Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Oh, I definitely understand that desire to take something stupid and try to make it work. But Dany/Loki is a pretty big challenge to overcome. Not meaning to be overly critical, but my usual approach to slash fic in general is that the "slash" part comes at the detriment of the "fic" part. Meaning that when people write romance or sex, the goal is generally to titillate (or, in fan fic, to promote certain characters/pairings at the expense of others), which means different priorities than if you're trying to write a strong narrative for some other purpose.

And that's without even getting into the age issues, which adds a whole new level of creepiness unless you make it an older Dany. Yes, I know that the world of GoT follows pseudo-Medieval values about sex and marriage, but Asgardians don't, as far as we know, so I see no good reason to go out of one's way to make Loki a child molester, on top of his many canonical sins. While the thought of doing so for fan service is obviously repulsive (I'm not saying that's your intent, of course).

But even with shipping in general, I've seen so many good premises killed because the story was warped to fit the ship, rather than having the characters' actions grow organically from their personalities and the premise. So, I've nothing against sex or romance in fiction on principle, but I do wish that slash wasn't so dominant in fan fiction. Especially since the number of even professional writers who can write romance or sex well is, in my opinion, depressingly small. Though to some extent this just falls, again, under "different people have different tastes."

Still... you know the Sherlock Holmes quote, about how (paraphrasing) its a mistake to theorize without data, because you start twisting data to fit theories rather than theories to fit data? Likewise, in my opinion, its a mistake to ship and then write a story around it, because you start twisting the story to fit the ship, rather than having the ship develop from the story. :)
Oh if I were going to do this I would definitely use Dany's age from the show (which I believe was eighteen). I probably won't because like I said I have a hard enough time finding time to write things I actually want to write out of things besides a petty desire to show the kids how it's done, but if I did I would definitely make her older. I'd also have to power down the Asgardians as individuals and a nation significantly to not completely overpower everyone else.

And I agree that the obsession with shipping is sometimes annoying when trying to find good fanfiction, especially if that's a secondary concern or less for you as a reader. I tend to keep romance as a subplot, but I admit sometime I've built a story around it. But usually I wait until I have a good idea for a decent main plot to construct the story around rather than the romantic subplot.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Well, it could work with an older Dany and a less-powerful Loki. Maybe have something depower Loki before his arrival (at least partially). There's canon precedent for depowering an Asgardian in the MCU, after all.

But shipping in general... yeah.

I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with sex in a story, of course. Nothing wrong with a non-canon relationship, even, if it fits the circumstances and characters and its well-written (it usually isn't).

But it gets annoying when, sometimes, it seems like that's all there is. I like stories that are about world-building, or politics, or other aspects of characterization. And those can be depressingly hard to find.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

The Romulan Republic wrote:But shipping in general... yeah.
Is this a bad time to say I've lately been thinking Captain Georgiou and Commodore Paris would've gotten on really well...? Like maybe before getting command of Shenzhou, Georgiou was XO to Captain Paris (and the reason she's never run into a Klingon is they were specifically avoiding Paris like the Borg with Sisko).

Anyway. That aside, I've got a tonne of fanfic ideas on the back burner, and they're all Willow and Tara. Sebacean Tara and Nebari Willow get a crew together to Ocean's 11 Natira. Tara is the Goblin Queen and sings all the Bowie songs (this one doesn't end like the movie, obviously). Captain Rosenberg, USS Palomino. Tara M'Clay and Willow is a geth. I did write the one where Tara's a princess in a tower and Willow's the dragon, but I've been meaning to follow that up sometime. I had a sequel figured out to the Diablo one, but the original was like 400,000 words, I don't have the time. Smut Bunnies. The Shadow again. Jem and the Holograms via Eurovision as a kind of pseudo Mortal Kombat, and the soundtrack is all Roxette. Tara's a Time Lady (I mean, just for Romana I's white dress, if nothing else). It's been a while since I did Nano, but I'm thinking I may take a shot at it this year and see if I can do the one where Willow lives in a world floating in the sky and Tara's a sapient idea. There's a lot of this sort of thing.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Steve »

For fun, I will share with you one of the many crazy fic ideas I've had over the years. This one is from December 2013. And presented in properly over-melodramatic style, think "Defenders of the Earth"-style from the 80s.
Reality is in peril as a mysterious threat plots to unravel existence. Five champions of different worlds must work together to save us all!

Winged avenger of the Justice League, SHAYERA HOL, HAWKGIRL

Wizard and champion of mortals against the things that go bump in the night, HARRY DRESDEN

Wielder of the elements and bridge between the material world and the spirits, AVATAR KORRA

Brilliant mutant engineer and scientist, skilled in the art of ninjitsu, DONATELLO THE NINJA TURTLE

Timeless wanderer, the master of time and space, THE DOCTOR

Naturally, Hilarity and Awesome Ensues.;) (Note: In case you're unsure, this would be the DCAU version of Hawkgirl, post-series).
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by phantom000 »

Here are a couple i thought about but never wrote because they just are not flesh out enough.


Azula's Son: I like the idea of Azula escaping and having a child and this is actually what makes her 'good'. I was afraid people would think i was anti-feminist or something, that the message i was going for was 'having a baby will fix everything' what i actually wanted was that having a child of her own allows her to understand her family. Why Ursa would go so far to protect Zuko, why Iroh lost the will to fight on after Lu Ten died and why Ozai never saw her as a daughter, just another minion to do his bidding.

