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The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:00 am
by Admiral X

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:22 am
by Simplicius
I've seen this one, although to be fair a "Short Trek" is one of those things they pretend is relevant to DIS but is really just a cheap way to keep the sycophants satiated whilst letting writers cut their teeth. The whole idea of "sketches" in this setting repulses me in a way I find difficult to describe.

Anyway, I think the guy is really on point (he's been really pushing this since as soon as he watched "The Trouble with Edward"). The episode is a microcosm of Discovery's problems; abrasive and unlikable characters, along with the syndrome typical of prequels where all the discoveries and achievements have to be invalidated one by one, and plain old glaring continuity errors (with Discovery's usual "maybe the information is classified by the totalitarian government calling itself the Federation" excuse).

In short, it was stupid and mean-spirited but what do you expect from a writing team that thinks Michael Burnham is a compelling main character and that what Star Trek really needed was the severed head of a baby?

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:59 pm
by Yukaphile

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:09 am
by CharlesPhipps
Jesus man.

You hate SHORT TREKS now?

That's like hating Tilly.

You can't be human let alone a Star Trek fan.

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:24 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
So Short Treks are supposed to be a satire?

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:27 am
by MissKittyFantastico
In all honesty, online discussion surrounding Disco has been abused so badly it's more effort than it's worth to figure out whether any given review is good faith or not. Even for full-length episodes it's less of a headache to just watch the damned thing and decide for myself if it's any good.

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:37 am
by CharlesPhipps
It's why I made my review thread for Season 1 and Season 2. I felt like I had to make a, "This is not a thread about DISCO raping your childhood" thread.

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:13 am
by Simplicius
CharlesPhipps wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:37 am It's why I made my review thread for Season 1 and Season 2. I felt like I had to make a, "This is not a thread about DISCO raping your childhood" thread.
I never accused Discovery of raping my childhood, and I even said that your review was fair. I don't know why I'm obliged to like Short Trek. For the record, I do like Tilly (and Saru). If I'm hyperbolic and indignant, it's only because I hate CBS and strongly dislike Alex Kurtzman.

The loyalist segment of Star Trek fandom has quite effectively managed to portray 'Axanar' as the guilty party in that dispute, but so much else of what I loved or was looking forward to has been fucked to make way for Discovery; Star Trek Continues, Star Trek Renegades, even STAGE 9 was shut down to make room for a crap premium version. If Orville fans build a project, they get a retweet from Seth Macfarlane. If Star Trek fans build a project, they get a cease and desist letter.

So, given all that, how am I supposed to feel when I see the "real" Star Trek being made by people who are on the record as not caring about continuity, people who give endless and nonsensical reasons for changing every little detail (have you heard the utter poop they used to justify making the Bat'leth even more impractical than it already is?) and people who just straight up lie about their own franchise ("I think in the past the Klingons have always been portrayed as the bad guy.")?

If I'm a fan of "A Song of Ice and Fire", do I have to like "Game of Thrones"? If I'm a "Harry Potter" fan, do I have to like "Fantastic Beasts"?

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:53 am
by Yukaphile
What is Short Treks? What are some of the stories? I mean, if it requires paying CBS All Access money, I won't do it. I need more time before I come back to this franchise, and ignoring that, I can't spread myself too far in terms of which streaming service I pay for. That is only going to help the streaming bubble burst.

Re: The difference between TNG & STD

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 1:20 pm
by Simplicius
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:53 am What is Short Treks? What are some of the stories? I mean, if it requires paying CBS All Access money, I won't do it. I need more time before I come back to this franchise, and ignoring that, I can't spread myself too far in terms of which streaming service I pay for. That is only going to help the streaming bubble burst.
They're sketches, basically ... like half a bottle episode or something. Some of them are "comedy" like the episode in question, a mean-spirited version of the Orville, and others are like "character pieces". I haven't seen all of them (not that I particularly care to), as they're only available to Americans (presumably with CBS All Access, I don't know).

International distributors don't want to pay to air them because they're not very good and CBS are too cheap to just release them for free (even though they only exist to keep people interested in between seasons).

Or... if I take off my DISCO hater glasses and pretend to be a Star Trek fan:

Short Treks are a great way to give writers some creative freedom and give the fans an insight into the characters they love and parts of setting that they might not otherwise see! Make sure you pay attention because some of them will definitely be relevant to the main show! Just like pretending the Enterprise was a broken piece of crap during Kirk's voyage fixes all the technology continuity "issues" the man baby losers cry about, and just like turning the Federation into an Orwellian nightmare society and Spock into a serial liar fixes all the "problems" those evil alt-right monsters bring up about the amazing story Discovery is telling, Short Treks fit seamlessly into the wider story being told across every series!