New Picard trailer

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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Simplicius »

Yukaphile wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:59 pm ... they are ejecting the D'Deridex? OMG... well, there goes our nostalgia. Stupid fanboys will rail on it for that reason, which I don't think is their intent. It's just reflective of the times. The very cynical times we live in.
I don't have any inside information, I'm just inferring it from the fact that they're using the old TOS bird of prey and the fact that they've also removed the ridges ... I'm assuming it means they're abandoning the Berman Era's aesthetic entirely. I wonder if they're also abandoning the continuity stuff (from "Unification" for instance) but it's all just speculation on my part.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

I mean, OMG... it's just endless cynical pandering TOS nostalgia without actually adhering to the continuity of TOS, or if you wanna claim it never had it, create one! Who the hell is writing this shit?

I'm sure others will come in to state how, "We don't know the D'Deridex won't appear." And granted, that's true. But this is giving me bad vibes, same as with Simplicius. I've proven I could tolerate a lot and even evolve on my positions. But this feels cringe, won't lie. The Borg (overused), an android slave race, changing the Romulans' looks, Picard being like Mark Hamill? It is just... it's like this is being processed through a damned factory rather than carefully tailored with love because of what they think will sell in this harsh environment. Did they learn nothing from Star Wars?? :roll:

Hope I am proven wrong though.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Modern sci-fi feels so bleak and sterile. Hell, even as good as the visuals look in Star Wars, still strike me the same way from just like ten minutes of footage. OMG...
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Really, this whole thing strikes me as tone-deaf. They blatantly advertise this as "STAR TREK: PICARD" and yet... they're bringing him back like they did Mark Hamill for Luke Skywalker. Granted, the interpretation is there, I certainly won't lie, and it may be a better interpretation than all the TNG movies after Generations, where Picard just became an action hero, :roll: but even so, it still strikes me as wrong approach. Would the Picard we know of in TNG who cites the Prime Directive get so worked up over Romulus's destruction? Unless 31 was involved. But they're as overused as the Borg since the reboot. Anyway, I could see TNG Picard feeling they were saddened by the events in Romulan space, but provided help with support to refugees and so on. Hell, he said as much in "Ensign Ro." I am keeping my mind open, but just the initial premise strikes me as half-assed. No more critical thinking. And I think I've found the reason why in how the previous Trek writers before a certain point where probably educated at liberal arts schools. For those after that point? Business schools. Late-stage capitalism. A good story is here, don't get me wrong. The potential IS there. That said, I question their ability to handle it well given again, how tone-deaf they seem. "THIS IS STAR TREK: PICARD! BUT WE'RE MAKING HIM A BITTER OLD HERMIT!" It's what Star Wars did too. How the hell can they do that after Last Jedi? It seems very out of touch.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

The darkness calls to us all. It is tempting. To do evil. To give in to cynicism and despair. But even so... WE CAN RISE ABOVE IT. We don't have to fall to darkness and bleak skepticism that nothing changes. WE CAN DO BETTER. And I see none of that here.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Mecha82 »

Nothing in trailer gives me impression that Picard is "bitter old man" in his own series. More old old retired Starfleet officer who is coming back because he is needed again.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by clearspira »

I was debating not saying this but I saw the trailer again just now and I cannot contain myself any longer: Brent Spiner has not aged well. And seeing as the reason he wanted to be killed off in Nemesis was because he could no longer realistically portray an immortal android, what the hell was he thinking? To quote Plinkett: "Just happy to still be working".

Sorry to say but sometimes you are just too old for a role.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

@Mecha82 Hope so. I mean, this is not railing on DISCO so much as my contempt for modern Western writers because again, now emphasis is put on business schools than liberal arts schools. Late-stage capitalism sure is a bitch. And I've already said there is potential here. But who knows if they can pull it off?

@clearspira Can't disagree. That said, there might be an explanation in verse. If Data ever became "fully human," and had organic component added on, he could age ala Robin Williams in Bicentennial Man. But will they do that? Again, we'll see.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by clearspira »

Yukaphile wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:32 pm @Mecha82 Hope so. I mean, this is not railing on DISCO so much as my contempt for modern Western writers because again, now emphasis is put on business schools than liberal arts schools. Late-stage capitalism sure is a bitch. And I've already said there is potential here. But who knows if they can pull it off?

@clearspira Can't disagree. That said, there might be an explanation in verse. If Data ever became "fully human," and had organic component added on, he could age ala Robin Williams in Bicentennial Man. But will they do that? Again, we'll see.
I'm not opposed to Data becoming a cyborg. The way I see it, Data never truly wanted to become fully human, it was just an outcrop of the directives that Soong put into him so that he would want to emulate humanity as closely as possible. And that is pretty much stated on-screen when Julian noted Data's pulse or when Juliana Soong joked about how Data used to run around without any clothes and mentioned that Soong deliberately programmed the nudity taboo into him. It is also why he was so adamant when he thought that Q was going to ''gift'' him humanity - the living part of his brain was fighting those directives.

Becoming a cyborg is a nice middle ground between Data the man and Data the machine.

I do want a bloody good explanation for what happened to B4 though. The thought that all of this good came about because he mind raped his brother and stole his body? This is Luke Skywalker levels of character assassination. My hope is that this isn't actually Data but rather a composite entity of the two. It would still be dodgy, but on the other hand B4 was literally incapable of having a meaningful life beforehand so there is that argument. If they have the nuts to actually address this in a meaningful and thoughtful way then kudos but my faith levels in Star Trek at the moment are very low sadly.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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