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Star Trek Discovery: Season Three

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:35 pm
by Zargon
So....anybody watch the first episode of Star Trek Discovery season 3 yet?

Well, at least now they are in the future of the future so they can have all the endless CGI spam tech they want, without it not making sense in the timeline.

It is intentionally a more Star Wars type show(with sadly a rip off of the Solo monster thing from The Force Awakens, sigh), but then it's in the 'wild west' future of the future with no Federation.

So we get to see the far future of the future of the 32nd century. We get to see a Lurian, the alien race that Morn from DS9 is a member.

So, anyone see it? What did you think?

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:01 pm
by Makeshift Python
Anyone catch the very meta reference when Michael was screaming at the computer to "reboot"?

Seems promising, I'm cautiously optimistic.

So the Disco is going to show up much later, that by the time they arrive through the vortex time will have passed for Michael, which means she'll be somewhat different after having teamed up with Book. I think a way to make that effective is to put her aside all of Part 2, where we mainly focus on what's happening from the Disco's point of view. By the time the episode ends, Michael shows up but now a different person, ready to bring her crew up to speed on what's been going on in the 32nd century.

One of the changes I hope they make with Michael is shed some of her Vulcan traits. I think for the first two seasons they made her a bit too much of a socially awkward stick in the mud. I already get the sense that they're trying to loosen the character up, like when she cries in joy over finding out she's on an inhabited planet and then seeing the actress act goofy when drugged up. SMG has always been a more capable actress than the show had utilized her before.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:09 pm
by clearspira
Zargon wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:35 pm So....anybody watch the first episode of Star Trek Discovery season 3 yet?

Well, at least now they are in the future of the future so they can have all the endless CGI spam tech they want, without it not making sense in the timeline.

It is intentionally a more Star Wars type show(with sadly a rip off of the Solo monster thing from The Force Awakens, sigh), but then it's in the 'wild west' future of the future with no Federation.

So we get to see the far future of the future of the 32nd century. We get to see a Lurian, the alien race that Morn from DS9 is a member.

So, anyone see it? What did you think?
I'm certainly not paying a subscription to watch it.

As an aside, I predict three potential courses for this show. I will be interested to see how close I am by the end:

1) Star Trek:Andromeda. Michael Burnham is already the female Dylan Hunt in terms of focus and specialness and now she has stolen his show too. I'm not saying she'll end up as a god - probably - but I am picturing a Space Jesus moment where she delivers the faithful to victory. Almost certainly she will be instrumental in bringing the galaxy back to the way it was.

2) Star Trek:Walking Dead. Michael Burnham is Rick Grimes. The undisputed but often questioned leader of a group surviving on the edge that goes on for three seasons longer than anyone cares.

3) Star Trek:One Piece. The Federation is gone and the galaxy in ruins only as long as the technobabble at the end of the Grand Line goes undiscovered. A bit of time travel, a parallel universe, Q, a cameo from Prophet Sisko. Something after a season or two will reset the status quo and almost certainly will involve Michael becoming the metaphorical Queen of the Pirates.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:11 pm
by clearspira
Makeshift Python wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:01 pm Anyone catch the very meta reference when Michael was screaming at the computer to "reboot"?

Seems promising, I'm cautiously optimistic.

So the Disco is going to show up much later, that by the time they arrive through the vortex time will have passed for Michael, which means she'll be somewhat different after having teamed up with Book. I think a way to make that effective is to put her aside all of Part 2, where we mainly focus on what's happening from the Disco's point of view. By the time the episode ends, Michael shows up but now a different person, ready to bring her crew up to speed on what's been going on in the 32nd century.

One of the changes I hope they make with Michael is shed some of her Vulcan traits. I think for the first two seasons they made her a bit too much of a socially awkward stick in the mud. I already get the sense that they're trying to loosen the character up, like when she cries in joy over finding out she's on an inhabited planet and then seeing the actress act goofy when drugged up. SMG has always been a more capable actress than the show had utilized her before.
Hey, i'll give it to them: its the closest they've gotten to admitting how little STD and PIC fits in with the rest of Trek.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:08 am
by Captain Crimson
Yeah, paint me optimistic as well. Now, will it approach the golden age of TOS, TNG, and DS9? No, no, no, not yet. I think to say so this early is short-sighted. Though I also think it's far past the drudgery of VOY and ENT, and even the reboots. Let's also keep in mind that continuity has been very questionable even at the peak of ST, back in the '90s. For me, personally, I just hope they continue gaining a firmer grasp on the characters, lore, and setting before involving classical races and powers like the Dominion. I mean, even ENT did fairly well by the Tholians, IMO. Also, I'd like them to surf the wikis. It is a dense franchise, after all. That should give them a bit of a better grasp on what ST is. But who knows if they will?

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:44 am
by Asvarduil
So, I just got done watching S3 E1.

First, I'm generally optimistic about the direction this season is going. The galaxy is a vastly different place, Burnham and company have no serious support structure...and the things they normally could rely on aren't reliable anymore - dilithium is an endangered species, subspace can be destroyed as an action, teleport-spam chases are a thing, the alliances between races have radically shifted. Situationally, I see lots of potential for entertaining drama, even with the seeming mission statement of this season being "reboot the Federation."