The Return of the Blue Spirit: The United Republic has to deal with an anarchist/vigilante, or maybe a group of them, known only as The Blue Spirit. It's not Zuko, but they are inspired by the stories of his exploits; how he rescued the Avatar from the Fire Nation, how he freed Appa from the Dai Lee and how he tracked down and punished Fire Nation collaborators. I can't decide if it should be Aang or Korra who has to deal with it, but it just seems like a neat idea.

Teen Titans

BlackFire's story: Blackfire never really liked being a princess. She did not like that most of her life had already been planned out and did whatever she could to escape it. Her mother finally tried to force her into an arranged marriage and Blackfire was willing to go along with it, until she saw how insufferable her suitor really was. Their courtship is peppered with spats and arguments leading up to an incident where he barges in on her while she is taking a shower and she promptly blasts him through the wall. Except her mother tells her that she must make a public apology to him. So instead she just leaves Tamaran and vows never to return.


Darius is the son of Aladdin and Jasmine, very smart but also a spoiled and self centered. Being the son of the two greatest heroes in history he usually gets his way if only because of the respect people have for his parents. One day he is about the city looking for kicks when he meets an old blind beggar woman. She says she lost her way and wants him to lead her home, she even offers him a reward of a single red rose (*hint hint* *wink wink*) but he tells her he has bettered things to do, that a prince can't be bothered with such trivial things. This is when she reveals herself to be the enchantress and in casts a spell that teleports far away, forcing him to live on his wits while he finds his way back home.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Steve, your idea intrigues me, and I'd particularly like to see how The "it's just a weird kind of science" Doctor deals with actual, 100%, non-technobabble magic.

Doctor Who Archangel of the Thals
This idea I actually attempted, but I lost steam and spent energy on my original fiction and other fanfic projects. (I still have a novel-length MLP fanfic I promised I'd finish up before starting a new fanfic).
Basic premise is, while the Kaleds pursued more tank-like constructions and mechanical augmentations resulting eventually in the Daleks, the Thals focused their war efforts on advanced biotech. Based on some encounters with the Doctor throughout their history, they have formed an anti-Dalek religion centered on his worship. The Archangel is one such bioweapon, awakened from cryogenic sleep by his touch, and she follows him as a faithful angel devoted to her god, despite his assistance that he is not divine.
The story would follow this particular companion in a sort of back-and-forth dialogue with the Doctor, using their time-space hijinx as examples. He keeps insisting he's not a god, she keeps providing evidence that he is, drawing on various mythological tropes and theological premises, with the ultimate goal being a deconstruction of the No Such Thing As Space Jesus trope. Another factor is him trying to show this living weapon from a war-torn world that the larger cosmos isn't all about fighting and bloodshed, while she has this view kind of reinforced by the fact that everywhere they go something tries to kill them.
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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »


Though, my view is that the Doctor is not a god- the TARDIS is, and the Doctor is her prophet/emissary (somewhat tongue-in-cheek here).

I have an unfinished Who/Dresden Files fic over on SDN which I... to be honest, kind of bungled, mainly because I was writing from memory and got some canon details wrong. Oh, well, wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey. ;) One of the ideas I had considered playing around with is that the Doctor is something that was hinted at in canon in "The Doctor's Wife"- basically the TARDIS's puppet/tool for fixing reality. I'd have drawn parallels between the Doctor and the Winter/Summer Knights in DF canon- just as the fairy queens are limited in how they can act in the mortal world, and so pick one mortal to act as their emissary/hit-man, the TARDIS is limited in her ability to interact with the world, and so uses the Doctor.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Steve »

Eh, when I tied Dresden into my Doctor Who-centric fic, I forgot canon stuff to. Like how zombies are controlled by simulated heartbeats done as drum playing or a similar beat-based rhythm (such as polka!). Although having a zombie plague powered by a Crack in the Multiverse was intimidating enough... ;)
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by FaxModem1 »

I've been wanting to make a fanfic that takes place around the events of Arkham Knight, centering around the character of Noel. Who is Noel, you may ask? This guy. He's the guy celebrating his birthday, alone, in Pauli's Diner right before things go to hell. A day in the life of an average guy just trying to survive. A story of unemployment because of Gotham's economy, joining Two-Face's gang out of financial desperation, homelessness due to Bruce Wayne's Gentrification of Founder's Island, and how Batman screwed him by putting all the bank robbers in prison over the course of the evening.

Batman may be a hero, but for Noel, it's the worst day of his life.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

FaxModem1 wrote:I've been wanting to make a fanfic that takes place around the events of Arkham Knight, centering around the character of Noel. Who is Noel, you may ask? This guy. He's the guy celebrating his birthday, alone, in Pauli's Diner right before things go to hell. A day in the life of an average guy just trying to survive. A story of unemployment because of Gotham's economy, joining Two-Face's gang out of financial desperation, homelessness due to Bruce Wayne's Gentrification of Founder's Island, and how Batman screwed him by putting all the bank robbers in prison over the course of the evening.

Batman may be a hero, but for Noel, it's the worst day of his life.
This sounds really interesting. I love stuff dealing with the everyday lives of people in these crazy fictional universes like comic books and Star Trek, and Gotham is about as crazy as you get. I can't seem to find it anymore but there was a tumblr called "Tweets from Gotham," that imagined how average people would react to such events - basically they were very jaded dealing with all this nonsense. One of them was something like, "A Halloween store opened across the street and it got robbed the next day. #CalmDownScarecrow #ItsSeptember."
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