Will the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy Stand the Test of Time?
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:10 am
A few years ago I asked the question if The Last Jedi would stand the text of time and the answer on the whole seemed to be mostly no so the question now is will the Disney Sequel Trilogy as a whole Stand the test of time? Personally, I don't think so.
A big chunk as to why I think that is that TDST is just the Original Trilogy and sequels that emulate the original to much tend to be forgotten and while there are exceptions to that rule (Terminator 2 comes to mind as it is pretty much the first film but bigger and yet is seen as the best film in the series by most) generally most copy and paste sequels are usually forgotten.
Even The Last Jedi was pretty much a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back hitting all the same plot points and character points and the differences here there were minor at best or unneeded at worst.
Contrast this with Knights of the Old Republic which has similarities with TOT but is still seen as doing things differently enough to justify those similarities. You've got a Super Weapon controlled by the villains that the heroes need to destroy, one of the characters has a connection to the main villain of the story that they are not fully aware and the ending has the heroes destroying the aforementioned Super Weapon while the main characters fights the lead villain on the Super Weapons Throne Room.
And yet, despite this and thus playing things safe KOTOR is considered one of if not the best Star Wars games of all time and spawned it's own series within Star Wars which has only been done 2 other times (the Original EU which is mostly about dealing with the fallout of The Thrawn Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy which lead to the creation of the Clone Wars stories). And while many argue if KOTOR 2 Sith Lords is better then the first the fact remains that KOTOR is the more universally recognized game and lead to BioWare becoming a house old name and to this day there is STILL a demand for a KOTOR 3.
So, yeah, KOTOR has stood the test of time despite it also borrowing a lot from TOT. So, why is that?
The best way I can sum it up is by paraphrasing something Chuck himself said while covering Star Trek Beyond. The Wrath of Khan and First Contact are seen as some of the best Star Trek films of all time while Nemesis and Into Darkness are not as well received. Into Darkness in particular, despite being a huge hit at the time, has largely fallen out of favor with most fans seemingly forgetting about it. Indeed as the years go on Beyond is actually growing in popularity while the 09 film and ID fade more into the background.
But back to the quote, Wrath and First Contract where written because they were stories that the writers wanted to tell while Nemesis and ID are stories that were made to fill a quota. KOTOR, The Thrawn Trilogy, TOT and even the Prequel Trilogy have all managed to stay in pop-culture despite them all being over Several Decades old.
As of this writing it has been one year since TDST ended and it seems it is fading out with Disney and Lucas film seemingly doing everything they can to distances themselves from said Trilogy.
But what do you think? Will TDST stand the test of time or is it fated to end up like Legacy of the Force? A story that also needlessly killed off several beloved characters, had Han and Leia's son turn to evil and had a bunch of padding.
A big chunk as to why I think that is that TDST is just the Original Trilogy and sequels that emulate the original to much tend to be forgotten and while there are exceptions to that rule (Terminator 2 comes to mind as it is pretty much the first film but bigger and yet is seen as the best film in the series by most) generally most copy and paste sequels are usually forgotten.
Even The Last Jedi was pretty much a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back hitting all the same plot points and character points and the differences here there were minor at best or unneeded at worst.
Contrast this with Knights of the Old Republic which has similarities with TOT but is still seen as doing things differently enough to justify those similarities. You've got a Super Weapon controlled by the villains that the heroes need to destroy, one of the characters has a connection to the main villain of the story that they are not fully aware and the ending has the heroes destroying the aforementioned Super Weapon while the main characters fights the lead villain on the Super Weapons Throne Room.
And yet, despite this and thus playing things safe KOTOR is considered one of if not the best Star Wars games of all time and spawned it's own series within Star Wars which has only been done 2 other times (the Original EU which is mostly about dealing with the fallout of The Thrawn Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy which lead to the creation of the Clone Wars stories). And while many argue if KOTOR 2 Sith Lords is better then the first the fact remains that KOTOR is the more universally recognized game and lead to BioWare becoming a house old name and to this day there is STILL a demand for a KOTOR 3.
So, yeah, KOTOR has stood the test of time despite it also borrowing a lot from TOT. So, why is that?
The best way I can sum it up is by paraphrasing something Chuck himself said while covering Star Trek Beyond. The Wrath of Khan and First Contact are seen as some of the best Star Trek films of all time while Nemesis and Into Darkness are not as well received. Into Darkness in particular, despite being a huge hit at the time, has largely fallen out of favor with most fans seemingly forgetting about it. Indeed as the years go on Beyond is actually growing in popularity while the 09 film and ID fade more into the background.
But back to the quote, Wrath and First Contract where written because they were stories that the writers wanted to tell while Nemesis and ID are stories that were made to fill a quota. KOTOR, The Thrawn Trilogy, TOT and even the Prequel Trilogy have all managed to stay in pop-culture despite them all being over Several Decades old.
As of this writing it has been one year since TDST ended and it seems it is fading out with Disney and Lucas film seemingly doing everything they can to distances themselves from said Trilogy.
But what do you think? Will TDST stand the test of time or is it fated to end up like Legacy of the Force? A story that also needlessly killed off several beloved characters, had Han and Leia's son turn to evil and had a bunch of padding.