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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:06 am
by Winter

While I'm not found of the fact that BioWare apparently isn't involved with this project and that it seems to be only on PS5, WE'RE STILL GETTING A REMAKE OF KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC!!! Do you know what this means, KOTOR is now going to be made canon AGAIN in Star Wars!!! There are so many things the Remake could improve on like the load times, maybe make Sacred Shark less idiotic or maybe even give you romance options instead of just the original two and, given both actors being okay with it in other games, having both original romantic options be Bisexual options too.

But this is could also mean that Disney and Luca Film are going to be working to reintegrate Legend stories into canon which means we could see the Thrawn Trilogy, X-Wings series and maybe even Jedi Academy/Dark Force. This all does depend on how successful the KOTOR is but remakes and remasters are usually guaranteed to be a hit so it's a safe bet will be seeing more of the Legends stories, (the good ones at least) making their way back into canon. :D


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:23 am
by Madner Kami
PS5 and PC actually.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:32 am
by Yukaphile
I'll pass. For one thing, is it going to be Legends or Disney? Will they put the Legends label on it or not? They don't think the Legends label will sell since they think the customers are idiots. I think catering to CGI snobs who need an HD polish is really smothering our entertainment media and the way that it's marketed. And at best, it's going to be more of the same, instead of something new. Really, it is contingent on how much Lucasfilm steps in or not, and they're the ones who license it, and they kinda have some vendetta against Legends, so... whatever.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:40 am
by Yukaphile
Let me tell you this. Lucasfilm is eventually going to run into a brick wall on the "recanonizing" train. Because you can say a character who has a similar name is "canon" again in a sourcebook, like they recently did with Kyle Katarn, but as we've seen with Rebels and Thrawn, it doesn't mean their story will be the same. The backstory will be changed. Rukh was killed. Pellaeon is now aware of what Thrawn is capable of, removing some of the mystery from this enigmatic Grand Admiral. Thrawn came to peak during the Imperial era, so the whole GALAXY should know him. There is no good reason he shouldn't have been able to call on all the vast resources of the Imperial war machine past Filoni KNOWING that Zahn would pick up his weak slack in one of his books to justify this. That would seriously put a crimp in any plans for a Thrawn adaptation in Mandalorian, since I know you want that so badly, Winter. As someone who's just now reading into it, I think I've changed my stance. I don't want canon adapting Legends, I don't think they handle that well. I want new Legends licensed properly as a side alternate universe of books and comics, so long as Lucasfilm eases off the reins enough to LET THE WRITERS DO THEIR JOBS. No studio meddling. You literally cannot have Heir to the Empire in the same universe as the Disney timeline, because the Solo twins were erased in favor of Rey and Kylo Ren. They could replace it with that baby Yoda character, who is it? Groga or something? I don't keep up with Disney Star Wars. Or Rey or Kylo Ren. They could just overwrite their own EU. It's what they've done for seven years now. But, you could literally have this Ezra Bridger character replace the clone of Jorus C'baoth in any attempted live-action Thrawn Trilogy. I hear people in RK Outpost say that, and even big-time YouTubers like Thor Skywalker and EckhartsLadder have to admit that a "reimagined" Thrawn Trilogy is coming. This KOTOR will be no different, especially since we've had reports going back several months to over a year that it's going to be a "remake/reimagining/sequel." That sounds bad... when Ryan Kinel says it's more nostalgia bait to trick jaded fans back, I can't disagree. I am honestly more hyped to play Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, that I ordered for my GameCube, and read the Dark Forces graphic novels, than replay a rehashed game story.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:48 am
by Yukaphile
I'd rather play the old buggy game. I don't NEED a CGI polish. And even the tiny lore changes are going to get under my skin. More retcons, more continuity blunders and canon breakdown from people who don't know the lore, who are good at lying about it, googling all their information for it, cribbing notes off others for it, and don't even know what canon IS right now. My only hate for graphics and effects is if they were subpar even for their day, like early Doctor Who compared to TOS. TOS did it better. But this did exactly what it was meant to. Every fan community I see is discussing this. It's got a lot of buzz, a lot of people talking, a lot of hype by piggybacking off the past, what they threw out, excitement for Disney Star Wars people haven't felt in YEARS. I think we are going to have unity for a short time, then a lot of angry fans, followed by a mass exodus and diminishing returns. So yeah, I'd much rather play all that old crap. Problem is I've been trying to play KOTOR since 2010 and have never been able to. I've only periodically been able to play KOTOR 2, if my computer of the day would allow it, when I change it every couple years after it breaks down. Well, as I said, whatever. It just bugs me so fuckin' much because YOU'RE the fan they want. Not me. Not someone who'd like to read a Legends novel or comic set in the older timeline, that respects the decades of continuity, which ties into the events there. Someone who loves something brought back to canon for reasons I can't fathom. Well, whatever. I don't think this will end the way you think.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:18 am
