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Star Wars: Underworld 2.0

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:27 pm
by Winter
The one Star Wars project that George Lucas wanted to make but never got the chance to was Underworld. The basic premise of this project was that it was set between the events of the Prequel Trilogy and the Original Trilogy that focused on mostly original characters with some minor or secondary characters from both Trilogies showing up in some capacity with maybe the occasional cameo from a main character from said Trilogies.

This was largely discarded by Disney when they bought the series as their focus was on the Disney Sequel Trilogy and that's perfectly understandable. They bought THE Biggest Series in pop-culture, one that has had major successes in every media that have had an notable impact on pop-culture but is still seen as a movie series so the first thing they would want is to make a follow up to the Original Trilogy not a show that very few people seemed to actually be interested in, at the time anyway.

However, Lucas felt that Star Wars future was mostly on the small screen given his focus on The Clone Wars and still trying to get Underworld made and I honestly see why he thought that. The story of the first two Trilogies was done, everything was wrapped up and if you wanted to see what happened next there was the Expanded Universe which Lucas basically acknowledged as canon and the large scale stories were all thoroughly covered and, frankly, over done.

Lucas wanted to focus on stories that were small scale, that explored the side of the galaxy that largely underplayed in the films and even most of the big name stories outside of the movies, that of the Underworld of the galaxy.

We saw Star Wars moving towards this direction in the final days before the Disney Buyout with the then last season of Clone Wars having it's last episode focus on Ahsoka being framed and needing to go on the run and turning to the criminal underworld to find answers. The upcoming Star Wars game 1313, which was being hyped up as THE next big Star Wars game also focused on the literal underworld of Coruscant and the crime lords of that location.

But after the Disney Buyout the series moved back to the grand scale of the films which was already overplayed and took it up to 11 with a third Death Star that could destroy several planets in one shot, more powerful Force users and overpowering the Force.

This is the world Disney decided to focus on and the result was a Trilogy that is... divisive to say the least.

However, that Trilogy has now come to an end and it seems that Disney has decided to follow Lucas' example and go forward with what is Underworld in everything but name. As of this writing Star Wars is focusing on a number of shows that focus on mostly new characters with VERY few shows focusing on leads from the first two Trilogies and takes place mostly in the Underworld of the Star Wars galaxy.

The only difference is that this is set with several shows instead of just one and takes place between the first two Trilogies and After TOT. And that makes sense. Disney had rebooted the Star Wars Universe so the events of things like the Thrawn Trilogy and all Post TOT stories were no longer canon and we now have this question of what happened between TOT and TDST.

Putting aside the rumors that Disney and Lucas film are planning to retcon TDST out of the series exploring the Universe Post Return of the Jedi is something most fans of the films haven't seen so it's something that many are interested in seeing.

Re: Star Wars: Underworld 2.0

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:44 am
by Thebestoftherest

Re: Star Wars: Underworld 2.0

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:49 am
by Beelzquill
The Disney Sequel Trilogy