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Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:05 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Frustration wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:11 pm Reusing an established baddie that had been definitively defeated? Yeah, that's pretty weak.
The reveal of the enemy as a matter of fan service is rather subsequent to the situation that the Titan is in. It’s a standoff situation, along with a b-plot that’s shedding light on things. As far as the fan service itself, it’s done rather tastefully.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:39 am
by Al-1701
Frustration wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:11 pm Reusing an established baddie that had been definitively defeated? Yeah, that's pretty weak.
Worf explained this is a breakaway faction unwilling to accept the armistice.

And it's quite believable. The Founders had ruled the Gamma Quadrant for two solar millennia, crushing all opposition. Then comes this cute little coalition of planets that had been together for a tenth as long that not only opposed them, not only held their own, but beat them and could've rendered them extinct if not for the kindness of their hearts.

This cannot stand. Starfleet is the reason they were beaten. Destroy Starfleet before they know what's happening and there is nothing standing in their way from taking over the Alpha Quadrant and showing the others the folly of accepting peace.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:36 am
by hypocratus
The only thing is that the Founders seem to be one entity, sort of. When Odo first went to their homeworld, he asked about them. The female changeling said, to paraphrase, the ocean becomes a drop and then the drop becomes the ocean. The only changelings that seem unique are the hundred. Though if it turns out it is the hundred, or some of the hundred, that would be cool and consistent with canon. There was the changeling that Odo met that was one of the hundred who hated solids.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:50 pm
by Durandal_1707
The Changelings liked to say that, but the show itself didn't seem to agree. Odo came in and out of the Link several times without losing his sense of self, and at one point the Founders even saw fit to punish him, which definitely doesn't make sense with the "ocean becomes the drop" mentality.

Plus, if you take that statement at face value, it means that Odo functionally doesn't exist anymore, which I dunno, I'd prefer it the other way. :shrug:

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:11 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
I think the female changeling differentiated herself as a leading agent more than the borg queen did.Even with the board queens orders, the board still largely operated holistically, while the founders operated more in fashion as the top echelon of a pyramid.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:19 pm
by Mabus
Well, I can't say I didn't like what I've seen in Ep. 3, and it's definitely better than the previous two, but I do feel somewhat conflicted. On one hand, it's good that at least for once there's some good stuff in NuTrek, rare as it is. Nice character moments, nice space battle. Not much else to say. It's an alright episode. On the other... they made it loud an clear back before the series premiered that "there won't be any TNG reunion" only for them to backpedal 2 years later and bring back most of the TNG cast anyway. Honestly, they should have just started with this stuff and skip everything else. Zhat Vash? Synthetic humanoids? AI tentacles? Giant Doomsday anomaly? Remember those? Yeah, me neither. It's clear as day and night that they had zero idea what to do with the character of Picard, despite their claims to the contrary. Neither of the new characters were written good, so apart from the worst one (Raffi), they all got the boot and replaced with the TNG cast, which was the most convenient solution, because you can always piggyback on their previous characterization. Which goes to show just how little they cared about the show. Just make TNG Season 8 and be done with it.

One interesting thing I noticed about this episode is the dialogue: every time there was a scene with the TNG actors talking, the dialogue felt much more natural (still had some issues, but at least it wasn't cringe) and it wasn't just the actors, the dialogue really didn't feel like the typical NuTrek dialogue. On the other hand, when there were two new characters or one veteran actor and a new actor talking, the dialogue was just weak, typical of the NuTrek dialogue. Like the dialogue in the scene with Seven and Sidney was completely nonsensical as was the short dialogue between the two officers staring outside the window. I have a feeling that Frakes, Stewart and McFadden might have rewritten some of their scenes, not sure how much, and probably got away with it, since they're Trek veterans, while neither of the new actors could do that, since they're new to the show. That's my theory anyway.

I can't say that this was a good Picard episode, because it wasn't one. It was just an alright TNG Season 8 episode.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:27 pm
by Madner Kami
Has anything come of Picard being an android or, possibly, bioroid now so far at all? Will they ever acknowledge and do something with that?

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:51 pm
by Mabus
Nope. I think they only referenced it once or twice so far this season.
Closest we got to acknowledge the fact that Picard is a robot is in S2 where The Observer enters Picard's mind when he's in the coma, and there was something about his robobrain that helped, but I don't recall all the details.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:10 pm
by Frustration
It was an immediate Band-Aid for the script problem. They don't care about their story more than that.

Re: Star Trek Picard season 3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:46 pm
Madner Kami wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:27 pm Has anything come of Picard being an android or, possibly, bioroid now so far at all? Will they ever acknowledge and do something with that?
If Kurtzman wasn't a freak for continuity they probably would have just cast aside the whole Space Alzheimer's thing from all good things.