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Baymax the Series

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:34 am
by ProfessorDetective
So, I just ran through the new Big Hero Six spinoff and I love it. The whole premise is a cute slice-of-life romp with the ritual medical assistance robot going around town helping folks in need.

Grumpy old lady with bad hips needs to be convinced to take up a workout regimen, Aunt Cass sprains her ankle but won't stay off her feet because of her cafe, school kid gets her first period right before the big talent show, Guy running a food truck ("Just Fish Soup") suddenly develops a fish allergy, stray cat swallows an earbud, etc.

It's funny, educational, and genuinely progressive. This would have been my exact thing when I was a PBS Kid. Like I ever stopped... Finger's crossed for Season 2.

Re: Baymax the Series

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:19 pm
by Deledrius
I loved it. Short and sweet, but packed with heart and strong messages. I too hope for more.

It's strange that it took them this long to make something like this as a sequel.