Anyone been on ST:Online lately?

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King Green
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Anyone been on ST:Online lately?

Post by King Green »

Just finished a 8472 raid in the D-quadrant and got my platinum shield mod for my Bajoran Dreadnaght "Griffen Gods", gonna take a small vacation from ST:O and return for random farming in a few months.

How are any of you dealing with your guilds? And anybody want to do a charity stream for the Corona-aftermath?
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Re: Anyone been on ST:Online lately?

Post by Nealithi »

Been avoiding the game a little while. Just popping in every once in a while to get some fleet commands and R&D slotted.
My KDF guild has been putting along. And my Fed fleet is my personal one so it is in limbo while I am away.
Thank you for asking.
And I would never. One of these forums is as public as I like to be.
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