Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Fixer »

I don't like the lighting kits they installed in the Nacelles. Obviously Pike's chief engineer was into case modding.

It's pretty good remake of the beloved Constitution refit with the original series deflector and red engine lights *Bussard Collectors. Lightyears ahead of the iPod enterprise in style and aesthetics.

That shot with both it and the Discovery just shows what an ugly looking design the Crossfield class is by comparison. Arguably the Crossfield is the ugliest ship in the entire new show. It makes me wonder if there were some SFX guys crying late at night over a cold pot of coffee as they tried to hammer the ship from the teaser into something halfway acceptable.

Edit: Using correct nerd terminology.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

Fixer wrote:I don't like the lighting kits they installed in the Nacelles. Obviously Pike's chief engineer was into case modding.

It's pretty good remake of the beloved Constitution refit with the original series deflector and red engine lights *Bussard Collectors. Lightyears ahead of the iPod enterprise in style and aesthetics.

That shot with both it and the Discovery just shows what an ugly looking design the Crossfield class is by comparison. Arguably the Crossfield is the ugliest ship in the entire new show. It makes me wonder if there were some SFX guys crying late at night over a cold pot of coffee as they tried to hammer the ship from the teaser into something halfway acceptable.

Edit: Using correct nerd terminology.
So, now I've watched the episode entirely. Here's my thoughts and takeaway:

First: The episode is sort of a falling action/bookend for the first season as a whole, but also the 'Identity Warrior' super-arc. There's a lot of things in this final episode, that mirror the start of the season - Mirror Georgiou and Michael on an away team, a weapon going down a well, Michael being paraded in front of Starfleet Brass again, Tilly being a spaz, and we must not ever forget Saru is a cow.

Speaking of Tilly: best scene ever, in her meeting with Mirror Georgiou. Our spazzy Tilly is treated with utmost respect and courtesy by Mirror Georgiou, very nearly even as an equal. Also, Tilly immediately picks up on the fact that Mirror Georgiou is in fact the Terran Emperor. Upon being reminded that Prime Tilly is not Captain Killy, the Emperor still is unfailingly polite with her, even helping to detox her after she gets high. Unfortunately, High!Tilly is not at all as entertaining as Drunk!Troi. Tilly may not be Sisko-grade badass yet - she lacks the capacity to ascend to Bajoran Godhood - but she's taking levels in badass (I'm pretty sure on her character sheet, she's at least a 4 BDAZZ 5 SCI 4 SPAZ). Much like a fungus, she's growing on me - equally impressive, since I regularly shower. That badass level just keeps going up!

I think the way ManKlingonBearPig Tyler/Voq was handled in this episode was great, actually. They really embraced the 'he's really two people' premise and gave him a real chance to tie up his character, but to be the fulcrum that the plot of the episode - and super-arc - turned upon. While his character has been rather clumsily used in the first season, I feel like his character got a satisfying "conclusion".

Mirror Georgiou on the other hand...first, she looks great in a leather bustier. Beyond that, I think she's a good candidate for the portrait on the 'Karma Houdini' TVTropes entry. She nearly ended the Klingon homeworld entirely, but got to walk away scot-free, more or less - and that's before her history of genocide and various other crimes. Of all the people that Starfleet could and should legally execute as an enemy of all sapient species...she's wandering free, and only God knows what that evil little succubus is going to get up to.

The biggest complaint I've been hearing about the episode is Starfleet speechifying about principles. I think those people weren't paying attention. The point is, that Starfleet advertised the mission for Qo'nos as one thing, but it was really a black op to destroy an entire planet, something very much against Starfleet's ideals (and most likely Gene's vision, no less. Hey Gene's vision 'bout them apples?) Starfleet ideals - and G'sV - won the day, because they had a Klingon defector who would be willing to provide a third option: much like the U.S. in the Cold War, being a Federation-"friendly" leader who was put in place to stabilize the nation and provide the Federation with favorable terms of co-existence*.

*: Like, not being wiped out. Pretty fair terms, when it comes to it...

