Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

finn & poe failed as soldiers, and got pretty much everyone around them killed as a result.
I actually don't blame Finn and Rose for those deaths. As poorly thought out as their plan was, it would've, at worst, gotten just them and DJ killed. However, Poe's failure at OPSEC doomed all those lives. There was literally no need for Finn to know about the shuttles, since he was going to s ship that had two men aboard it that can rip information from a person's mind. That blood is, to me, on Poe's hand.

Finn still failed of course, along with Rose, Poe and Rey.
Rocketboy1313 wrote:
Ordo wrote:I own this book and I completely forgot about this section...guess I'm going to have to go back and review it again for hints about the future.
Yeah, Rian Johnson posted that exact thing on Twitter today and it kind of got a lot of nerd attention.

I still find it a little weird that modern creatives have to point to something in a textbook to justify a clever use of space magic in a story about space magic. But, I guess he has precedent, that should appeal to people to stop complain... no, no they are still bitching.
Of course they're still complaining, they're not about to let a little thing like pre-Disney established precedent get in the way of a good rant. I mean the old EU had FLOW walking....Jacen Solo sent his Astral Projection forward in time to talk to his mother at a fixed point from across the galaxy...and people want to complain about Luke's projection....Heck even the CLONE WARS cartoon series had Palpatine using Astral Projection in an attempt to trick Yoda....but clearly what Luke did is too far....

Yeesh....I am almost finished with the Star Wars Fandom after this one. Love the saga, but (Just like with the Prince of Persia games and certain anime series) the fandom has sucked the joy out of discussion.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by unknownsample »

This tweet sums up a lot of the criticism to me ... 2777532416

Star Wars fandom, must be the only fandom where they spend hating on their show, than liking it.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

Outside its size, Star Wars fandom is no different than any other fandom. Sure, the demographics might vary somewhat, but if you get involved in fandom for a long-term franchise, at some point the same problems always crop up. Fandom is cool and all, but it definitely comes at a price at times in terms of big picture perspective, and obviously impartiality.

For myself, I've tried to be as impartial as I can be. Would, say, Luke's treatment bother me as much if I had no attachment whatsoever to the franchise? Probably not. At the same time, I was expecting to love this movie and for it to easily surpass TFA and Rogue One, both of which I enjoyed a lot. The idea that fans really wanted to hate the movie- there's always some of that, but in general I don't believe that to be the case. I know I certainly wanted to like it, but I didn't.

unknownsample wrote:Except Rey is flawed, she is naive and frankly arrogant in that she thinks she alone can redeem Ren. Ren uses and manipulates her in order to rid himself of Snoke and she needs help to deal with Snoke's guards (Ren kills the majority of them).

I don't recall any indication that she thinks she's the only one who can redeem Kylo, it's more that she's the only one willing to try. Even after she learned what Luke had done, Rey still asked Luke one last time if he would join her. Luke refused once again and showed no signs of changing his mind- it's not completely unreasonable to try to turn Kylo as a last hope.

Her plan worked as well as it possibly could have, with the death of the one Force user who might have been too powerful for her to face. Naivete is not what I consider to be a major character flaw (it's more like part of the character's charm), but the point is that it doesn't cost them anything. The revelation that her parents are "nobodies" has no repercussions and she handles it unbelievably well. By the end of the movie her flaw appears to have been solved. If a flaw can't be exploited, then it isn't much of a flaw.

Luke is given flaws that are the exact opposite of his established character, Finn is giving the flaw that I thought they fixed in the last movie, and Poe is turned into an over-the-top mutineer type- how do you do all those things and fail to give the central hero of the trilogy a real challenge? Heck, it's rubbed in the viewers' faces that she has no fear of darkness.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Admiral X »

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

Admiral X wrote:
1. Poe wasn't supposed to have been allowed on the Bridge, but security failed to keep him out. This suggests that Holdo was concerned about spies but apparently not as much as her guards.

2. Poe failed OPSEC by telling Finn information he didn't need to know. Finn and Rose's plan would've only gotten themselves killed when it failed. However by Poe telling them about the shuttles he became directly responsible for the deaths of all those other resistance memebers. Even if DJ hadn't deliberately traded that information for his life, it still could've been ripped from Finn, Rose or DJ's head by Snoke or Kylo Ren.

So yes, Poe did do something wrong, and people died for it.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by GandALF »

ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote: The revelation that her parents are "nobodies" has no repercussions and she handles it unbelievably well.
it's not a revelation that whole point. She's known whole time, she spends the first half of TFA talking about how she has to get back to Jakku to wait for her family, Maz has to remind that she knows that they're not coming back. She's been trying to live out a fantasy where she's the super special daughter of someone like Han or Luke. Kylo Ren then exploits her fear of the truth to manipulate her. That is not handling it "unbelievably well".
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote: Her plan worked as well as it possibly could have, with the death of the one Force user who might have been too powerful for her to face. Naivete is not what I consider to be a major character flaw (it's more like part of the character's charm), but the point is that it doesn't cost them anything. The revelation that her parents are "nobodies" has no repercussions and she handles it unbelievably well. By the end of the movie her flaw appears to have been solved. If a flaw can't be exploited, then it isn't much of a flaw.
You don't get points for being lucky. Her actions would've gotten her and Luke killed if Kylo hadn't picked that moment to betray Snoke, and her desire for answers about her parents, led her to trust Kylo Ren despite ALL evidence to the contrary. Also, ALL the characters seemed to have sorted out their flaws by films end.
Luke is given flaws that are the exact opposite of his established character,
During ROTJ, despite Luke repeating over and over again that he will not fight Vader he is twice goaded into a near killing rage by the words of two Sith Lords. This time it happens because of what he sees in Ben...but to Luke's credit he never actually takes a swing at Ben, and manages to calm himself down rather quickly.
Finn is giving the flaw that I thought they fixed in the last movie,
To be fair to the film, Finn is only really shown standing up for himself and Rey, and it's not firmly established that he's embraced the cause of the Rebellion in TFA, though he is clearly willing to work with them. That's why DJ works in TLJ, he's what Finn could become (refusing to join any side) if he continued on that path. Rose helps by showing him how this conflict is NOT just a battle between two ideologies by letting him see the suffering the FO is causing to the innocent by it's actions. Finn's story line in TLJ had some execution problems getting that point across, but it is there.
and Poe is turned into an over-the-top mutineer type-
Not really fair, we didn't get a good grasp of Poe's personality in TFA since he was originally slated to die and only survived once RJ figured out what to do with him in TLJ.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by PerrySimm »