by Deledrius
I still need to get around to playing this one. I've heard good things about it.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:23 am
by Yukaphile
I think they're going to go with the recent tired corporate gaslighting formula, because they want to get a discussion on social issues going (that's what happens when you watch MSNBC or CNN all the time - cable news I haven't watched in YEARS), of making Revan a woman and then they can sneer off legitimate criticisms by calling fan dissent bigotry. They'll insist "the books were never canon" and cite gameplay mechanics to justify it, which hey, a female Revan in an equally alternate universe is great. When I play KOTOR 2, as my sig may hint, I play a black woman. In the C Canon, she's a white woman. So it shouldn't matter. However, it's not an equal timeline, is it? Star Wars Visions isn't "beholden to any canon timeline," but then I am under no illusions, we won't be getting Legends-adapted OVAs or anime, which is to Japan's forte, and they still can't give us that. And if Star Wars Visions takes place outside the Disney timeline, then there's really no excuse NOT to license new Legends past the fact that they have some kinda completely bizarre hate-boner toward it. I wish I knew the REAL reason. It's probably because they do NOT want the casual fans and normies and children to know where they get the ideas they keep taking to peddle unoriginal crap as per orders by Disney's execs. Makes it easier to back up their deceptive marketing practices. Oh yeah, "first ever." Riiiiiiiiiight... fuckin' liars, lol. No. There's only ONE fuckin' timeline, they want obedient sheep as customers, to buy the lies they spin, and that single timeline is destined to be disregarded and rebooted in ten to twenty years anyway, once all the children fans now have grown up and are ready for some of the retcons they plan by the little lore changes they make in stuff like, say, the Galaxy of Adventures shorts.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:53 am
by Madner Kami
Deledrius wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:18 am I still need to get around to playing this one. I've heard good things about it.
Gameplay was meh at the time and is pretty bad by today's standards. Graphics were time-appropriate. Story-telling was the big seller and still is. Big recommendation through particuarly that and if they adress the first two things in the process of remaking it, it'll be a great game once more.
Yukaphile wrote:Word-salad-vomit
Just shut up for once. You keep grinding the same axe and fail to add anything new. It's tiresome. At least format your posts properly, maybe that helps you spend enough time on the issue to contemplate about it, rather than just vomitting your pointless and obsessive anger all over the place.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:00 am
by Yukaphile
Yes, CGI snobs are everywhere. We are just so obsessive in the new society we have. Storytelling is not the seller when CGI obsession is making it easier and easier for studios to push through lazy scripts or remakes.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:27 am
by Yukaphile
Okay, apparently, they hired Sam Maggs to be the writer for the remake, lol. Now I'm not a TLOUII fan, but just from what I hear over on the RK Outpost Discord, this is very similar to what went on there. Hmmmmm... same company, Sony. My last comment on this topic until the release. You have my solemn promise on that. Because THAT promises to be quite the amazing and amusing shitshow, and I wanna be around then, and kinda just let you guys have your hype before I come in to say "I told you so."

But I think what you're going to get is a completely rewritten game surrounded by false ad marketing. Similar to how they put out fake trailers telling you over and over that you'd be playing as Joel and Ellie, when in reality, it was playing as Abby. And that revenge really worked out very well for Abby. For Ellie, she lost it all. But revenge is bad, what? It won't be beat-for-beat, dialogue-for-dialogue, scene-for-scene. At this point, I don't trust a single thing coming from them. Sam Maggs is a total SJW, spewing nonstop venom on Twitter, so you get your gender pronouns, non-binary Sith Revan, whatever you want! They're making it for modern gamers, whoopee! You will get brief unity, followed by a lot of angry fans and a mass exit. I will be vindicated on the day of release, mark my words. But hey, they got your money at the end of the day, that's what matters. I think I'll keep checking out older media. :)

For reference, here's the article I saw on the RK Outpost server. ... ic-remake/