The point of all that is to say, the speechifying might have been slightly excessive, but there was a point to it: no, we won't be like the Terran Empire. We won't wipe out a world to save ourselves. We will use diplomacy and personal bonds to build a new future, instead of tearing down and ending someone else's. We reject our base impulses. We want to be better, and that's what we'll do.

Now, I feel like Michael getting her commission back is a bit too generous. At best they should've kept her out of Starfleet, and instead commuted her sentence due to being placed in extraordinary hazard, but allowed her to stay on Discovery as a specialist (put differently, this is a time when maintaining status quo would've been believable and reasonable.) Also...what's her position on Discovery now? She's Commander, equal in rank to Saru. She can't really be #2 to anyone, given that she was drafted by Mirror Lorca...but she outranks most of the ship. So, unless she gets kicked onto a non-Discovery ship - something I doubt will happen, given that she's the main character, even if Tilly is threatening to overtake her - either Saru needs a promotion, a transfer, or to require a retirement in a couple of days...if you know what I mean.

...Or Mirror Georgiou could eat him. Saru is a cow...
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Paul Walker »

With season 1 out the way, I think this is easily the best season for consistency, and in a good way. Sure it had a few poorer episodes, but generally there was a good pace and feel to the show.

The finale should have people who didn't like the show acting in opposition to Gene's vision cheer, as it was humanities principles which saved the day. However, it was done from a position of strength, which meant they weren't overly needing the goodwill of the Klingons to do it. After all, if this plan failed there'd be no reason not to carry out this plan on the Klingons (at least that's how they would see it).

I like the new look of the NCC 1701. It's certainly superior to the JJ-verse, and since it's likely between the first pilot and the second pilot of TOS, it's not unreasonable to say that it's just a middle refit.
Asvarduil wrote:Now, I feel like Michael getting her commission back is a bit too generous. At best they should've kept her out of Starfleet, and instead commuted her sentence due to being placed in extraordinary hazard, but allowed her to stay on Discovery as a specialist (put differently, this is a time when maintaining status quo would've been believable and reasonable.) Also...what's her position on Discovery now? She's Commander, equal in rank to Saru. She can't really be #2 to anyone, given that she was drafted by Mirror Lorca...but she outranks most of the ship. So, unless she gets kicked onto a non-Discovery ship - something I doubt will happen, given that she's the main character, even if Tilly is threatening to overtake her - either Saru needs a promotion, a transfer, or to require a retirement in a couple of days...if you know what I mean.
As for Burnham, I thought allowing her back into Starfleet was fine, but, like Kirk in the Search For Spock and the Voyage Home, I think she should have been demoted.

Regarding ranks, it's not like starfleet is known for being overly strict on that, given that often Beverly Crusher was the most senior member of staff, yet only rarely covered the night shift or pulled in a few hours when others were away. Voyager had the same with Harry Kim, as an ensign, in command. Imagine Tilly genuinely commanding the night shift!?! That's an almost terrifying thought.

I have a suspicion that we may never meet the new captain, and that Saru will end up as captain, Burnham being his first officer. With Burnham eventually (a series or two down the line) making Captain.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by GandALF »

I like the idea that humans aren't uncommon on Kronos. There's both Roddenberry humans and less than Roddenberry humans.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Asvarduil wrote:Mirror Georgiou on the other hand...first, she looks great in a leather bustier. Beyond that, I think she's a good candidate for the portrait on the 'Karma Houdini' TVTropes entry. She nearly ended the Klingon homeworld entirely, but got to walk away scot-free, more or less - and that's before her history of genocide and various other crimes. Of all the people that Starfleet could and should legally execute as an enemy of all sapient species...she's wandering free, and only God knows what that evil little succubus is going to get up to.
While I'm not really disagreeing with you here... well, it'd be a bit hard for Starfleet to get on her case for that, since they did kinda authorize it and are thus equally guilty...
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by J!! »

Well, Emperor Georgiou is not a federation citizen, and all of her genocides were well outside Starfleet jurisdiction, so according to the good 'ol PD, they've legally got nothing on her.

