Mass Effect 3: Thessia
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:44 am
God this level still sucks. It's bad enough that you lose to a discount Mortal Kombat character aka Kai Leng but the fact that you don't lose to him because he's a genuine tough boss fight (I've defeated him in 1 minute ON INSANITY) but because the script SAYS you lose this fight. Seriously the first time I fought him I had Liara and Javik with my Shepard and my Shepard was a Adapt and for some reason EVERYONE, Including Shepard, forgets they have the power to LIFT PEOPLE INTO THE AIR AND TURN THEIR BODY TO ASH WHEN GOING UP AGAINST SOME ASSHOLE WITH A SWORD!!!
It doesn't help that the mission before this is boring as crap. It's just go from one shooting gallery to another and depending on your level with will be either REALLY tedious because you're fighting a tone of bullet spunges or really boring because all enemies are now a few levels below you and seem to just trying to slow you down by making you trip over their corpses.
For me, THIS is where ME3 starts it's downward spiral as Tuchanka and Rannoch were AMAZING but in regards to the main story the game just gets progressively WORSE with less engaging (if not outright BORING) level designs, contrived writing and a clear message that, starting from Thessia onward, your choices you've made throughout the Trilogy no longer matter and now everything will be dictated to you.
And the WORST part about all this is, at least with the ending, I can just ignore it and go on to ME3's DLCs which are, IMO, great and fun to play with the Citadel DLC being my all time favorite Mission in the series bar none. But there's just one problem, in order to meet up with all the characters in the Citadel DLC I NEED to first play Thessia and Sanctuary because it's the only way Miranda will show up during said DLC. So, I HAVE to play this level in order to see a character I've come to love and given she is the ONLY person who is willing to handle her own S#!t I feel I owe it to her to help her and her sister out.
But GOD I wish there was a way around it.
It doesn't help that the mission before this is boring as crap. It's just go from one shooting gallery to another and depending on your level with will be either REALLY tedious because you're fighting a tone of bullet spunges or really boring because all enemies are now a few levels below you and seem to just trying to slow you down by making you trip over their corpses.
For me, THIS is where ME3 starts it's downward spiral as Tuchanka and Rannoch were AMAZING but in regards to the main story the game just gets progressively WORSE with less engaging (if not outright BORING) level designs, contrived writing and a clear message that, starting from Thessia onward, your choices you've made throughout the Trilogy no longer matter and now everything will be dictated to you.
And the WORST part about all this is, at least with the ending, I can just ignore it and go on to ME3's DLCs which are, IMO, great and fun to play with the Citadel DLC being my all time favorite Mission in the series bar none. But there's just one problem, in order to meet up with all the characters in the Citadel DLC I NEED to first play Thessia and Sanctuary because it's the only way Miranda will show up during said DLC. So, I HAVE to play this level in order to see a character I've come to love and given she is the ONLY person who is willing to handle her own S#!t I feel I owe it to her to help her and her sister out.
But GOD I wish there was a way around it.