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What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:43 pm
by Yukaphile
I know many are feeling depressed and disappointed with the direction the franchise is going now, so let's see what direction you'd take it in, and that would of course include a good starting point.

I'll lead off. For me, I think we should start with the launch of a new Enterprise, the Enterprise-F, ten years after the Enterprise-E was put out to pasture. The Enterprise-F is on a new mission, exploration, and keeping the peace between the various powers out there, sort of like Babylon 5 given how destructive the Dominion War was. I'd say the first mission of the Enterprise-F should be investigating some kind of threat to a situation with Romulan refugees, which is the status they've been reduced to after their sun went nova. To this end, the Enterprise-F would visit DS9, and who's in charge of the station? None other than Chakotay. Yeah, yeah, let's just roll with it. He doesn't have to make up his fake Native American Indian stuff. Anyway, unknown to the Enterprise-F, the situation with the Romulan refugees is really secretly being orchestrated by the Dominion, who after 20 years of seclusion, have split off into two groups - the old Dominion, and the new Dominion. It seems after curing the Great Link, Odo was once again banished, and Laas came to him, was cured, and the Hundred formed a new Dominion, one dedicated to the ideals of peace as Odo had espoused, though he's mostly the one to handle the details as the others prefer doing what the Founders do and just remain in their group puddle orgy on their home planet. Anyway, it seems the radical Dominion splinter group is hoping to start another war in the Alpha Quadrant, with the Borg out of the way. And who's the captain of the Enterprise-F? Why, none other than Molly or Yoshi O'Brien, put in charge by Admiral Picard, who was promoted to Starfleet Command's Advanced Tactical Division, for he has his hands in a lot of intelligence reports, and fears there may be an extragalactic threat coming soon that all the powers of the galaxy will have to unite in order to deal with, and to that end, they're working to adapt the technology Voyager brought back with them to make travel across the Delta Quadrant practical, to form alliances there.

What do you think of my ideas?

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:09 pm
by clearspira
Yukaphile wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:43 pm I know many are feeling depressed and disappointed with the direction the franchise is going now, so let's see what direction you'd take it in, and that would of course include a good starting point.

I'll lead off. For me, I think we should start with the launch of a new Enterprise, the Enterprise-F, ten years after the Enterprise-E was put out to pasture. The Enterprise-F is on a new mission, exploration, and keeping the peace between the various powers out there, sort of like Babylon 5 given how destructive the Dominion War was. I'd say the first mission of the Enterprise-F should be investigating some kind of threat to a situation with Romulan refugees, which is the status they've been reduced to after their sun went nova. To this end, the Enterprise-F would visit DS9, and who's in charge of the station? None other than Chakotay. Yeah, yeah, let's just roll with it. He doesn't have to make up his fake Native American Indian stuff. Anyway, unknown to the Enterprise-F, the situation with the Romulan refugees is really secretly being orchestrated by the Dominion, who after 20 years of seclusion, have split off into two groups - the old Dominion, and the new Dominion. It seems after curing the Great Link, Odo was once again banished, and Laas came to him, was cured, and the Hundred formed a new Dominion, one dedicated to the ideals of peace as Odo had espoused, though he's mostly the one to handle the details as the others prefer doing what the Founders do and just remain in their group puddle orgy on their home planet. Anyway, it seems the radical Dominion splinter group is hoping to start another war in the Alpha Quadrant, with the Borg out of the way. And who's the captain of the Enterprise-F? Why, none other than Molly or Yoshi O'Brien, put in charge by Admiral Picard, who was promoted to Starfleet Command's Advanced Tactical Division, for he has his hands in a lot of intelligence reports, and fears there may be an extragalactic threat coming soon that all the powers of the galaxy will have to unite in order to deal with, and to that end, they're working to adapt the technology Voyager brought back with them to make travel across the Delta Quadrant practical, to form alliances there.

What do you think of my ideas?
Due to rights issues between CBS and Paramount, CBS can not use any plot points or characters from the Kelvinverse and vice versa. The Romulan sun can not go nova without permission from Paramount. They probably would get permission mind you, but it is not set in stone that STG will not rewrite what we currently think the 25th century looks like.

