The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Nealithi »

Yukaphile wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:34 pm And the Maquis were far from the "noble defenders of their homes" you paint them as. Everything I see points to the inevitable conclusion they were getting more extreme. Ironic you quote that given it came from a man who was a hypocrite in taking a stand from forcibly relocating people when he'd done that before. And you know what? Striking back when the Klingons were harassing the Cardassians really proves how much more extreme they'd gotten, because a far more pragmatic option wouldn't have been what they actually did. It would have been holding their ground rather than devolving into an imperialistic expansionist power. And I NEVER said the Maquis were Nazis. But I hate imperialism and expansionism. And that's the opposite of "not retreating," that's poisoning a planet to prepare it for conquest. Come on. They flat-out said in the episode it would leave the newly evacuated planets ripe for human colonization. Something Eddington confirmed when he said he wanted them to declare independence, and you just know the Cardassians would have born the brunt of that, and harshly. It was literally a "No Cardassians" policy at that time, and Eddington viewed even the civilians as beneath him. They can die and he won't bat an eyelash. That's despicable. And your analogy of the Vulcans vs. Romulans falls short. My whole point was the Maquis had changed from being a group of good people with legitimate reasons to fight for their homes to an imperialistic humanocentric empire under the leadership of Eddington.

Because he was escalating the stakes to an unreasonable degree! The Cardassians have every much right to settle there as the humans! Yet he became every bit the flaws they hated in the enemy. And I'm sorry, but look how the Maquis treated Kassidy as the ultimate proof to how warped they had become. They willingly sacrifice an ally to steal industrial replicators. She is a pawn in their plans. How can you defend people like that? They'd backstab you at the first opportunity!

And that's ALL he was, a good combat officer, nothing more.

You're being racist. We met many good Cardassians.
Okay first off you brought up those quoted phrases, including 'Final Solution'. So I don't think it is a stretch when you appear to be comparing the Maquis with Nazis. And I do not think it is necessarily imperialistic. And you think the tactically and strategic move of hitting your enemy when they are weakened is evil? Knock this from military factions to a school yard. The Cardassians were the playground bully. And the Maquis the little kid trying to fight back and usually losing. The Klingons (analogy begins to fade a bit here.) are teachers taking the bully to task. So the little kid tries to steal back some of his stolen stuff while the bully is distracted. That is the analogy. Grab what you can while they can't pummel you. It is not go bombard Cardassia Prime. And Eddington using a gas attack on a world that will make it uninhabitable to just cardassians . . . Mixed thoughts. to put it in perspective. He made it a leave or die. We don't have to fight you. That he could do that repeatedly was a major mistake. This is a weapon of mass destruction. And I would think even the Klingons would have turned on him for that. There are reasons powers sign treaties banning certain weapons. Once was bad. He could have hit every single one of the cardassian worlds. And the fact he did it once meant you could not deal with him. From the outside what he did was terrible.
Sisko's solution to do the mirror to a maquis world? It balanced the equation. The colonists have no choice. Swap worlds and do it fast. And removing the weapons and the man that got and used them prevented the conflict from escalating. Eddington was great against ships. But the second he tried to use an 'easy' button. He effed up.
But the maquis as a whole are not Eddington.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Yukaphile »

Well, it's literally their final solution. And it was in that context, given that it will lead to imperialistic colonization. That's what the Nazis wanted in the territory they invaded. That said, the Maquis are not the Nazis. No, I don't think this is "hitting your enemy" when they're weakest so much as they just wanted to steal their land. Which is ironic when you remember that the Maquis was started because of the actions of Indians refusing to leave. Seriously, how the fucking hell can you defend this? The Cardies had every right to settle that area. Those border disputes go back far before the start of TNG, and we don't know the whole history to conclude how it all started, so until we see evidence that says the humans were the original settlers, I'm inclined to think they should try and get along rather than stealing each other's land. He wasn't even making it about a political statement to try and stop future attacks, he gassed planets mercilessly to prepare for human colonization and the inevitable Maquis nation he wanted to create, probably with himself as leader. That's why I compared him to the Nazis.

Indeed, they are not Eddington. But neither are the Cardassian civilians either. Like I said, the big problem here was the paramilitary groups, and the Maquis were just that. They simply loved taking out their aggressions on innocent civilians. It's the pattern for ALL aggressively imperialistic and expansionist Fascist empires.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Admiral X »

:lol: Once he's made up his mind about something, there's no discussing it with him.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Yukaphile »

And you stopped refuting my points, so you have no high ground to criticize without explaining why or how.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Personally to me, the mere fact that Sisko put up with Eddington bull is proof enough that their better than the Borg. Of Eddington was capture by the Borg, does he expect they would listen to the abuse he throw, hell no they would drill into his head until the red surprised come out and turn him into an applicant.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Beastro »

Steve wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:52 am Kirk's "I will not kill today" line still works well, but as stated, Sisko warned them before firing and did nothing to impede the evacuation, so he was hardly being ruthless. Unlike Eddington firing on a refugee ship to save his own ass after being the one to make first use of biochem weaponry.

TBH, I kinda wish they'd have made the Maquis an independent nation. It would make for an interesting story, about these former Federation colonists who broke away over the handing over of their worlds to an aggressive, totalitarian foe, managed a military victory despite the odds (aided of course by the Klingons wrecking the Cardassians), and declared their own state instead of asking to rejoin the Federation. It was clearly have been a multi-racial state given the various species in the Maquis. They would've been touchy and occasionally militant, probably arming up to deal with any Cardassian war of revenge, perhaps becoming a client of the Romulans or the Klingons but trying to avoid being suborned by either power. But the "Dominion gets foothold in the Alpha Quadrant" story took hold. Probably for the better in the long run.
My great hope would be for the follow on era from TNG's to contain a break away nation from the Federation that was born out of dissatisfaction from the Dominion War that would show the odd contradictions to those we admire in history.

The Maquis would be looked as martyrs and forerunners to their cause nobly cut down while Sisko would be looked on as a center hero of the Dominion War who helped win it (Maybe it gets out they deceived the Romulans into entering the war through assassination false flag that then adds to the Rommys sourness over the Federation's role in losing their world thanks to nu-Trek), yet both were bitter enemies before the war and it seems odd to outsiders why both would be venerated so highly.
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:32 am Whatever. I'm sure spiritual as hell, but that should take a backseat to pragmatism.
Pragmatism has its place, but the pitfall from making a virtue out of necessity is bottomless and only leads to hell.

With that said, I'd say I'm actually the opposite, though what i quote here coming from you is interesting even if I doubt it. As in anything getting your Fascism-sense tingling instantly results in your idealistic side snapping to attention that I'd say is more deeply you than this claim to pragmatism.
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Re: The Dumbest Thing Eddington Ever Did

Post by Deledrius »

Beastro wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:41 am My great hope would be for the follow on era from TNG's to contain a break away nation from the Federation that was born out of dissatisfaction from the Dominion War that would show the odd contradictions to those we admire in history.
That's an interesting idea, but I feel like the main weakness is that it's fated to eventually rejoin the Federation, because that's the endgame of the sort of Utopia it presents. I suppose the real meat in the story would be the changes the breakaway nation would cause before that can happen; the situation would act as a catalyst to improve the flaw in Utopia which caused the split so that it could eventually be whole again.
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