As to Burnham in general, I feel like her character is a bit better written this season. I was glad to have less self-righteous pontificating at the start of the season. I think that her initial interactions at surviving her crash landing...wherever the hell she probably the strongest, most apt opening for both the episode and the season.

I think it's too early to say that DISCO's writers have "learned their lesson" on writing good web/TV drama. With that said, I do feel like they've learned lessons, and if this pattern holds - Season 2 was better than 1, after all - then Season 3 should be pretty decent. Sure, it's not TOS or TNG or {Insert your favorite Trek series here}, but still. After the silliness that was both DISCO S1 and Picard S1, I have to at least tip my metaphorical hat with some respect.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:58 pm
by Link8909
Makeshift Python wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:01 pm Anyone catch the very meta reference when Michael was screaming at the computer to "reboot"?

Seems promising, I'm cautiously optimistic.

So the Disco is going to show up much later, that by the time they arrive through the vortex time will have passed for Michael, which means she'll be somewhat different after having teamed up with Book. I think a way to make that effective is to put her aside all of Part 2, where we mainly focus on what's happening from the Disco's point of view. By the time the episode ends, Michael shows up but now a different person, ready to bring her crew up to speed on what's been going on in the 32nd century.

One of the changes I hope they make with Michael is shed some of her Vulcan traits. I think for the first two seasons they made her a bit too much of a socially awkward stick in the mud. I already get the sense that they're trying to loosen the character up, like when she cries in joy over finding out she's on an inhabited planet and then seeing the actress act goofy when drugged up. SMG has always been a more capable actress than the show had utilized her before.
I really enjoyed Michael Burnham in this episode, she had some really great and human moments like the scream of joy finding out the planets inhabited, the shock of finding out the Federation is gone, and really funny bit with her high, "I saved all the things" and "I don't know, but it was temperature-sensitive, and really valuable, so it's probably ice cream" being just some of the lines I laughed at.

While I never had a hate boner for Michael Burnham like others, and actually like the character, I do agree she was very stoic during seasons one and two, season one in particular and accompanied by her guilty is why I can see why Chuck said season one was not fun to watch, season two did loosen her up a bit, but she still had the tendency to speechify unnecessarily and be overly serious, but while it's still early, going on the first episode of season three I do feel Michael is going in a good direction.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:17 pm
by Link8909
Zargon wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:35 pm So....anybody watch the first episode of Star Trek Discovery season 3 yet?

Well, at least now they are in the future of the future so they can have all the endless CGI spam tech they want, without it not making sense in the timeline.

It is intentionally a more Star Wars type show(with sadly a rip off of the Solo monster thing from The Force Awakens, sigh), but then it's in the 'wild west' future of the future with no Federation.

So we get to see the far future of the future of the 32nd century. We get to see a Lurian, the alien race that Morn from DS9 is a member.

So, anyone see it? What did you think?
I didn't mind the holographic displays or touchscreen technology in Star Trek Discovery, bit do see why people got their jimmies rustled over it, and honestly the technology we see in 32nd century makes what we saw before look like Philips CDI by comparison.

Speaking of comparisons, I don't really see or get the comparison to Star Wars, I do get the wild west part though, and with that I feel the 32nd century is far more of a wild west than even Star Wars as they had large governments that could police and maintain order, while the 32nd century seems to have no such thing, and considering Star Trek was originally pitched as "wagon train to the stars" is very fitting that Star Trek Discovery is now in its own version of the wild west, also I don't think Star Wars owns the monopoly on alien worm creatures (also that was another funny scene with Michael.)

Also when I first saw the Lurian, I thought that was Morn and that he was a Highlander this whole time.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:48 am
by MrL1992
So a few notes I made in my head:

- No monologuing from Michael.
- are they actually making use of that subspace degredation plot point that TNG introduced yet forgot about?
- Martin-Green is finally getting to show off her range.
- Time travel tech was outlawed? Given Trek history, that's a heck of a lot of different banned tech.

I like how the premise taps into a real existential fear that many have. The idea that the destruction/exhaustion of resources could cause us to regress in terms of travel and communication. Not being able run planes or cars, no internet, no phone lines etc. That would be a pretty dark time to live through. And if we aren't carefu and don't invest in our future, it will happem.

Re: Star Trek Dsicovery: Season Three

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:37 am
by Zargon
Link8909 wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:17 pm Speaking of comparisons, I don't really see or get the comparison to Star Wars, I do get the wild west part though, and with that I feel the 32nd century is far more of a wild west than even Star Wars as they had large governments that could police and maintain order, while the 32nd century seems to have no such thing, and considering Star Trek was originally pitched as "wagon train to the stars" is very fitting that Star Trek Discovery is now in its own version of the wild west, also I don't think Star Wars owns the monopoly on alien worm creatures (also that was another funny scene with Michael.)
Book is at best a copy of Lando and at worse a copy of Han Solo. A planet ruled by gangsters with a town that is, ahem, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Courier, ahem, bounty hunters. And the whole CGI monster spam where it eats all the bad guys is a 100% copy right from Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Really though you could slip this episode into a run of The Maldorloian, and no one would notice.