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Should Star from a Future Wish Remake have an Androgynous Design

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 6:55 pm
by Winter
Just a thought but I thought it would be interesting to make the "Starboy" from Disney's original version of Wish into more of a "Star-Ambiguous" with no real way to tell what they're gender is. Even have it were Star does take on other forms like that of a boy and girl but their main form can't be so easily defined.

Maybe give them He/Him Pronouns but Star never gives us a straight answer (Pun Fully Intended) as to what gender they are even giving us a Nimona line of turning into a girl wish Asha getting annoyed and go "And you're a girl now" and Star goes "I am now" with a silly smile on their face.

Is this being influenced by me being trans, yeah maybe but also I just think it's an interesting idea because technically Star isn't human and therefore wouldn't see any reason to limit themselves to one gender. I mean if she can turn into a horse a turtle and a squirrel then why not any other gender.

It would also be an interesting take on the typical Disney Princess Love Interest though not a unique one as the sequel novel to Brave aka Bravely did the same thing but it not something we've seen on film yet, at least as far as Disney goes. But Star would be an interesting way to get some either non-binary and or gender fluid representation especially for Disney's Remake of it's 100th Anniversary to make it better.