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What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:51 am
by Winter
Now that The Disney Sequel Trilogy is complete and we have the whole story I'd like to know, what is everyone's thoughts on said Trilogy? What do you think of each film on it's own, the Trilogy on it's own, as a sequel to both the Original Trilogy and the Prequel Trilogy AND how it compares to the Thrawn Trilogy.

Here on my thoughts and I hope you find them interesting. :D

Each Film of the Trilogy on it's own: I honestly do enjoy The Force Awakens, yes it's pretty much just A New Hope but it's still a fun film though I think the third act was rather weak. The Last Jedi I Strongly dislike for reasons I've already covered so I won't repeat myself on it. I will only say that I feel the new characters were poorly written, TLJ's Luke is Luke in name only, Rey is barely a character in the film and the First Order is turned into a joke that make the villains from the SW parody Spaceballs look threatening. And Rise of Skywalker I reserving full judgement on until I see it in full but from what I have seen and read I'm not really that encouraged by it.

The Trilogy as a Whole: IMO, this trilogy is a bloody mess. Not only was there no clear goal from the start but it also kept rendering itself pointless. TLJ rendered most of Awakens build up pointless and ROS pretty much rendered the entirety of TLJ pointless while TLJ's ending rendered ROS pointless. It makes trying to watch the Trilogy as a whole rather hard to enjoy because of how disjointed it all is, at least for me it is.

As a Sequel to the Original Trilogy: For me, the whole DST is just a hollow retread of the Original Trilogy. It's the same basic plot with the same basic outcome with minor alterations, weaker characters and favors spectacle over substance. But what really bugs me about TDST is that how it renders the Original Trilogy pointless as nothing that happened in TOT matters in the end. The Skywalker's and Solo's are dead, Palpatine survived so Vader's sacrifice was meaningless and New Republic was completely destroyed so with the F&F Orders destroyed the galaxy is likely going to descend into complete chaos as there is no central authority to help keep order.

As a Sequel to the Prequel Trilogy: I know this seems like a strange thing to include but speaking as someone who actually likes the Prequels despite their flaws and as ROS supposedly is suppose to bring the whole Skywalker Saga to a close comparisons to TPT must be made. Honestly, if anything, TDST made me appreciate the Prequels all the more. With the Prequels, I feel that the story is actually really good it's just that the dialogue is really weak cause as fans of the novels of the Prequels have stated the story there really works it's just more refined and as the Clone Wars 3D series showed, which shares a LOT of ideas with the Prequels and, lets be honest, barely changes the characters there is good here. Again, they aren't with out their flaws but I feel the Prequels are a much better the TDST and I honestly think they make Star Wars a stronger series because of their inclusion.

How it Compares to The Thrawn Trilogy: While there's a whole Expanded Universe to compare it to TTT is the Original Sequel Trilogy and there for, I feel, is the one that TDST should be the most directly compared too. Pretty sure you can all guess where this is going so I'll keep it short. From a plot standpoint, from a character standpoint, a villain standpoint, action standpoint and as a Sequel to both TOT and TPT TTT is the better story. TTT is often credited as the story that revitalized Star Wars' popularity and next to TOT, Knights of the Old Republic and The Prequels is the most influential story in Star Wars. By contrast, TDST is one of the most divisive stories ever and one that I doubt will be seen in a positive light with ROS's ending.

But these are just my thoughts and I would like to know what everyone else thinks? :)

