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Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:19 am
by cilantro
Okay, so in a few weeks the new Dune movie is set to be released (finally) and I was wondering if anyone else is expecting to go out to see it and/or to stream it?

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:31 am
by Madner Kami
I am very much looking forward to it, though with mixed feelings.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:45 pm
by Makeshift Python
I'm curious about it. I've only seen the David Lynch movie. Not terribly interested in reading the source material.

But I fully expect that this is all that we'll get. There's no way this movie is making its money back, and it's kind of dumb how WB threw this among the group of films set for HBO Max.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:17 am
by cilantro
I have heard some mixed things. Some people are saying, from what they have seen/heard, this is going to be the most book-accurate Dune movie while others are worried that it will be a terrible woke movie. I can understand why some people may feel that way but overall it sounds like it will be a book-accurate movie, which is exciting but they have (for some reason) spilt the first book into two movies (and I heard rumors that the second movie got the greenlight).

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:17 am
by Yukaphile
I gotta admit, I hadn't seen the movie since I was a kid. Well, me and Mom just watched the Spice Diver edit up on YouTube, and it's pretty good. I liked it. I also have the book and am slowly hacking my way through that. I want to get the sequels too.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 4:22 pm
by hammerofglass
At this point I just assume the people who call things "woke" as an insult being mad about a commercial product is always the result of marketers for the product stirring them up on purpose. You not only get free advertising, but those kinds of people being against it is an endorsement to everyone else. It's been a basic marketing strategy for years now.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:09 pm
by Mabus
It's one of the few films that I'm really looking forward to, everything looks great, great visuals, setting, top actors, the only way everything can go wrong if it's intentional... and given that this is Warner Bros. we're talking about, I am a bit cautious.
I don't know of any "woke" shit spoiling the movie, all I've seen so far is that Rebecca Ferguson, who plays Lady Jessica, claims that the book has some 60s sexism (even though the book itself was quite progressive in regards to its female characters), but she also admits that she didn't read the book, she stopped at 20 pages... she literally told the director Denis Villeneuve: "I don't get the book. Can you please explain it to me as if I'm a child?". Oh and she relied on blogs and the Internet to learn more about the characters... I think you're supposed to do that AFTER you read the whole book, that way you can compare your thoughts to others to get a better perspective of the work.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 5:26 pm
by Kinky Vorlon
I have mixed feelings. I love Villeneuve's work thus far and it's been his lifelong dream to direct an adaptation of it. But I can't help feeling that something's going to go wrong with this. It's the only thing that might get me into a theatre this fall (depending on cases in my area).

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 6:53 pm
by clearspira
I found both the David Lynch film and the book to be rather unintelligible tbh. Funnily enough, I used to own a rather good Command and Conquer clone called Dune 2000 which did a better job of explaining the plot to me in FMV snippets. That and it had John Rhys Davies in it which is always a win.

Re: Dune (The 2021 Movie)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:15 am
by Madner Kami
Kinky Vorlon wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 5:26 pm I have mixed feelings. I love Villeneuve's work thus far and it's been his lifelong dream to direct an adaptation of it. But I can't help feeling that something's going to go wrong with this. It's the only thing that might get me into a theatre this fall (depending on cases in my area).
I feel the largest stumbling stone is going to be his repeatedly expressed fixation on Zendaya and, by extension, Chani. I'm mostly worried on the story somehow being folded around that character for all the wrong reasons and at the detriment of everyone around her.
Well, that and his sometimes wierd notions about womenhood within the Dune-universe, depending on how you want to interpret some of the things he says. Keynes being male for example, isn't decissive for the story, but it's part of the world-building. The Empire is run by men. There are men in all positions of power and women are always, at most, either bargaining chips or the grey eminences behind the throne. This needing to stop, women becoming less "womenly" is part of the Golden Path. Notably, the Bene Gesserit, the Fish Speakers and, lateron, the Honored Matres, they aren't forces of Good. They are the equally terrible opposite of the man-run Empire and just as detrimental to humankind's continued existence and future and this needs to stop for humankind to thrive, just as much as men needing to be less "manly", so being "more inclusive" early on kinda undermines the whole thing in a very fundamental way, even though it appears as minor changes at first glance.