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Why I've Never Been a Fan of Zhurrick

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:48 am
by Winter
For anyone who says that Korrasami was rushed and came out of nowhere please look at Zhurrick. There is no indication that the two have any feelings towards each other and then BANG (literally) they now have feelings for each other. There was nothing to indicate that Zhu Li or Varrick thought of each other as anything other then partners and Zhu Li is honestly kinda done dirty both in and out of the relationship as she doesn't really have much character before the romance and in the romance Varrick takes to much focus in her arc.

And on Varrick's side... look I like Varrick and thought he was great throughout but during Balance he gets more attention then he really needs and most of that is him bemoaning Zhu Li turning on him. I had a similar problem with Katara in the comics after the series and like I said there say what you will about Korrasami but the two's relationship ADDS to the characters instead of detracts from them. But with Zhurrick I always felt it was a detriment to their characters and what character it did add, for me, wasn't very enjoyable.

I don't think it's a coincidence that after the show Varrick and Zhu Li have both been given reduced screen time. In Patterns in Time, an anthology series telling the story of Team Avatar and Friends, several characters were absent with the most notable being Mako, Bolin and yes Varrick and Zhu Li. While Asami isn't given much focus as per usual for her what she is given adds so much to her but I honestly wonder if characters who didn't appear in the comic was a result of a lack of interest in them.