DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

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DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by Makeshift Python »

So the third season will be set 950 years later, which is 3207. That pretty much frees the writers to do anything they want, with the only thing set in stone being the Discovery at some point having been abandoned by her crew and she having gained consciousness, as shown in the short “Calypso”. Lots of questions of what the state of the galaxy will be by the 33rd century.

So now it seems that final scene with Pike, Spock, and Number One was, at least for the time being, our farewell to the 23rd century.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Section 31 will eventually absorb Discovery and its mission logs.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by clearspira »

All I have wanted since the beginning is post voyager Trek. If this is true then I will give the first two seasons up as a bad job and then give it a chance.
They would have saved so much trouble if they did that from the beginning and I bet at least some know it which is why they have done it.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by Yukaphile »

THANK FUCKING GOD. Leave the 23rd century behind, thank you very much. Very little good can come from them staying there. That said, there's all sorts of potential to screw this up. I don't expect them to slavishly adhere to the continuity from around this era, of course, but I do want them to respect the continuity from the 24th century, and at the same time, I do want the changes to make sense, unless they go out of their way to wreck the lore. The big problem here is that... this IS the Prime Timeline, yes? You keep hammering that in over and over. Well, given their tendency to disregard previous lore... do you really expect them to pore over Memory Alpha articles trying to look up what to do? There's the problem of how they treat the previous lore in this era, from the time of TNG. And it's really worrisome. Again, what are they going to do with the Cardassians and the Dominion? My sphincter always tightens when thinking that because they have so far been the only races to be spared the serious badass decay that affected the Q, the Borg, and the Klingons, among others. Still, this is at least a good first step, I won't lie. Maybe there's hope after all? Maybe? But then, I feel so jaded, it's hard to see a light at the end of this tunnel.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Gotta say, even with all the callbacks to TOS canon, I was not expecting to see the TMP wormhole effect recreated for that bridge scene.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by Yukaphile »

Wait, is that how they end up in the future? A wormhole?
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

No, they totally slingshot around the Ceti Alpha sun. The wormhole is to destroy the Section 31 Cube.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by clearspira »

Section 31 cube lol. The reason why Section 31 was awesome in DS9 is because Sloan and the rest of S31 were a very brains over brawn kind of outfit. Watch their introduction as to how they put Julian through the holodeck and slowly dismantle him psychologically. Even the ENT S31 was just a guy on a screen manipulating Reed.
Completely missed the point in STD and a great example of what Chuck said about latter Star Trek's attempts to track down anything cool and make in mundane.

As for what I want in season 3, I want the temporal cold war back. We are now in the right era for Braxton and Daniels correct? What better way to explain all of the out of continuity crap in season 1 and 2 than a glorious mind screw? I would certainly respect it more - especially if this was planned from the start. I wouldn't mind eating humble pie if we got something like that. Maybe even make the Discovery with all of its ridiculous tech the ''discovery'' that started the war in the first place.
We could even do something with Future Guy. Me personally I love the fan theory that it was Archer all along - I doubt they would have the balls to do that though.

We'll see. I am willing to do with STD what I did with season 1 and 2 of TNG - partially pretend that it does not exist.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by Yukaphile »

Section 31... cube? Again, I must ask: Are these writers remotely familiar with DS9, or is it just that they took their cues from the reboot films, where S31 was prominent? Because we know from what the dying Sloan said that there is HQ in the real world, it's just a secret society, like the Illuminati, possibly protected by Starfleet officials, but mostly very secretive - Sloan's initial episode aside.

Clearspira, do you really expect them to wanna track down the lore from this era? I mean, it's so inconsistent, not even Trek fans have a clear idea on what this era is like. Shit, I'm a die-hard fandom nerd, and I get a headache trying to keep it all straight. No, most likely they'll just invent their own shit, which is a scary thought. Be very afraid, people. Be very afraid.

Well, I'm not. My larger skepticism, as I've said elsewhere, has little to do with STD and more with concern over how these franchises are being handled. There's also the fact it's similar to my anxieties over how things are heading with Star Wars these days. And it's because Hollywood is just running out of ideas, plain and simple. Plus we have supposed fans (I'd call them casual fans at best, normies at worst) working on the show with their own interpretation of how certain events in the lore played out, which is just not a good omen. There's one big difference regarding Season 1 and Season 2 STD than there is with TNG - at the time, the Internet was largely nonexistent. Even assuming STD pulls off some miracle that manages to help soar it to TNG heights, which I'm dubious of considering that A) They still have very weak writers on the team and B) It's less to do with them and the overall decline of Hollywood as I mentioned, but whatever... one inescapable fact is that their weak start is now ingrained in the minds of online nerds and the Internet culture. We can't so easily forget it, and in an era of mememongering to get your point across, I still think STD is gonna face friction going forward. Even if Season 3 becomes the "TNG moment," I think fans won't truly be won over till Season 4 or 5, assuming they make it that far, because like with Lucasfilm and the new rebooted canon, they got it off on the wrong foot and left a very bad impression. In today's age, those don't wash away so easily, sadly. The Internet won't let that happen.
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Re: DIS Season 3 (Speculation and Spoilers)

Post by clearspira »

Yukaphile wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:11 pm Section 31... cube? Again, I must ask: Are these writers remotely familiar with DS9, or is it just that they took their cues from the reboot films, where S31 was prominent? Because we know from what the dying Sloan said that there is HQ in the real world, it's just a secret society, like the Illuminati, possibly protected by Starfleet officials, but mostly very secretive - Sloan's initial episode aside.

Clearspira, do you really expect them to wanna track down the lore from this era? I mean, it's so inconsistent, not even Trek fans have a clear idea on what this era is like. Shit, I'm a die-hard fandom nerd, and I get a headache trying to keep it all straight. No, most likely they'll just invent their own shit, which is a scary thought. Be very afraid, people. Be very afraid.

Well, I'm not. My larger skepticism, as I've said elsewhere, has little to do with STD and more with concern over how these franchises are being handled. There's also the fact it's similar to my anxieties over how things are heading with Star Wars these days. And it's because Hollywood is just running out of ideas, plain and simple. Plus we have supposed fans (I'd call them casual fans at best, normies at worst) working on the show with their own interpretation of how certain events in the lore played out, which is just not a good omen. There's one big difference regarding Season 1 and Season 2 STD than there is with TNG - at the time, the Internet was largely nonexistent. Even assuming STD pulls off some miracle that manages to help soar it to TNG heights, which I'm dubious of considering that A) They still have very weak writers on the team and B) It's less to do with them and the overall decline of Hollywood as I mentioned, but whatever... one inescapable fact is that their weak start is now ingrained in the minds of online nerds and the Internet culture. We can't so easily forget it, and in an era of mememongering to get your point across, I still think STD is gonna face friction going forward. Even if Season 3 becomes the "TNG moment," I think fans won't truly be won over till Season 4 or 5, assuming they make it that far, because like with Lucasfilm and the new rebooted canon, they got it off on the wrong foot and left a very bad impression. In today's age, those don't wash away so easily, sadly. The Internet won't let that happen.
In fairness, we don't actually have that much lore from this era and what we have was part of timey-wimey storylines anyway. We know the temporal cold war, we know of timeships, we know of not a lot else. I just think it would be a cool way to explain everything in STD, ENT, and get a cool story.
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