unknownsample wrote:This tweet sums up a lot of the criticism to me ... 2777532416

Star Wars fandom, must be the only fandom where they spend hating on their show, than liking it.
A careful look at this thread shows that more people liked Episode VIII than disliked it. There's a fair number of neutral attitudes expressed as well.

Star Wars fans have always been and will always be more willing to suspend disbelief than Star Trek fans. There are fans that bend over backwards to find the silver lining in The Last Jedi - or even in the worst films in the prequels. However, there is no such mercy among Trek fans for Star Trek: Nemesis.

If you have liked this film in particular, it would be of interest to know which scenes, characters, or themes appealed to you.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

PerrySimm wrote: If you have liked this film in particular, it would be of interest to know which scenes, characters, or themes appealed to you.
Rey, Finn and Luke were my favorites though I give Kylo Ren props for continuing his slide into darkness. I love that this movie deals with failure, how to handle it and what should be learned from it as well it's commentary on the past and what should be taken from it to forge a better future.

As for specific scenes. My favorites are The Opening space battle, Kylo Ren's first chat with Snoke, the scene where Luke shows Rey how to connect to the force on Ach-to, the various versions of Kylo Ren's fall, Luke's chat with Yoda, Finn's team infiltrating the Supremacy, and the following fight with Phasma. Rey failing against Snoke only for Kylo to betray his master, Finn's attempt to sacrifice himself to stop the First Order and Luke's final stand. The last one is my favorite scene in the movie because it embodies the best qualities (IMHO) of the Jedi. I know some people wanted Luke to force throw AT-AT walkers around or some such...but watching him walk through that door to face Kylo Ren, and halt the entire First Order in it's going to stand as one of my favorite sequences in the entire Star Wars Saga. Add in the way Luke flat out humiliated Kylo Ren in a duel without ever attempting to attack him and that scene stands as a delicious cherry atop a tasty cake for me.

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

GandALF wrote:
ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote: The revelation that her parents are "nobodies" has no repercussions and she handles it unbelievably well.
it's not a revelation that whole point. She's known whole time, she spends the first half of TFA talking about how she has to get back to Jakku to wait for her family, Maz has to remind that she knows that they're not coming back. She's been trying to live out a fantasy where she's the super special daughter of someone like Han or Luke. Kylo Ren then exploits her fear of the truth to manipulate her. That is not handling it "unbelievably well".
She may have always known the truth, but the moment she was actually confronted with it she moves on without hesitation or depression. How does she do that after holding on to a fantasy for years?
Ordo wrote: You don't get points for being lucky. Her actions would've gotten her and Luke killed if Kylo hadn't picked that moment to betray Snoke, and her desire for answers about her parents, led her to trust Kylo Ren despite ALL evidence to the contrary. Also, ALL the characters seemed to have sorted out their flaws by films end.
You do get points for being lucky though. Isn't the whole point of the film learning from, building on, and moving past your mistakes? How do you do that if you escape any consequences for your actions?

To use an analogy- let's say a person fires a gun in a random direction while blindfolded, without any awareness of what was going on around him. If that person shoots another person, he's going to have to deal with the consequences of his incredibly stupid decision. If there's no one around and the bullet doesn't hit anyone- yeah, it's still an incredibly stupid decision, but it's kind of hard to care about it when there's no actual damage done. We can debate just how naive or flawed Rey might not be, but she's the only one to get away without any damage done, which makes it hard to take her arc seriously in light of all the havoc caused by the other characters. It isn't compelling.

That's also why I bring up her flaws being sorted out by the end. Normally that would be fine, except that it means that we may never get any moral conflict for the character. She's on track to have almost no room for that kind of growth in IX.
During ROTJ, despite Luke repeating over and over again that he will not fight Vader he is twice goaded into a near killing rage by the words of two Sith Lords. This time it happens because of what he sees in Ben...but to Luke's credit he never actually takes a swing at Ben, and manages to calm himself down rather quickly.
Given the ambiguity in the presentation, I don't have a huge problem with that scene or see it as necessarily out of sync with OT Luke (although I understand the POV of those who do). What I think is completely contrary to the Luke we knew is what came after that.
To be fair to the film, Finn is only really shown standing up for himself and Rey, and it's not firmly established that he's embraced the cause of the Rebellion in TFA
Finn's story line in TLJ had some execution problems getting that point across, but it is there.
Fair enough. It's the easiest thread to criticize in terms of execution, and I don't think it's an arc that Finn really needed, since you could easily be excused in thinking (as I did) that Finn had already dealt with that. But I can't say that it's out of character.
Not really fair, we didn't get a good grasp of Poe's personality in TFA since he was originally slated to die and only survived once RJ figured out what to do with him in TLJ.
You're right, he was a pretty blank slate in TFA. I'm not saying (or shouldn't say) that it's out of character, more that RJ didn't pull any punches with the character and his failings, which highlights all the more the ease of Rey's journey.
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