox S include a lot more graphics upgrades.

* They've added dozens of jackets so because why not.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:52 am
by ProfessorDetective
Given my fortunate ownership of a Series S, I might grab it if it goes below $40. It looks like they are properly trying to earn that comeback.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:24 pm
by Nealithi
Ugghh. So I have not gotten to the new content. I decided to start fresh and oh look I have no arms. Roll a new character again. Scenes running so ssslllooowww. When I first got this in Jan 2021 I barely saw any graphics glitches. But with every update fixing things for other people I am suddenly getting them in spades.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:37 pm
by hammerofglass
Finally played this. Other than the driving being bad on a keyboard (resolved by plugging in an Xbox controller) no technical problems. Did a stealthy sword build, turn on bullet time and heads roll :D

Lots of fun once I got into the mindset. V has a written personality that you can only influence a little, and that took a bit to realize. Which once Johnny showed up (it was the main focus of marketing it's not a spoiler) made me feel like a third voice in her head more than anything. The characters are complex and human in a way that you don't see a lot in RPGs. I can really see it sucking if you aren't into it emotionally and rolling on the pure id of the experience or just want to play an actual hero though, V is a terrible person who makes poor decisions.

I also really appreciate how many confrontations just let you shoot somebody who had double-crossed you in their lying face while they try to make excuses instead of how most RPGs make you go through a whole conversation tree and formally Enter Combat, it's satisfying in a very visceral way. "Just shoot them" also takes a lot of the sting out of some of the darker material, like the absolutely horrifying stuff in Evelyn's quest line.

The songs they did for Samurai being actually good songs was a surprise. Never Fade Away and Black Dog are unironically going in my driving song rotation. Never heard of Refused before, need to look them up.