Star Trek: Strange new worlds

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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Frustration wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 6:49 pm
McAvoy wrote: Sat May 07, 2022 5:31 am Fair reviews at least would show positives and negatives. You can't tell me that all of nuTrek has 100% shitty scenes.
If 90% of it is garbage, does it really matter if there's an occasional bit that is only mediocre?

Here, conduct an experiment: get a big pot, put it on your stove, and empty a can of soup into it. Then fill that can with sewage and pour it into that pot, repeat eight times. Would you want to eat the result?
That's basically the point in a nutshell. People keep showing up in the sushi restaurant, screaming, "SUSHI IS DISGUSTING! HOW CAN YOU EAT THIS SHIT!" Furthermore, that these individuals show up every day to let it be known how much they hate sushi and how no true Japanese person likes sushi.

It gets annoying for people trying to enjoy their sushi and you can understand why they would just stop trying to talk about how much they hate sushi, especially if other people are discussing what they like about their meals.

It's the problem of OBJECTIVE FANDOM which is the theory that there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to enjoy something. The problem with the concept is it's COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Yet so many are poassionately devoted to the idea that no one sane can enjoy these shows that they keep shitting on the actual fans day because they think they must be...I dunno, imposters or bots or something.
Worffan101 wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 7:20 pmIf I'm reviewing Tom Kratman's latest neo-Nazi wank fantasy, I'm not gonna have much positive to say. Most of my review will consist of "the prose sucks, the author's politics are obvious and toxic, the action sucks, the author's understanding of military matters is shockingly bad for someone who was a literal Lt. Colonel in the Army, and the entire thing is one long polemic about how Tom Kratman is a genius who wasn't appreciated by those pussies in the Pentagon and their effeminates concern for "human rights", don't read this bullshit." Because Tom Kratman's books are like that.
Just so we're clear, you're comparing liking DISCO and Picard with being a fan of the guy who thought reviving the Waffen-SS to fight aliens was an actual book to write?

I'm sorry, I will never get that level of hate. Because of DISCO and Picard I got my wife to watch DS9 and TNG in its entirety and she still prefers the former but now calls herself a Trekkie.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Mabus »

Having watched the pilot for the second time, my opinion hasn't changed much, I think it's still alright, it's a nice start, hopefully it doesn't nosedive like the previous 2 shows.
However, I still think that the series needed a longer pilot, TNG, DS9 or VOY also had a longer pilot, and longer pilots or a two-parter pilot is common in other TV series as well.
Like, what was the alien-of-the-week story about? Were they in a cold war with the other faction? Was the other faction the separatists or was it actually this one? Why are they fighting? Why does that matter? Are they evil? Are the others evil? Why are the civilians protesting? Against war? Against the "warp bomb"? Since this was clearly modeled after the anti-Trump protests/6th of January, were the civilians also protesting against the government? Why should I even care about the aliens? Since they're aliens-of-the-week and you're probably not gonna bring them back later anyway, you could spend like 5 more minutes characterizing them and their society.

Though there are a few minor nitpicks that still bother me a bit:
-Why did Batel call the communicator "phone"? Nobody calls SD cards "mini-floppy disks" even though they're somewhat similar in appearance and they're like 20 years apart so everyone should remember both. And it's been like 200 years since the last time anyone ever used a flip phone. Feels like the writers just tried to make a lame "communicators are flip phones" joke.
-Pike keep seeing himself irradiated is more comedic than serious.
-"As you're all aware" I hate that stupid trope, it's the laziest way to sugarcoat your exposition, not just here, but in any film, series or other work. If they're aware of their mission, why repeat what they already know? Just say what you want to say without that stupid phrase.
-Kind of weird for a ship that big to only have three crewmen on board. Even the runabouts had more people on board.
-"Plasma torpedoes? That's 21st century tech!" Pretty sure Romulans will be using them a decade later and they're a big deal when that happens.
-"We cannot show ourselves" They nuked you... and the other ship, most likely captured its crew, they spotted you in their alien-NORAD, they are already contaminated, I don't think General Order 1 applies in any regard.
-What, they forgot to put guards in Sickbay in the event the aliens resist the sedative and try to run away? Is the ship run by morons?
-They must have some pretty good telescopes if they could see stuff from <1 LY away and reverse engineer tech that they don't understand. We can barely see Pluto here, let alone understand its atmospherical composition, and we're only a bit less advanced than they are. It would have made more sense if one of those drones from the battle somehow tried to run away and instead crashed on their planet, the aliens found it and tried to reverse-engineer its warp drive thing.
-"You remember when elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers" "What's an elephant?" "The Kikuyu people..." "I'm sorry who?" "...of Kenya, Africa" "I'm sorry, WHO?" "...on Earth" "Well... I'm not from Earth, why do you tell me about stuff I don't understand?"
-"30% of the population" pretty sure the casualties of WW3 were stated to be around 600 million, so unless the population at the time was 2 billion, they've screwed up the numbers...