Besides which, she's the best actor on the show, they can't not leave the door open for a comeback.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Did not like the ending, but liked the series. Hope they keep the anthology promise, next season should be about Saru and a human protagonist bouncing of each other and having adventures. Being co leads.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by PlasmaHam »

Agent Vinod wrote:Did not like the ending, but liked the series. Hope they keep the anthology promise, next season should be about Saru and a human protagonist bouncing of each other and having adventures. Being co leads.
I do hope the next season does more character development, or at least character development that doesn't revolve around Michael. Perhaps by giving a co-lead, like Saru, or simply just by embracing the ensemble cast

Also, just randomly thinking, it could be cool to introduce Prime Lorca early in season 2 as being alive, but trapped in the Mirror Universe. Then throughout the season having a small recurring story, unrelated to whatever Discovery is doing at the time, of Lorca trying to get back to the Prime universe. Maybe teaming up with mirror universe counterparts, like Mirror Culber, among others to formulate and enact some scheme to cross realities. And of course the finale of his story would somehow involve the Discovery getting involved and having to cope with facing the real Lorca after being manipulated by his counterpart. And perhaps you could include Mirror Georgiou in that too, allowing her to escape back to her reality (though personally I'm fine with her sticking around the main universe as a recurring and developing anti-hero).
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Admiral X »

GandALF wrote:So all they did is add more detail and make the nacelles glow blue, is it really worth getting upset over?Image
Anyone can see for themselves that they did far more than that.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Fixer »

So had some time to ruminate on my boredom from the last episode.

When it comes to the Klingon war, it hasn't been interesting at all. It's been a backdrop and motivation for the crew but so distant it has felt disconnected. What parts we did see were pale shadows of what we saw in DS9's Dominion war arc, and yes even Enterprise's Xindi war had great drama with the crew having to sacrifice for survival while suffering deep personal struggles.

Then, we have a 9 month timeskip and the war is lost and the Federation conquered. Only it isn't we lost 20% of Federation space and what was it, 50% of the fleet? Now the Klingons are in the Sol System charging for Earth and the solution is a desperate mission to the Klingon homeworld.

There was no feeling of urgency or dread. No real thought for what could be lost if they failed. It was just like another day at the office but with a comically evil villain in charge. Then a Deus Ex machina bomb, and a moral dilemma solved by handing the bomb to someone else. It is afterall, better to hand off a doomsday weapon to a religious fanatic and have them threaten to use it, rather than use it yourself.

The entire war plot looks like it was abandoned and so the Klingon war, this big moment in Star Trek history, has pretty much occurred offscreen.

Then comes Michael's character arc. Supposedly the speech at the end suggests that the lesson she learned was "Stick to Federation principles, my mistake was abandoning them." Except she has consistently done this throughout the series. Along with Stammets she has been the one voicing moral objections the entire series. She was declaring objections to a possible Bioweapon in the Episode she was recruited by Lorca.

If you were going to do a character arc for Burnham, maybe learning what true leadership is. Inspiring by Example instead of her "do what I say because I am so smart" approach from the pilot. Discovering she doesn't know everything and needs to rely on the skills and expertise of others. Having respect for other individuals, some humility, taking responsibility for ones actions. Maybe acting professionally and not making excuses so you can take Starfleet hardware for a joyride through a radiation cloud.

Some of these things were covered briefly. Such as finally giving respect to Saru after constantly being a dick to him. Expediency over morality and principles though? That's nothing she has personally had to overcome since episode 3. That has been everyone else's problem, that is why her speech at the end sounds so hollow and like when she made her lecture on the weakness of the Terran Empire, sounded like she was quoting verbatim from some Vulcan textbook on ethics rather than from personal insight.

There's all the pretence of a good Picard speech or TNG episode with none of the writing or groundwork that earns it. Likely this is the fallout from the mess of managerial fighting and production troubles in the background. The series focus being fixed on Space Commander Burnham, science commando only makes that worse.

Eventually though when it comes to the end of the season it looks like they're abandoning the "Dark Trek" plan and they're pointing towards old style optimism. The war was a wasted plot but the series took a sudden turn in direction around episode 6 where it had improved. The ending of this series and the assignment of a new captain suggests the possibility the same will happen again and we'll be on track for something actually meaningful.
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