Adora vs. Rey (Spoilers)

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Adora vs. Rey (Spoilers)

Post by Winter »

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This may seem a little off topic but Adora REALLY highlights the problems I have with Rey over on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy. One of the critims often directed at Rey she is good at pretty much everything she does and needs no training whatsoever. She masters the Force after having it for a week, at most, she's a talented pilot and tech expert and these problems were really only highlighted in Rise of Skywalker where Rey does all teh actual work while Finn, Poe, Chewie and BB8 are really only in the film because Rey can't be everywhere at once. Plus she and needs people to save so she doesn't solve all the problems at once.

Contrasts this with Adora over on She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. She never really gets a handle over her power throughout the series and even as She-Ra she's not invisible as she loses a number of fights throughout the series. She has no social skills and remains awkward throughout the series, is pretty much useless when it comes to using Tech of any kind and can't even use Mara's ship without causing problems.

She does get better at dealing with people as the series goes on but she works best as the leader and the heavy hitter but there's no question that without Glimmer, Bow and later Catra, Adora would never have gotten as far as she did. Finn and Poe, if anything, just slow Rey down as they need to be constantly rescued. Even in the Force Awakens, before Rey got her powers, she was already more competent then the other members of the Trio.

Not helping Rey's case is that Adora actually develops as a character throughout the series while Rey never really changes. Adora starts the series as someone who is unsure of who she is, has a serious guilt complex and has trouble expressing her love for Catra. She ends the series knowing who she is and what she wants, has come to except that she can want things for herself and is now in a fully committed relationship with Catra.

Rey starts her series as a loner in the desert who is more interested in the past then the present and ends her series a loner in the desert who is more interested in the past then the present. The films even implies that she doesn't really feel a connection to anyone and the one exception is Kylo Ren... someone who has been hurting her since the series began and she doesn't even seem to really care that he dies right in front of her.

Adora is Rey done right because she was allowed to be a flawed character who goes through an arc and develops as time goes on so while she is still Adora she is a different person then who she started as. Rey has few to no flaws, never grows as a character and we never really learn that much about her.

At the time of this writing I'm making up a series of articles on Adora and Catra's arcs and relationship in Season 5 and the first two episodes ended up having so much stuff to analyses that I had to stop at because I ran out of room. I honestly don't think the same thing would happen with Rey.
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