Should Silk be Given Unique Powers in the Insomniac Games?

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Should Silk be Given Unique Powers in the Insomniac Games?

Post by Winter »

Ever since Cindy's cameo at the end of Spider-Man 2 there's one question that has been on my mind, besides her having Social Anxiety Disorder, or if she's have a girlfriend, or if she should have long hair, or if her costume will be made out of her webs. Yeah there's a lot of things I'm curoius about when it comes to Cindy in this series but one that thing that I do think should be answered is whether how Cindy will work in terms of gameplay.

While she will no doubt have the base powers of her fellow Spider-Heroes (super-strength, super-agility, Spider-Sense and webs) will Cindy have anything unique powers and abilities?

One or things that was a major double edge swords to this series was the inclusion of Miles' Venom Powers and how in Spider-Man 2 Insomniac worked to give Peter his own unique skills to keep pace with his student. Miles was insanely OP in his spin-off game thanks to his Venom Powers to the point that many fights, even on the hardest difficulty setting, were a complete joke but they also helped him to stand out when compared to Pete so playing as Miles felt fresh even though the two shared most of the same baseline skill sets.

So in SM2 Pete first gets his iconic Iconic Spider-Arms that from the MCU and later got Symbiote and even later then that Anti-Symbiote powers. On the whole the reception for these new skills and abilities for Peter have been... mixed. Most agree that they're fun to play with but the Anti-Symbiote Powers work to make Pete feel less like the OG Spider-Man and more like a different version of the classic character.

Regardless of how well this works for Peter's character the fact remains that Pete needs these powers to help him standout gameplay wise from Miles AND to make him feel like he and Miles are evenly matched when it comes to powers and abilities.

Which brings us to Cindy. The thing about Silk she's kinda the odd one out when it comes to other Spider-Heroes when it comes to Origins and Abilities. The most notable things about Cindy in regards to her powers her is as follows. Her Spidy Sense (which she calls Silk-Sense) is far more powerful then other heroes, she's one of the fastest Spider-Heroes and she has Organic Webbing that comes out of her fingers.

This is perfectly fine and pretty standard for most Spider-Heroes, I mean Spider-Gwen didn't really have anything unique about her until she lost her power only to regain them by bonding with a Symbiote (it happens). But in terms of gameplay for the Insomniac games she will need something more that will-

A) Help her feel unique when compared to Pete & Miles
B) Be fun to play with
C) Make her feel as powerful as the Spider-Men

That last one is important. Miles is often accused of being more powerful then Peter but having re-played the game I can say that is not really true. Sure Miles' Venom Blast is WAAAY to OP but in terms of comparing him and Peter with their basic moves they're honestly evenly matched and in certain cases Peter is a LOT more powerful then Miles. For example Pete is far more useful against Symbiotes then Miles even when taking his Venom Blast into account. By contrast Miles is more useful against the Robots the Hunters use and both are pretty evenly matched against most other kinds of enemies.

So, Cindy needs some sort of abilities that help to make her feel as strong as her brothers-in-arms which includes some sort of Ultimate Attack like Miles' Venom Blast and Peter's Venom Rage.

In Cindy's comics she has had a few more run ins with magic. Saya has unleashed no less then 2 demons on her and there's entire arc of her fighting a Korean Witch that drained the youth from people and made them old. So, should Cindy have some sort of run in with magic that allows her to use magic powers in combat? Or should Cindy's powers be entirely webbed based taking advantage of her having organic webbing unlike Pete or Miles who have to make their own webbing?

Or should Peter lose the Anti-Symbiote which results in Cindy getting it? That way Peter goes back to using the Iron Spider-Arms while Cindy gets the Anti-Symbiote powers?

I don't know and I am curious how Insomniac is going to handle this. They can't just have her be the only one with just base powers that would make her less fun to play so she has to have something if only to have it where players enjoy playing as her.

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