As a side note, I don't care that they changed the race for the character of Robert April, I don't think many fans hold TAS as 100% canon, and I for one just don't care if it's canon or not, I'll just ignore any discrepancies with the animated series. That, or April is the first "transracial" character in Trek. :lol:
The acting is alright for most of the part, Mount does a good job with what he's given. Still not convinced that Peck is Spock, he sounds too much like someone trying to imitate a Vulcan.

Overall I'd give it a 7/10, could have been higher if the alien-of-the-week story was a bit better developed.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Worffan101 »

Yeah, the pace was a little fast and the aliens of the week underdeveloped, but the character work was solid.

Well, except for Little Miss 3edgy5u, but whatever.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Frustration »

3edgy5u? Why not 2edgy4u?
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Worffan101 »

Frustration wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:47 pm 3edgy5u? Why not 2edgy4u?
Because 2 edges isn't enough edge.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by CharlesPhipps »

-"We cannot show ourselves" They nuked you... and the other ship, most likely captured its crew, they spotted you in their alien-NORAD, they are already contaminated, I don't think General Order 1 applies in any regard.
I don't think that's a mistake since that's why they clear Pike of wrongdoing.
-"30% of the population" pretty sure the casualties of WW3 were stated to be around 600 million, so unless the population at the time was 2 billion, they've screwed up the numbers...
If 600 million died in the initial bombardment, it might have led to a lot more dying of later causes.
-They must have some pretty good telescopes if they could see stuff from <1 LY away and reverse engineer tech that they don't understand. We can barely see Pluto here, let alone understand its atmospherical composition, and we're only a bit less advanced than they are. It would have made more sense if one of those drones from the battle somehow tried to run away and instead crashed on their planet, the aliens found it and tried to reverse-engineer its warp drive thing.
Well they're not reverse engineering the tech. They figured out how to create Warp Fields by seeing them in action.

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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Deledrius »

Worffan101 wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 7:08 am I mean, there's dumb stuff in the SNW premiere, too. But the character work is solid for the most part and the plot is decent if fast paced, and bringing back the meeting room scene was a good idea.
It works because the stuff that's iffy doesn't get in the way or actively sabotage the good parts. It's the same reason some classic episodes are considered classic (despite not being perfect) and other episodes of the old shows are fairly universally panned (despite being made with and by the same people).
CharlesPhipps wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 9:32 pm
-They must have some pretty good telescopes if they could see stuff from <1 LY away and reverse engineer tech that they don't understand. We can barely see Pluto here, let alone understand its atmospherical composition, and we're only a bit less advanced than they are. It would have made more sense if one of those drones from the battle somehow tried to run away and instead crashed on their planet, the aliens found it and tried to reverse-engineer its warp drive thing.
Well they're not reverse engineering the tech. They figured out how to create Warp Fields by seeing them in action.
The show kinda glossed over this and seemed to conflate the two, but rationally speaking this appears to be what they meant and is what I assumed was the point while watching. It gave them the idea to follow a specific rabbit hole, knowing it was possible. It stretches credulity a bit (there are likely a lot of invisible hurdles to overcome), but not as much as the alternatives.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by McAvoy »

Frustration wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 6:49 pm
McAvoy wrote: Sat May 07, 2022 5:31 am Fair reviews at least would show positives and negatives. You can't tell me that all of nuTrek has 100% shitty scenes.
If 90% of it is garbage, does it really matter if there's an occasional bit that is only mediocre?

Here, conduct an experiment: get a big pot, put it on your stove, and empty a can of soup into it. Then fill that can with sewage and pour it into that pot, repeat eight times. Would you want to eat the result?
The better question is why are you then?

What's the difference between 'hey this is sewage!' and 'hey this is soup with sewage in it!'?

So if you feel this way, why are you watching it? To complain about something?

Because in your analogy, that can of soup might be your favorite soup. Still eight cans of sewage right? More sewage than soup right?

Or is that soup your favorite I wonder?

I could keep going on with that analogy of yours of course.
I got nothing to say here.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by Frustration »

Watching? I'm not watching! It's part of why I'm so grateful sites like SF Debris exist - so that I can get a good sense of what various programs are like, without my having to actually watch them myself. If they look even reasonably good I'll go watch 'em.

There was a time when I would have argued that it was critically important for each of us to form our own independent opinions. Now I've realized that creators are taking advantage of that attitude to create atrocious art and get people to see it. Review sites let me be selective about what I reward financially, in addition to providing thoughtful analysis and silly humor.
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Re: Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Frustration wrote: Tue May 10, 2022 4:14 pm Watching? I'm not watching! It's part of why I'm so grateful sites like SF Debris exist - so that I can get a good sense of what various programs are like, without my having to actually watch them myself. If they look even reasonably good I'll go watch 'em.

There was a time when I would have argued that it was critically important for each of us to form our own independent opinions. Now I've realized that creators are taking advantage of that attitude to create atrocious art and get people to see it. Review sites let me be selective about what I reward financially, in addition to providing thoughtful analysis and silly humor.
Uh huh. Or maybe some people think it's good and you're not right that it's objectively bad.

Just saying.
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