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Sci-Fi vs Fantasy allegory

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:44 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
I've been watching Supergirl on the CW and there is a character that I recognized as a parallel what have you for Richard Spencer. Mainly because his hair is divided between 6 inches and greased up top to a much more butching at the sides and back. I did more looking into it because I didn't remember much about Spencer, and both people are PhDs as it turns out, not to mention that the character in the show rather soon starts backs nationalist rhetoric quite categorically.

As I've always considered DC to be more fantasy generally compared to Marvel, it gets me wondering as to how each genre tackles allegory.

As far as Supergirl here for instance, it's like the character metaphor is very direct, whereas the metaphor in Star Trek is more about collectives. I believe someone here described Spock in the 60's as representing US relations with Japan whereas the Romulans represented relations with the Chinese. What actually happens between them isn't necessarily historically consistent probably.

I don't know what do any of you think?