At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

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At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Yukaphile »

I'm serious. Now, ten years ago, I was a lot more tolerant of bad entertainment than I am today. I pirated Revenge of the Fallen because I REALLY wanted to see it. I was blind to the criticism one could make to Batman Begins. But then, I can remember the time when I started abandoning "entertainment" that is much newer, and it was around 2011. I went to see Dark of the Moon, and... meh. And our power had gone out for a few days, and so once it was back, I never went back to Pokemon Best Wishes despite the way DP drew me back. And from then on, I only began watching stuff that was older. Like "Everybody Loves Raymond" and TNG and other stuff, and even when I head back to check out something new, it is from a certain time period. Last movie I think was REALLY great from this era was The Karate Kid remake. That's a pretty big damned low bar. I was burnt out, and still feel that way.

My question with all this history is... at what point do you feel the collective moviegoing audience will just feel "burnt out?" We've seen hints of that already, in how many retro movies of 2016 failed to make money, and that Solo came too soon off the heels of Last Jedi without Ford when Rogue One proved the technology was possible, but still, I consider those types of "minor" feelings of being "burnt out." I mean as a larger moviegoing culture. We all know why movies are getting worse. Contrary to the other ways we disagree, most people are NOT dumb, and we know WHY they are failing and getting worse and are less about art and how they don't respect us, even if the proof is in the details. But when, if ever, will we reach that collective "burnt out" moment? That will obviously need to include other countries like China because that makes up a huge bulk of Hollywood's returns these days, but with that said, it is certainly possible. Try feeding somebody shit too much, there is only so long they can go without puking it all up.

So that's my question. When do you think we will all hit the moment for me that came in 2011?
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Mecha82 »

Truth to be told since I am not hyper fanboy like you I don't know what you mean with "burnt out" or what is your definition of that in this case. So would like to elaborate.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Yukaphile »

Did you just IGNORE me? I consider what happened in 2016 a minor form of burn-out same with Solo. It's cinema of bewilderment where they try and manipulate us and just lure us back and bombard us with so much information, you can't process it that quickly. Look up what happened in 2016, seriously. A bunch of sequels and reboots and stuff failed. I think most people are tired of the reboot culture we live in, or competing with China to make Hollywood more money.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Mecha82 »

No I didn't ignore you but what you wrote didn't make it very clear what do you mean with it. Which is why I asked you to elaborate.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Yukaphile »

I mean, Hollywood is out of touch and clearly only just barely puts in any effort. They think we're idiots. At what point will it be too much?
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Zargon »

Soon. Hollywood has been going downhills for a while. And movies are fast fading from public life as a thing to go see and the whole movie theater won't last too much longer.

Marvel had a huge high point that ended with Avengers Endgame....but now, well, will people keep watching the phase 4(or 5?) Social Justice Non White Male movies?

Burning out is more personal. There will always be movie zombies....they will mindlessly go see Avatar 2 and Matrex 4 and Jurassic Park 11, no matter how bad the movies are.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Winter »

People said that the movie theater industry was dying in 1955 due to the arrival of television and the same thing was said about Novels when film was introduced. It should also be noted that while video games are the number one medium right now, theatrical films are the second most financially successful medium with music right behind it.

Every medium has ups and downs, dark ages are Always followed by a new gold or silver age, and after that bright spot leaves we're left asking the same questions. When will this medium/genre die? Why do we need representation of group X and Y? Why isn't there More Representation of said groups and so on and so forth.

So when are we going to hit burn out, as a group likely never. I will admit though that the last 2 years have been rather dull but that's really on a general term. 2016 and 2017, for all the horrible things that happened during those years, had some AMAZING films.

With 2016 we had Deadpool, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Jungle Book, The Shallows, Star Trek Beyond and Kubo and the Two Strings while 2017 had A Monster Calls, John Wick: Chapter 2, Logan, It: Chapter I, Kong: Skull Island, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man: Homecoming, War of the Planet of the Apes, Dunkirk and Blade Runner 2049. And the MCU gave us their usual fun rides for both years. During both years it was almost month after month of either a hit film or a overlooked classic.

2018 and 2019 on the other hand, IMHO, haven't been as good. True the MCU is still going strong and both years Did give us some classic films, Incredibles 2 and Mission: Impossible: Fall Out but those were few and far between and none of them really felt like they hit the heights of the years before them.

That's why I'm looking forward to this November as there's a LOT of stuff coming out, during that month, and most of it is on the theater side of things. Terminator: Dark Fate, Frozen 2, Doctor Sleep and even Charlies Angles looks good the series usual way.

Asking when is cinema is dying and when we're all going to hit burn out is like saying Single-Player Games are dying out and that multi-player is the way of the future. Sure, one is undoubtedly good but that doesn't mean the other is going anywhere any time soon, if ever.

We're in a dry spell at the moment due to drama behind the scenes and that's not just unique to films. Video games, comics, theater and Novels have all been hitting a few bumps and likely all for the same reason, the one thing that will Always effect art regardless of what medium you're into, the current political climate. But trust me, the pendulum is going to swing in the other direction sooner or later and then we'll be enjoying the usual arguments of which series is better, Marvel vs. DC and Star Trek vs. Star Wars (the answer of course is that they're all awesome. :D)
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Yukaphile »

At least movies from the 1950s were still crafted more lovingly than today. And now we have streaming. And video games. Then again, audience's expectations have been lowered so drastically, who knows? I do know we deserve better than this, and that won't happen as long as we accept this.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by Mecha82 »

Winter wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:29 am Asking when is cinema is dying and when we're all going to hit burn out is like saying Single-Player Games are dying out and that multi-player is the way of the future. Sure, one is undoubtedly good but that doesn't mean the other is going anywhere any time soon, if ever.
That's what big western Triple A game publishers want people to believe so that they can keep pushing they gambling mechanics. One reason why I haven't bought games published by them since DA: Inquisition. As far as big publishers go Sony has proven whole "single-player games are dead"-line wrong time after time and to be nothing but lie.

Sorry for going off-topic but this is topic that makes me stand on soap box.
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Re: At what point do you feel that we will all be "burnt out?"

Post by clearspira »

Hollywood has never changed. Read up on Buster Keaton.
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