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Discussing Disney's Wish AKA Disney's 100th Anniversary

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:44 am
by Winter
100th Anniversary. Yikes. Just, yikes. :shock:

100 years of Walt Disney in our lives. Some of it has been good, some great, some bad and sometimes just a little weird. There have been moments where it looked like it would all crash and burn only to come back stronger. Sometimes we got films where we wish the studio would get with the times and other times it was ahead of the game. I can't think of any studio that is as like Disney that has had such a impact on pop-culture. We all know who Mickey, Donald and Goofy are, Let It Go will be stuck in our heads until the day we die and the Disney Princess Franchise is honestly the most impactful Animated Film Series ever made.

And thus we come to the studios most recent animated film Wish, a film that is meant to not only celebrate the studios long history but also meant to move things forward. It will be the first Disney Animated film to use the 2D/3D Hybrid style. And to show the impact of the studio it was actually the one to get this style started with their short film Paperman.

Yeah, Disney actually beat Sony to the punch back in 2012.

However, let's be real Into the Spider-Verse was the one that got this started and is the one everyone thinks of when this style is used but the fact that Disney did it first is kinda funny.

All jokes and fun facts aside I'm curious how this film will turn out. Sure 2022 was kinda a $#!t year for Disney but 2021 honestly it's not that bad and not even close to the worst films they've made *Cough* Black Cauldron, Chicken Little and Home on the Range *Cough*. Interestingly Wish will be the ONLY film Walt Disney Animated Studios will be releasing while Pixar will also be releasing only 1 film, their upcoming film Elemental.

This could very well mean that Disney is doing everything they can to make sure this film is a success which would explain a few things. 2022 was a rather lackluster year as a I mentioned before, not just in the notably just okay stories of those films but also in marketing. A big part as to why Lightyear and Strange World bombed as that there was barely any marketing put behind them and what we did get didn't really hype up the movies all that much. It was kinda like "Oh yeah, new movies coming out, go see and stuff."

And it's not like Disney wouldn't hype up a lackluster film they've done it before. Mary Poppins Return was hyped through the Roof and the film itself was just kinda okay and it's not like the films released last year weren't ones they'd want to hype up Lightyear was tied to Pixar's most iconic franchise.

However, if Disney is pouring a lot into Wish that could explain why there's been so little marketing around their more resent films, they were saving up for this film. Maybe I'm wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I honestly would be shocked if they gave this film a lackluster marketing campaign.

But what about you what do you think Disney will do for it's 100th Anniversary? Me personally, I hope they bring back the magical express at Walt Disney World and the Disney Shampoo. What can I say I'm a woman of refined tastes.