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Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:02 am
by Winter
A while back I talked about the theory that we Might be playing as a Clone of Shepard with said hypocritical clone using the tech that created Shep's first clone alone with means established in universe to transfer memories into said clone and using this to get old fans into the new game. This idea, however, wasn't something that many people are behind, Madner Kami said that they feel that Shep should stay dead because they feel Shepard's story is over and should be allowed to rest and this is an opinion that many others have expressed as well.

However, as I've mentioned before I HATE the ending of Mass Effect 3 and feel it was a TERRIBLE end for Shepard's journey. One of the major selling points of Mass Effect is the idea making choices and LIVING with the fallout of that choice and killing off Shepard in all 4 of the endings with only ONE giving a SLIGHT chance at surviving because BioWare wanted their bittersweet ending and F#(k anyone who says otherwise. It doesn't help that the last 10 minutes of the game are taken from Shepard and giving to that little blue troll because, again, BioWare wants THEIR story and why should they give players the option to shape the ending they want?

But, I get why there are those who would like the ending and feel that was a good end to Shepard's story. Again, I think the clone theory would be a good compromise as you get both a new character who gets to deal with the fallout of the choices while also being, on some level, the original character they fell in love with.

But the real question is SHOULD Shepard's story continue or should they be left in peace?

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:14 am
by Rocketboy1313
You know I consider "Mass Effect 2" one of my favorite games ever, but I never bothered with the other games in the series because I did not care.
I am baffled how a franchise this ostensibly loathed at this point can still get anyone to think about it at all.

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:40 pm
by Kinky Vorlon
No, leave Shep alone. The ME galaxy is a very rich one with hundreds of exciting stories can be told. Shep's done.

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:32 pm
by CharlesPhipps

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:26 am
by Madner Kami
No. Gawd, it's as if you people are perpetually trapped in the past, reliving the same over and over again. This was considered a personal hell once.

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:20 pm
by clearspira
''Clone of Ripley'' didn't work in Alien 4 and nor will ''Clone of Shep''. Sorry but its a different person. It doesn't matter who they look like. Its not them.

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:15 pm
by hammerofglass
Even if Shepard hadn't died at the end of ME3 a big part of their character in that game was that they were suffering badly from all their accumulated trauma, on the edge of a complete breakdown, and forcing through out of sheer necessity. Bringing them back just seems kind of cruel.

Re: Should Shepard's Story Continue?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:50 pm
by Riedquat
Shepard's story's been told, even if it ended in a badly-written mess that deserved far better. (S)he deserves a break. There's already a bit too much small universe syndrome with Mass Effect; we've seen Liara in the trailer, which is pushing it a lot.