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My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:19 am
by Arkle
For the majority of you who didn't see the trailer I have for my YouTube channel (which is already out of date, but that's my own fault for not asking all of my Cards Against Humanity crew if they wanted to be recorded for a show before I made the trailer), one thing I'm planning to do this year is my Top 10 Favorite Voyager Episodes, inspired by the series re-watch I recently completed. Now, the video (or videos) itself is still in the planning stages. I don't know how I'm going to format it, how many paerts I'm gonna split it in (if I split it at all), etc. But I do have my list. Keep in mind, this is not a ranked list, but in air date order. They whys for each episode will be included in the video once it's done.
  • Faces
    The Thaw
    Year of Hell Parts 1 & 2
    Mortal Coil
    Message in a Bottle
    Living Witness
    Infinite Regress
    Course: Oblivion
    The Void
As is often the case with Top 10 videos, there will of course be honorable mentions. Those are;

State of Flux, Meld (Pretty much entirely for Brad Dourif), Death Wish, Deadlock, Remember, Fair Trade, Distant Origin, Scorpion Parts 1 & 2, The Killing Game, Counterpoint, Bride of Chaotica, Barge of the Dead.

Making this list turned out to be harder than I thought. There were simply more good episodes than I'd remembered the first time around watching the show on UPN. That said, at best, the number of episodes I'd ranks from Better Than Average to Flat Out Good makes up roughly 20% of the show, and having only 1/5th of your entire series run be good is not a good ratio.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:41 am
by The Romulan Republic
Been a long time since I watched a lot of them, but from memory, I was rather fond of Scorpion, Dark Frontier (at least the first part- the second part got kind of stupid), The Killing Game, and Living Witness, among others.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:18 pm
by nebagram
Living Witness is easily my favourite episode of Voyager so kudos on that pick. Hard to argue with most of your others, with the possible exception of Course Oblivion (which requires a stonker of a suspension of disbelief) and Mortal Coil (because Neelix. He's used very well in the episode, but still, Neelix). My favourite that you haven't mentioned is probably Pathfinder, even though it's more a 'Star Trek Barclay' episode. Or maybe because of that, I dunno.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:36 pm
by Arkle
nebagram wrote:Living Witness is easily my favourite episode of Voyager so kudos on that pick. Hard to argue with most of your others, with the possible exception of Course Oblivion (which requires a stonker of a suspension of disbelief) and Mortal Coil (because Neelix. He's used very well in the episode, but still, Neelix). My favourite that you haven't mentioned is probably Pathfinder, even though it's more a 'Star Trek Barclay' episode. Or maybe because of that, I dunno.
I liked Pathfinder okay, but I do wish they could've found a way to do that without having Reg relapse on his holo-addiction.

Oh, and with Course: Oblivion, it actually boosts the episode a little that it is such a well done episode, considering how godawful the episode it's following up on is. The rare "sequel that is superior to the original." :)

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 12:05 am
by FaxModem1
What are your thoughts on Lineage? It's a personal favorite of mine.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 12:07 am
by Arkle
FaxModem1 wrote:What are your thoughts on Lineage? It's a personal favorite of mine.
It's not bad, but not one of my favorites.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:17 am
by Paul Walker
I like your list.

Warlord is nice to see on there as it's a good Kes episode, and she didn't get many of them.

My Top 10 Voyager Episodes:

Living Witness
Distant Origin
Worst Case Scenario
Year of Hell
Thirty Days
Dark Frontier

Honourable Mentions:
Death Wish
Message in a Bottle

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:10 am
by Arkle
Part 1 of the video series is done for the most part. My Mom (who is also my editor) ran into some problem with the credits at the end which is why it didn't go up on YouTube and tonight, but it's done. Thing is going to be 3 parts total. Part 1 is the "Why I'm doing a Voyager list, and the Honorable Mentions" video.

Re: My Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:58 am
by Arkle
Here we go. I do have a proper thumbnail for this, but YT is being a jerk and won't upload it for no good reason. I'll see if I can fix it tomorrow.