Is the Hellraiser Reboot "Subdued" in its Gore?

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Is the Hellraiser Reboot "Subdued" in its Gore?

Post by Winter »

So, one of the criticisms of the new Hellraiser film is that it's not as gory as the original film, that it's far to subdued. Um... not sure I can agree on that because, well... If you are someone who is uncomfortable with gore of any kind you might want to head out right now because I'm about to show some scenes from the new Hellraiser film and the first film.

Yeah, this is REALLY Subdued, with a nail being driven through someone's throat, skin being peeled back and someone getting ripped apart which is not counting (because I couldn't find it on YT) someone else getting their skin ripped off. And these aren't fast scenes the film LINGERS on them for quite a while. In contrast the original Hellraiser most of the deaths were off screen and not that much more gory then the new film. Let's look at one of the most iconic deaths in the series the "Jesus Wept" bit.

And Franks rebirth at the start of the film.

There's another really gory scene in the movie but I couldn't find it on YT. Now there's no question that these are gory scenes but they're not THAT much more gory then the ones in the reboot and the rest of the deaths happen very quickly, are incredibly obscured to the point you can't really see them or are off-screen.

In total the two scenes I've shown plus the one I couldn't find really the only notable gore in the film. I think the reason most seen this as subdued compared to the original is mainly down to the first three deaths being obscured or off screen but after those first three the film REALLY ramps things up as you saw. The other reason I think this reboot is seen as subdued is because it's a reboot being backed by Disney. Reading a lot of the reviews these seem to be the main issue most have with the film and seem to be a case of "Ready to Dislike the film on Principle" and not based on its own merits.

Still what are your thoughts, do you feel the reboot is subdued compared to the first film and if so why or do you feel the newer one is just as gory as the original.
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Re: Is the Hellraiser Reboot "Subdued" in its Gore?

Post by sayla0079 »

You can have a good scary story without blood and gore. Look at Halloween 1978 it was scary based on atmosphere and music and acting.
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Re: Is the Hellraiser Reboot "Subdued" in its Gore?

Post by Kinky Vorlon »

Gore doesn't promote fear. It promotes disgust. They're different emotions. I like the first 2 Hellraiser movies but I prefer atmospheric horror.
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