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Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:32 pm
by Yukaphile
And no, PLEASE don't say something predictable like bringing up the more controversial Star Wars or Star Trek movies. I'm not going to.

Now for me personally, it's the 1993 adaptation of Super Mario Bros. With Bob Hoskins, Dennis Hopper, and John Leguizamo. I can concede as to why it failed, and I admit it is NOT a perfect movie, and I don't think it was meant to be, but with that said, I still have a ginormous soft spot for it. It's not a flawless adaptation and might be so in name only (kind of inevitable given the nature of the source material :P), but to me, it has narm charm. It's so damned cheesy, you can't help but love it. I don't take it seriously, but I still have fun with it. And not even in a "so bad it's good" bad movie kinda way. I genuinely like what it brought to the table.

Call me crazy all you want, but I do love this movie, and sadly, we will never find out what happened at the end. Oh well.

What is yours?

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:45 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Wiki-Wiki wild wild

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:00 am
by User 2632
It's not so much a movie that others hate, but one that others may not have heard of: Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:11 am
by King Green
B-movies with bad porn scenes i.e. Mr. Rick and Ms. Lubespire. ;D

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:41 am
by Simplicius
Starship Troopers ... although it's not so much that others "hate", they just don't get it and lie about it (and its creator - which is ironic, since he himself misunderstood the source material).

Judge Dredd (1995). I love it and think it's on a par, quality-wise, with the reboot - though they're completely different, tonally, and they have entirely distinct flaws. The look is especially faithful and I honestly think Sylvester Stallone nails the role. I don't know why people hate it so much.

Jason Goes to Hell. I think it's the second best Friday the 13th film (the best is Part VII), and it honestly confuses me why people dislike it. Then again, I'm not a fan of the franchise overall and think the first three movies are tedious bullshit, the fourth is almost sabotaged by Rob's death scene and the contrived ending, the fifth basically poos itself. So, all you've got at the end of the day is four, six and seven. Also, I love the ending of this one.

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:48 am
by Yukaphile
I'll drop Die Hard 2 here as well as Dante's Peak. Dunno if they actually count since they're not exactly hated, but they're not super beloved either, so I count it. Hell, I liked Dante's Peak even back in the day. It's a good, realistic disaster movie, with realistic people, and Die Hard 2 was the last time a Die Hard sequel didn't turn McClane into a full-blown action hero with all the flaws. No, it didn't have the eye to detail the last one did, but it was just as gritty. Next one, McClane is using a DAMNED CAR to get onto a ship and kill an enemy at the same time... somehow. Fun in an overblown way, sure, but a further abandoning of the original conceit.

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:44 am
by ChiggyvonRichthofen
Tree of Life (lots of people sing it's praises too, but it's divisive).
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with me

Maybe not films I love, but guilty pleasures-

I'll second Stallone's Judge Dredd
Teenagers from Outer Space

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:35 pm
by AllanO
Well three movies that are not exactly hated but distinctly meh that I liked are Tron Legacy, John Carter (of Mars) and the 2009 Astroboy has a special place in my heart because of when I watched it as much as anything else (fun fact Astroboy rates 50% for both audience and critic score on Rotten Tomato so it is like perfectly meh). Although none of these are movies I would declare particularly great or really recommend to other people, I just like them and get a good vibe from them.

In terms of movies listed so far and that I have seen, I think I find most of them basically entertaining if more or less obviously flawed, so I don't hate any of them.

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:47 pm
by LittleRaven
The Money Pit: This is universally acclaimed as Tom Hanks' worst movie ever....and I love it. I'm not saying Tom Hanks hasn't made better movies, of course he has...but he's made quite a few I enjoyed WAY less.

Re: Movies you love that others hate?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:38 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Aside from 92-2000 Tom Hanks has been known to have a generally checkered track record.