And personally, I really am not interested in any more Dominion and especially any more Borg. I think its time for us to see other galaxies besides our own - hence the title. As much as I hate the spore drive, it does open possibilities for some classic Trek exploration. It has been two hundred years after all, plenty of time to work out the kinks in the thing. Or failing the spore drive, Voyager is home now, full of knowledge on how Borg transwarp functions.
That's where Stargate Atlantis was smart. It makes no sense to have another big bad alongside the Goa'uld, so lets go somewhere else.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:04 am
by PerrySimm
Yukaphile wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:43 pm What do you think of my ideas?
Remember that "Star Trek Galaxy" is something RedLetterMedia came up with. Unless Mike Stoklasa ends up as surprise Executive Producer, the show will be entirely different, because Paramount can't use that proposal now. Indeed, any attempt to sit on this forum and "create" a setting for someone else's show is an exercise in telling them how NOT to do it, because they'll never do anything that they can be accused of stealing. So it's a shame that RLM put out such a mostly useful idea. We can be happy that they've basically christened the moniker used for fan talk about the show, but other than that, it's not really useful to speculate.

That being said, your concept specifically? It's more of a "we can play d20 this weekend in the lobby" setting, when a TV show needs a "we can build 20+ scripts over two years" setting. It's a little hyperfocused on continuity and not creative freedom.

There also seems to be an implicit assumption that you can get EVERYONE back, which just won't pan out. For sure you can count out J.G. Hertzler and Robert Beltran as series regulars. Cameos, maybe, but not full time.

In your view, would it be proper to seat Yoshi O'Brien next to Picard's daughter?

Also, the Borg aren't dead. They got sucker-punched a bit, but they're not gone.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:11 am
by Yukaphile
Adapting the Spore Drive for STG... omg. I don't want that to be part of the canon in the TNG and DS9 era. It's just... ugh. Just adapt what Voyager brought back. That's sad when Voyager is the new high we aim for the franchise.

Continuity should be maintained. "Creative freedom" is what the reboot movies and STD did, and those sucked. I think there's no reason you shouldn't try to maintain continuity in a much-beloved fan franchise unless you're a lazy, unimaginative hack only looking to make a quick buck.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:38 am
by Yukaphile
Wait, is STG canon or not? OH THANK GOD IT MIGHT NOT BE.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:46 am
by kingofmadcows
Make it about a joint exploratory expedition between the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans. After the Dominion War, the other powers in the Alpha/Beta Quadrant start to blame the Federation for alerting the Dominion to the existence of the wormhole and setting into motion the events that led to the war. And they are happy with what they perceive to be the reckless exploration of the Federation, exposing the Alpha/Beta Quadrant to outside threats. Facing pressure from so many other powers, the Federation creates the joint expedition with the Klingons and Romulans to help ensure that the interests of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant are protected.

The show would be about Starfleet trying to convince the other races of the value of exploration and venturing into the unknown. The Romulans and Klingons would try to prove that there's too much risk and they need to be more isolationist to protect themselves from the dangers out there. And there would also be a healthy dose of intrigue and scheming.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:26 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Alright. Take it back before Nemesis a bit. Enterprise gets a distress call that there's a borg escalation in range. Starfleet is hesitant to send Picard because of his past abduction. He and the rest of the crew say "to hell with regulations," and they go. Sure enough he saves the day. One Borg vessel escapes before the main cube gets blown up though and escapes through a mechanically orchestrated time warp. Enterprise follows it and finds Earth in the 22nd century. Also the Borg get on the ship I forget how. The Borg end up infesting the ship and Riker, Troi, etc... stay on Earth and try to help Cochran make the first jump to lightspeed to get the Vulcan's attention. All pretty much writes itself from there.

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:08 pm
by Darth Wedgius
And introducing Admiral Jean Luc Picard as Captain Proton!

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:45 pm
by Actarus
Are we talking about the Picard show? If we are, then I would like Jean-Luc Picard to have retired from Star Fleet and be an ambassador for the Federation. Patrick Stewart is too old to still play a captain or an admiral convincingly. A diplomat, though, with a team of assistants. It could be interesting. We would see them going from ship to ship to settle conflicts, great or small, across the Federation or even the other empires. The pilot could be about the events rattling the Romulan Star Empire following the destruction of Romulus. The Romulans would put the blame on the Federation and Picard would be sent there to prevent a conflict. Needless to say the resolution of that conflict would not last one episode... And as always, there would be some conflict between the ship's captain and Picard. However, we would be on the side of the ambassador this time!

Re: What would be a good hypothetical starting point for STG?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:15 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Darth Wedgius wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:08 pm And introducing Admiral Jean Luc Picard as Captain Proton!
Well definitely put Paris and Torres in the show. That's for sure.