Five Changes I Would Make to Disney's ORIGINAL Wish

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Five Changes I Would Make to Disney's ORIGINAL Wish

Post by Winter »

For anyone wondering why I'm so focused on Wish right now, well, after my trip to Walt Disney World I noticed a noticeable lack of Wish Merchandise while I was there, and most of what I did see where either

A) Set Apart From other Major Disney Merch like the Disney Princesses

Or B) Basically Hidden From View

This was in direct contrast to the last time I went to Disney last year where there was Wish Merch and advertisement EVERYWHERE. Like you couldn't go 10 feet without seeing Asha, Magnifico, Star and Valentino. Now Disney is doing everything it can to just pretend the film doesn't exist and is trying to push their more popular series aka anything that actually sells.

During my time at Disney, because I did enjoy the song, I looked up At All Costs and found the fan animatic I shared in another post which led me to the deleted scenes which led to fandom the Original Version of the film had and the many posts I've made on said original film the last week.

In my own defence I'm currently sick and hurting a lot and I'm on a few meds right now so I'm doing this more to keep myself distracted. Don't worry nothing serious just really annoying.

But as I've gone over the original Wish I did think of a few things that kinda bug me and are the few things that, if given the power, I would change about the film. Hopefully this is the last I bring up this film for a while and I'll focus on getting better for the time being but if I could ask you all to enduldge me for a little longer and I would like to read your thoughts on my changes to the classic that will hopefully one day be.

Star's Main Form

I've said in another post that I would want Star to be given a more Androgynous Design and at the very least implied to be gender fluid or non-binary and taking on other forms from other genders during the film.

However, there's another reason I would want Star's design changed. See Star's human form is a younger version of Asha's grandfather... and Star is Asha's love interest in the film... Noooo. Just. Noooooo! I'm sorry but that's just icky to me.

Yes I know they're not related so it doesn't matter but keep in mind that Asha originally loses her grandfather in the original film and then here comes someone who takes on said grandfather's appearance when he was younger and is now in love with Asha... I don't like that!

I find it weird and just, WEIRD!!!

So, yeah, Star would be given a different design just to avoid the incest implications

Magnifico's Final Form

I'm sorry but I don't agree with fans on this one, I don't find Magnifico's Final Form to be in the least bit intimidating I just think he looks like a Hulk Knockoff with better hair.

Honestly, given that this is Disney's 100th Annversary film, I would give him a form similar to that of Chernabog from Fantasia. This winged Devil Giant who's never says a word but holds such great powers that's it's honestly terrifying if you really stop and think about it.

Maybe even use The Night on Bald Mountain or hints of it during the climax to instill an atmosphere of dread and despair. This is the end and we're facing evil in it's purest form. Hell, to directly homage The Night on Bald Mountain scene have Magnifico darkening the wishes in a scene reminiscent of how Chernabog summoned the dead and the damned.

I just think that would be better MAGNIFICO SMASH!!!

Make Asha A Trickster Hero

One thing I will agree with the filmmakers in regards to the original version of Wish is that Asha doesn't really get to do all that much. Star ends up doing most of the heavy lifting and Asha is just more along for the ride, at least from what I've been able to see of the original film.

Now I do agree that she has a more engaging and memorable personality compared to the final version but she still doesn't really get to do all that much so it would be nice if she was given more to do. And I think the best way to do that would to make her more of a Trickster. She outsmarts her opponents and even manipulates her friends a little bit to get the upper hand over Magnifico and Amaya.

And this wouldn't be anything new for Disney as Peter Pan, Aladdin and even Mulan are all Trickster Heroes. They all lie, cheat and manipulate those around them to get what they want and people love them for it. And you wouldn't even need to pull out a Liar Revealed Plot because Asha already has a arc in the original version and given the situation of her village you could have it were her friends and even Star understand why she does it and she always works to make up for it.

And seeing that she's going up against someone who can literally eat Wishes it makes Asha look so much cooler when she defeats her enemies not by being more powerful then them but by outsmarting them.

Make Magnifico and Amaya a Bit More Intimidating

Okay, this one really seems to be a me thing but I do not find Magnifico and Amaya to be the least bit intimidating. They're funny, I'll give you that, and a lot more fun then what we got but I find them scary and I SHOULD find these villains scary. I was terrified of Maleficent and the Evil Queen when I was a kid and I haven't found many Disney villains to be that intimating in a while or even many villains outside of Disney films to be that scary.

The reason I love the Death Wolf from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is because he's honestly scary. He's literally death chasing our hero and nothing seems to stop him.

And I want to see that in Magnifico and Amaya, make them a threat I can take seriously, that these are people who are not just a road block to the heroes goals but instead their are, as Chuck once put it, a man with a knife going up against a tank.

Even if Asha can outsmart them, even if Star can overpower their minions Magnifico and Amaya are just to dangerous to deal with directly and every time our heroes do they come close to death.

As the saying goes "A Hero is only ever good as their villain" and while Magnifico and Amaya in the original version are a MASSIVE improvements over their final versions I honestly think they still need some work. Keep them being sickly sweethearts with one another because that's gold but make it where we know they are a threat even before the final battle.

Use and Placement of At All Costs

Again, mentioned this before, but I would have the song At All Costs be used as a love duet and the final song of the film before the film's climax. And again I would base it off the animatic I linked last time because, again, it's really good.

As the last song and the last moment of peace in the story before our heroes go off into the final battle it would help to set up the lengths Asha and Star are about to go for one another and the hope they have instilled in one another.

Asha has shown Star the wonders of the human world, and Star has shown Asha that she has what it takes to save her people and overthrow Magnifico and Amaya.

It's also a great tribute to both A Whole New World and the titular song of Beauty and the Beast and even So This Is Love. I honestly think that At All Costs is a great song in the wrong movie and works better as a love duet.

So, yeah, that's it those are the changes I would make to the original Wish. I think Disney could still redeem this movie they just need to animate the original version (in 2D) and they will have a new classic on their hands. One that would sell like hotcakes.

I would have love, betrayal and random musical numbers, what's not to love?
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