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Will Dragon Age 4 be the Mass Effect 2 of DA?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:54 pm
by Winter
The way BioWare has talked about DA4 sounds rather similar to how ME2 in terms of the overall story. Like ME2 you'll be dealing with a world that isn't willing to addressing the issues but being backed by an controversial organization but the main focus is on your companions and choices you make within this game will determine if those companions live or die.

Given the smaller scale of the game (we'll be given less political power and the missions seem to be going for a detective/spy angle) I don't think this game is about taking down the Dread Wolf but rather building a force that can stand against him by resolving the issues in the North and figuring out how Solas plans to achieve his plans. This will likely then be followed up by DA5 where the Dread Arc reaches it's conclusion making DA4 the middle chapter of this "Trilogy" so it would make sense to keep things small and one thing I like about ME2 is that is just how small and personal it is.

ME2 is not about Shepard saving the day it's about resolving the personal issues of our squads. Helping them overcome their issues, gaining their loyalty and learning their skills so we can defeat the Collectors and save our crew mates who were captured by the Collectors. So, will DA4 have a similar plot?

It wouldn't be the first time BioWare used one of their older games as inspiration got another game as shown in DAO which clearly borrowed heavily from Knights of the Old Republic so I wouldn't be against this so long as it added something new like DAO did. And just as an aside I do actually like the idea of going smaller as we've already had a big sprawling adventure with armies while fighting a would be God bent on destroying the world, now is the time to scale it back a bit and focus on the people who live in this world while dealing with some of the worst people in said world to make us wonder if this is a world worth saving.