P.S. As always this is just for fun so please keep all comments polite and civil. I just want to get an idea of everyone's thoughts on the series.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:01 am
by hammerofglass
Honestly I expect it to end up in the same spot as Cameron's Avatar. A big deal right now, but zero cultural impact and forgotten in a few years.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:03 am
by Yukaphile
I think if it had been more like the prequels, with the clear plan from the start that Rey was gonna be Palpatine's grand-daughter, then it could been really epic, since it has a strong message of not being like your relatives, and that you can honor your family's enemies when you belong to a family of corrupt, rotten assholes. That's powerful, that's moving. The biggest complaint I see from the fans, however, is that there's no clear artistic vision. I've even seen people who love the new movies express concern going forward, since if you watch Episode IX immediately following Last Jedi, then it becomes clear bringing Palpatine back was a change at the eleventh hour to please fans, since it was clear it was gonna be Snoke until Johnson came in to subvert people's expectations, and hey, an older comic brought back Palpatine, so surely that will make the Legends fans happy? As Abrams had said he wanted to unite the fandom. Unfortunately, they are not making the Legends fans happy, since all they really want is to have more stories continue in Legends, not easter-egg cherry-picking into what goes into the new Star Wars, because the timeline has changed, and was changed ever since 2008. And those in charge don't even have the decency to admit they took the idea from Legends only a month after Kennedy complained they have no source material. Makes you look like a total hypocrite. This is why I've given up on Star Wars. Too much bullshit flinging to really pique my interest. I'm more interested in independent fan projects. I think in the end, the sequel trilogy will only be remembered fondly by those along a certain political alignment, and among a segment of die-hard movie fans. Bigger than the Legends fandom, certainly, but on par with them when compared to the billions who only checked 'em out once as a popcorn movie, nothing more. But yeah, they clearly thought they could take the approach George had with the original trilogy, just rewriting everything as he went along, but at that point, Star Wars had become such a dense series, all it did was enrage too many people to truly be sustainable past what makes money for studio executives in boardrooms who have dollar signs in their eyes.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:43 pm
by Mecha82
Over all I find sequel trilogy to be actually good. Yes it has it's flaws but it also has plenty of good to like and is enjoyable to watch. As weird as it might seem to some OT also has it's flaws making it and sequel trilogy pretty much equals. Then again I am not one of those people that tend to nitpick movies that they watch or Legends fan wanting nothing but stories that they like being told again or one of those people that see opposing political agenda everywere.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:01 pm
by Wargriffin
I find the Sequel Trilogy lacks a real identity of its own

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:38 pm
by Yukaphile
I do find it weird that Mecha82 consistently questions the quality of the older EU, yet he likes the sequel trilogy, which is ultimately a rehashing of Legacy and Dark Empire, which is highly controversial even among fans. I seriously don't get it.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:49 pm
by Wargriffin
I mean The Old EU as a whole has Questionably quality, and it doesn't really work all that well together since it will contradict itself due to lack of any oversight.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:21 pm
by Mecha82
Wargriffin wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:49 pm I mean The Old EU as a whole has Questionably quality, and it doesn't really work all that well together since it will contradict itself due to lack of any oversight.
Absolutly. Which is why I think that it's not reasonable to think that those could had been adapted into movies alongside with all other problems. Besides people that like those stories can just easily re-read those.

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:09 pm
by Fixer
My thoughts on the sequel trilogy. (Thinking Emoji)

Remember that part of Alien: Ressurection where Ripley discovers the hideously deformed clones of herself, until she finds one begging to be killed, then burns it all with a flamethrower?

Honestly that's my thought on the trilogy now that it's over. It's an inferior copy of the Original Trilogy with none of the heart, and having done a lot of damage to the franchise overall. Each movie undoes everything the one preceeding it set up.

It would have better if the sequel trilogy never happened but it's also squandered the only real chance left for the original trio of heroes to return to pass on the torch. What could have been...

Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:16 pm
by ChiggyvonRichthofen
As a trilogy that coheres together and with the rest of the trilogy, I can hardly imagine it being more disastrous- without being sabotaged or intentionally awful, at least. They picked a weird, jumbled path for this trilogy that gave them none of the benefits of playing it safe or of being bold and inventive. They've managed to retroactively damage the original stories and characters, and they're relying, seemingly exclusively, on the pernicious habit of throwing whatever they want against the wall in live action and leaving it for writers to provide explanations after the fact. I fully expect them to continue doing so in order to explain what happened in the sequels and try to appease fans.

TFA's box office success was always the ceiling most likely, and you really couldn't expect them to top that. What I didn't expect was to see them cut that number in half in four years.

That's not to say each individual movie is horrible in every way. They equal or surpass the prequels in one aspect or another. As a cohesive trilogy supposedly closing the door on the entire saga, I think it's worse.

To single out just one aspect, I will never understand how they could set the movie when they did in order to benefit from the original trilogy's characters and it's mystique, but somehow decide against putting Luke, Leia, and Han in a scene together. This trilogy (obviously JJ's two in particular) is filled with almost simpering fan service, and yet they somehow decided against doing the handful of easy things that almost everyone would have loved to see.