Mass Effect

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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Ordo »

Drack seems like fun but my favorite part of this video is the last shot of the crew sitting on a couch watching a sappy movie. If I had to pick a romantic movie to show my Alien'd be Starman...the Aliens come out looking pretty good and the humans run the gamut from Good to asshole.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Admiral X »

It reminds me more of Stargate: Atlantis, and that ain't a good thing.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Ordo »


As interesting as I find Suvi...this video answers a question I'd had about the Initiative and how it got it's information about it's golden worlds. I figure the Geth were either looking for the Old Machines or planning their own colonization efforts.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Ordo »

Looking at some of the initial impressions, and watching the opening gameplay, this game is not going to change the minds of those who have not liked the direction Bioware has been going in the last few years. I find myself interested because of the gameplay, the exploration possibilities and the characters, (Can't say much about the story since I'm dodging Story Spoilers as best I can) but since I didn't have the negative reaction to ME 3's ending others did, I know my opinion is not inline with those that did take issue with it.

It looks like I'm going to have fun with this...but I acknowledge others may not enjoy it as much...especially since the new crew feels different from the old one. One site complained that Ryder doesn't earn their role as Pathfinder before it's thrust upon them. From what I've seen I agree....but I also think that is the point. Like the Inquisitor in DA:I, they are being shoved into the limelight (kicking and screaming if I have any say) and forced to make the best of the situation. The rest of the crew have their own issues and at present lack some of the professionalism I came to expect of the old team...but again I think that is by we shall see how it shakes out.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Fixer »

Whether you're enjoying the game for exploration, or a bitter former-fan standing on the sidelines chuckling at the bizarrely inhuman animations. There's something for everyone in Mass Effect Andromeda :lol:


And for bonus points:
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Dukect45 »

Here's some more fun with Mass Effect Andromeda the Dukect Lounge were I talk Wrestling and other stuff

and I do Wrestling PPV reviews and other stuff here
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Fixer »

Thank you meme gods, for you have blessed us with this bounty, and we shall reap a plentiful harvest.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Dukect45 »

Fixer wrote:Thank you meme gods, for you have blessed us with this bounty, and we shall reap a plentiful harvest.
And here's some more the Dukect Lounge were I talk Wrestling and other stuff

and I do Wrestling PPV reviews and other stuff here
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Ordo »

Warning, spoilers ahead.

I keep flashing back to Chuck's talk about AI and the responsibilities of those who create them to ensure the birth of this new life goes as smoothly as possible. I don't think Alec, took all the necassary precautions before building SAM....but hopefully via it's link to Ryder the rough edges can be smoothed over. That said...since at least three other SAM's exist...I'm pretty sure his carelessness is going to end up biting everyone in the rear on down the line.
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Re: Mass Effect

Post by Ordo »


Stuff like this is why I'm not as much on the fans side as I used to be when I was younger and more innocent. I have no issue with people taking pot shots at Bioware's animation...that's how we got Shepface and other such memes...but this....this is sad. ... 1793410647
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