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Ster Trak

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 8:31 pm
by Gigglemesh (Banned)

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:27 am
by Rocketboy1313
Wow. Who would have thought that long form fiction would change over 25+ years?
Clearly writing to the sensibilities of a different audience in a different era is happening.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:10 am
by Deledrius
Rocketboy1313 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:27 am Wow. Who would have thought that long form fiction would change over 25+ years?
Clearly writing to the sensibilities of a different audience in a different era is happening.
That's certainly one way to look at it.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:57 am
by Link8909
Rocketboy1313 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:27 am Wow. Who would have thought that long form fiction would change over 25+ years?
Clearly writing to the sensibilities of a different audience in a different era is happening.
Indeed, by this videos logic, Captain Pike in season two of Star Trek Discovery should have been talking about how uncomfortable he is with women on the Bridge as that's what he said in "The Cage", or that Captains like Janeway, Garrett, and Georgiou shouldn't exist because women aren't allowed to be starship captains, as stated in "Turnabout Intruder".

Cannon seems to only matter when it's convenient to win an argument, because if you actually apply this mindset to all of the franchise rather than the parts one dislikes, you end up hating everything, for example, by this logic The Wrath of Khan is bad because Khan couldn't have known who Chekov was because he wasn't in "Space seed", and that Kirk never talked about Carol and David Marcus before The Wrath of Khan even though Marcus was Kirk's son and you would think that would have been brought up before.

And I know this seems like an obvious statement, but it's one that people tend to forget: people change, sensibilities change, that's apart of growing up, and expecting any series or film to write a fictional work with outdated sensibilities isn't good, one of the criticisms of season one of The Next Generation was that it was written like The Original Series, which lead to the big oof episodes like "Code of Honor", or the Enterprise episode "Stigma" that took on the Aids crisis with the mindset of the 80's with disastrous results.

Also the logic of the video doesn't add up, so a series is bad because fictional real people from 2399 aren't talking like fictional fake people from a 1930's holo-novel?

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:55 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Picard himself in Picard makes a pretty direct reference to the melancholy level of personal drama that came out of TNG.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:31 pm
by Link8909
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:55 pm Picard himself in Picard makes a pretty direct reference to the melancholy level of personal drama that came out of TNG.
Indeed, while Star Trek does show a future where we try to be better, it wasn't without drama, a lot of characters from the TNG era had plenty of emotional baggage, and some times they'd even have a pop at each other, it was very much like a soap-opera in space.

The only time they showed that there was zero conflict in the future was season one of The Next Generation, and quite frankly made most of the crew look arrogant, pompous, and overall insufferable.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:43 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Link8909 wrote: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:31 pm
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:55 pm Picard himself in Picard makes a pretty direct reference to the melancholy level of personal drama that came out of TNG.
Indeed, while Star Trek does show a future where we try to be better, it wasn't without drama, a lot of characters from the TNG era had plenty of emotional baggage, and some times they'd even have a pop at each other, it was very much like a soap-opera in space.

The only time they showed that there was zero conflict in the future was season one of The Next Generation, and quite frankly made most of the crew look arrogant, pompous, and overall insufferable.
The video above is talking about how people are using more modernly familiar slang in Picard. Star Trek used to not use modern slang at all because it's supposed to generally be an optimistic future where people were beyond sludgy behavior.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:12 am
by Link8909
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:43 pm The video above is talking about how people are using more modernly familiar slang in Picard. Star Trek used to not use modern slang at all because it's supposed to generally be an optimistic future where people were beyond sludgy behavior.
Ah, I figured as much, honestly when I saw it was one of those videos that use two similar scenes to say that one is bad despite the context of them, I turned it off after 10 or 15 seconds, plus I already posted early about this.

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:31 am
by Gigglemesh (Banned)
Star Trek Picard is garbage

Re: Ster Trak

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:43 am
by Gigglemesh (Banned)
Rocketboy1313 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:27 am Wow. Who would have thought that long form fiction would change over 25+ years?
Clearly writing to the sensibilities of a different audience in a different era is happening.
Shut the fuck up!