Patrick Stewart's Doctor vs. Alan Rickman's Master

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Patrick Stewart's Doctor vs. Alan Rickman's Master

Post by Yukaphile »

Obviously not a VS thread, and not even a hypothetical what-if given how old Stewart is and that Rickman is dead, making any chance at such a scenario literally impossible. This is just to set up an idea - that an incarnation of the Doctor is Patrick Stewart, another incarnation of the Master Alan Rickman - and to discuss how and where they'd play off one another, given their performances on screen.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Patrick Stewart's Doctor vs. Alan Rickman's Master

Post by Yukaphile »

I must again re-emphasize, this is not a debate on who'd beat who. It's just a discussion on the kind of flavor and nuances they'd bring to their roles if, say, we were transported to the alternate universe where Patrick Stewart signed onto Doctor Who instead of being Captain Picard and grew into his character there instead of on TNG and Alan Rickman became the Master instead of starring in Die Hard, so their careers went to the top in other ways. The dates are such that it could have happened with enough tweaking in another reality.
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Re: Patrick Stewart's Doctor vs. Alan Rickman's Master

Post by technobabbler »

IMO, one of Dr. Who's traits is Who's mixture of eccentricity + gravitas. IMO, Patrick Stewart inherently has too much gravitas and not enough wackiness to be a doctor.

Even when Stewart is playing a whimsical/eccentric character---- ... tor+is+out
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Re: Patrick Stewart's Doctor vs. Alan Rickman's Master

Post by Yukaphile »

Well, Hartnell was something of a dignified man, no reason he couldn't be again, though I get it - that was decades ago, even using the hypothetical idea that this came about in an alternate late 1980s.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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