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Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:59 pm
by Yukaphile
No, really. I mean... it seems at odds with his character growth. Egads.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:05 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
I heard that only you find it creepy.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:20 pm
by Yukaphile
... you don't find it creepy he specifically set up his prosthetic to watch them... in the deflowering? Either you're operating on a reality of flippant casual snark where you don't give a shit, or... OMG... I can't even begin to fathom...

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:17 pm
by J!!
Lovable Sex Maniac wrote:The ethics of TV-land are fluid and lackadaisical, and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of the Lovable Sex Maniac. This form of The Casanova goes above and beyond the average sleaze, engaging in the full spectrum of perversion — from dabbling in pornography to blatant sexual advances to outright molestation, sometimes of severely underaged characters. In the real world, of course, such behavior will land you in hot water — but on TV, the worst you'll get is a whack from a Hyperspace Mallet. The only thing that keeps the Lovable Sex Maniac from being a truly disturbing Anti-Hero is that his antics are always played for laughs — and the odd thing is, it usually works.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:20 pm
by Yukaphile
That's not lovable, that's stalking. Voyeurism is illegal and immoral.

Hell, the ending of Season 4 itself felt weird. Literally EVEYRONE hooks up very fast. G'Kar is spying on them. Garibaldi bones Lise, when... her husband just died like a week ago, wow... and then IIRC, there's one other couple? A lot of stuff felt rushed with the end of Season 4.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:04 pm
by J!!
that's because it literally was.

B5 was always envisioned as a show with five seasons, and so was plotted out accordingly. During season four, however, JMS was informed that they were not going to be renewed. As a consequence, he had to re-write the entire thing to compress both season four and season five into a single season. It was only at the last minute that a fan of the show named Ted Turner bought the show for his network (TNT), saving it from cancellation. So big a fan was Ted, that he not only paid for the fifth season to be made, but also a series of TV movies

Of course, this left JMS with several huge problems: he needed to do a season five, after he'd already done the story for season five, meaning that he was continuing a show that had effectively already wrapped up all its major plot-lines. On top of that, they lost one of the main actors, who'd signed a contract to do a different show when they thought B5 was ending. And then apparently the cleaning staff at some hotel he was staying at accidentally threw away JMS's notebooks, which contained all his story ideas, thus forcing him to work from memory. Season five is generally not well remembered by B5 fans.

Season five ended up mostly setting up stuff for the spinoff show, Crusade, and preformed more poorly than TNT had hoped. Consequently, during the time between the end of B5 and the beginning of Crusade, TNT's network executives apparently decided that they didn't actually want the new show. According to JMS, this led to the TNT executives actively sabotaging the show in order to get out of the contract, by doing things like requiring changes and rewrites mid-production. The show ended up being canceled before any of the episodes were ever broadcast, and then they were aired out of order.

It's a shame too, because Crusade had a great premise, and one of my personal all-time favorite characters. Would've been a great show to really flesh-out and explore the universe. If it'd been successful, B5 might even have managed to grow into a major mainstream sci-fi franchise in the vein of star-trek.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:07 pm
by Yukaphile
Yeah, that "Sex After Ever" ending didn't sit well with me...

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:08 pm
by Yukaphile
Still, holy shit... I feel so sorry for JMS. I had no idea it was that bad... :(

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:09 pm
by J!!
Incidentally, if the season four finale seems a bit odd, that's because the episode they'd originally filmed was intended to close out the series as a whole. So that one was saved for the end of season five, and a new season finale was slapped together at the last minute to close out season four.

Re: Does anyone else find it creepy that G'Kar was watching Delenn and Sheridan?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:15 pm
by Yukaphile
No wonder it feels off...