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10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:25 pm
‘Star Wars,’ ‘Pinocchio’ and More as Disney Leans Sharply Into Streaming

So there's going to be 10 new Star Wars shows, 2 being Mandolorian spin-off, and a movie ("Rogue Squadron" riffing on the game I guess).

There will also be 10 Marvels, including "Ms. Marvel" about a Pakistani-American superhero.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:10 pm
by Captain Crimson
I'm already leery of the promised rematch between Obi-Wan and Anakin in the Obi-Wan series, though... this is DSW, where continuity matters very little, but seems that show is getting made after all.

I'm not shocked Mr. Filoni got his Ahsoka series, he's been wanting this for 12 years. I do wonder if it's going to have ratings on par with SWR, as this is set up to be full-frontal Filoni, and he's never been among even the top 50 SW writers ever, including Mr. Lucas. Moving on.

I suspect they're going to lift once again from the EU they threw out and claimed they didn't want to maximize "creativity," mostly the books by Mr. Stackpole. Yet I hear the RS movie is set after the DSWST, so it's probably going to be differentiated from the EU, at least much as DSW is able to. The Obi-Wan series, though... calling it now. They are going to life from the Kenobi novel. You know, this really wouldn't irk me so much even in the context of "they threw out the EU and won't let Del Rey and Marvel continue SWL" if they just credited where they got the ideas, but no, they take it and act like it's their own. I know it's not to get sued to high heaven, but that's all the more incentive to let your business partners have their own "creative freedom" you never wanted. It's even more relevant since there's no way the NEU is going to be able to align perfectly with all these shows except to explain plot holes. Talk about really roughing over the publishing industry.

One thing I can't help but feel really frustrated about as an SWL fan is that... with the RS movie, you'd think now would be the right time to release all the old X-wing books in hardback, the fans will buy it and it's good visibility, you don't even have to sacrifice your own ruthless marketing campaign that is all the NEU amounts to. We've wanted this for years, and it's easy cash, and... she just doesn't understand what the fandom is about at all! :roll:

That aside, a few of these look promising, a few others look meh. Yet who really thought Ms. Kennedy was going to be fired? Naw. I mean, come on, that was never going to happen, ever. And yet this new approach is... just so classically Kathleen Kennedy, it has me shaking in mirth. I'm having vibes back to 2014 when it was announced there was going to be a new SW movie every year, this promises to be more of the same, throwing a new SW TV show at the wall to see what will stick, and with that kind of approach, there's bound to be a few that do.

2021 sure is going to be interesting, though put me in the "HR camp" as to the DSW project I'm most interested in RN, if for no other reason than Mr. Soule's LOTJ excerpt, it looks so promising. But then so did the ST.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:01 pm
by clearspira
Here's my theory for why they have announced so much shit coming out:
1) Disney is in massive financial turmoil. This is a fact. It needs the money from all of these films and series.
2) Covid could not have happened at a worse time for Marvel as it just killed off or relegated its biggest stars from the MCU. If the superhero bubble is going to burst, it'll burst now.
3) The age of the mega-blockbuster could be dead if cinemas die off. Watching a film on your 40 inch and watching a film on a frigging-IMAX are two very different things.

Endgame was very aptly named as it turns out. You'll never see something on that scale again in the immediate future.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:18 pm
by Captain Crimson
clearspira wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:01 pm 1) Disney is in massive financial turmoil. This is a fact. It needs the money from all of these films and series.
Well, you know what could offset that? Letting Marvel and Del Rey make more SWL! I mean, I've probably said this a thousand times, but there's no reason the two continuities can't coexist and this is what happens when you chase an audience of supercasual hipster fans. They just latch onto the hot new thing and then forget it, while without the EU, without us, the older fans who keep interest alive long after it's dead, there would be no PT. You can see this in how the loyalist SWL hold-outs are still waiting for more fresh content. And what do we get for our troubles? Lectured at by smug DSW fans who treat us as gatekeepers, bigots, "toxic" fans, terrorists, etc, et all, I've heard 'em all at this point.

New SWL, as books and comics, not TV shows or movies as they wouldn't translate over well for the audiences they want, is easy money if only they'd just stop roughing over their business partners. Rumors about LF? There's rumors that inside the halls of Del Rey, they're none too happy LF cut into their sales. This is perfectly consistent to HoM and their corporate tyranny toward their affiliates. It's why I just don't think Mickey is entering the public domain in 2024. Would be nice, though.
clearspira wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:01 pm 2) Covid could not have happened at a worse time for Marvel as it just killed off or relegated its biggest stars from the MCU. If the superhero bubble is going to burst, it'll burst now.
Yeah, I read a few articles that even said SWTROS, AVEG, and GoT is the end of the monoculture, the last piece of fiction we all collectively tune into. So I think you're right. It's just a distraction from their very bad business practices and the bleak future they're too frenzied to really process as they are in their SJW echo chambers.
clearspira wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:01 pm 3) The age of the mega-blockbuster could be dead if cinemas die off. Watching a film on your 40 inch and watching a film on a frigging-IMAX are two very different things.
It'd be weird, too, since even with my earlier memories, I just remember all these big, huge, overspent, mega-budgeted blockbusters coming out at least every year. And yet, would it really be so bad if they did fail? It's a paradigm shift the industry desperately needs for longevity. That said, I kinda don't think cinemas will die, so much as the words Mr. Lucas and Mr. Spielberg spoke about a few years ago. Prices will keep skyrocketing until, inevitably, they turn into a luxury event, and that implies the story quality will have an uptick, otherwise why would it be in theaters for a year ala a big Broadway event?

So there's a bit to hope for, as well as mourn (depending on your perspective).

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:35 pm
by Robovski
If it's good stuff I'll be glad to have it. That said, I am dubious that they can manage it from what I've seen from Disney so far. Hopefully some of these series and movies will be good. But yeah, I'm kinda done with the Marvel superhero movies, that feels over.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:48 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
That's why I bought 2 years of Disney Plus. So that I could get a bunch of shows after about 3 years.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:35 pm
by Link8909
Just finished watching some of the Marvel trailers, and honestly I'm really excited about all of the new series that are coming, it's been over a year and a half since Avengers: Endgame and Spiderman: Far From Home with nothing since, so personally I'm really looking forward to seeing the new heroes and stories to come.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:12 pm
by phantom000
I've never been a huge fan of streaming services, or even cable. You want me to spend $20 a month for 1,000 TV shows and movies when i barely watch 10 of them. I'm one of those that would just as soon buy $20 worth of DVDs every month, at least that way I want to watch what i'm buying and i can watch it any time i want, as opposed to waiting for this window of opportunity Netflix has.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:23 pm
by clearspira
So much for Rian Johnson's trilogy lol. If it wasn't announced here, it ain't coming.

What's funny is that Abrams demolishing half of his plot points in TROS should have been enough to convince people that his name was mud as far as Disney was concerned, but TLJ fans just couldn't accept it. Well finally here's the proof.

Re: 10 Star Wars and 10 Marvels

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:29 pm
by Captain Crimson
clearspira wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:23 pm So much for Rian Johnson's trilogy lol. If it wasn't announced here, it ain't coming.

What's funny is that Abrams demolishing half of his plot points in TROS should have been enough to convince people that his name was mud as far as Disney was concerned, but TLJ fans just couldn't accept it. Well finally here's the proof.
Yeah, I can't understand how people think it's still happening.

What's your opinion on the promised and hyped-up rematch between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in the Obi-Wan series?