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I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 7:01 pm
by stryke
We changed the channel, it was like a decade ago now, I've not seen his stuff since, and yet he's trending on twitter (where people mostly appear to be sticking the boot in hard which is nice), and apparently got to be on an animated show called Smiling Friends?

How does he still has any kind of audience outside of a hardcore few who can't read? Cause good god that document was so incredibly damning. Hell must not have ears either given what the stampede of people who left the site have said at length.

The only time I've thought about him since is laughing at the occasional much deserved dunks that PointlessHub does in some of his videos.

It's not like his stuff was every actually good. Shouting does not make actual humour make. My theory is that the only reason why at the time we thought it was good was a) it was novel for the time, b) we were younger and so were lacking in taste, and c) the huge parasocial factor. There were all these friends appearing on each other's videos and looking back I was definitely at my most loneliest when I fell so hard into that particular online rabbit hole.

I mean let alone the change the channel incident it's a wonder he survived the quiz show fiasco or whatever that show was with the actors and bad movie skits was called before I crawled back to the Critic persona with his tail between his legs.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:56 pm
by hammerofglass
Last I heard of him was a Folding Ideas video three years ago about a review of The Wall he did. I didn't watch Doug's video but the clips were bad. Also Dan's video mocking it has twice the views, which is funny.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:04 pm
by Nobody700
I like Smiling friends but them having Doug on the show after what he did was a massive... really? Like... after what he did?

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:45 pm
by hammerofglass
Looks like the Smiling Friends cameo is a twenty second clip where the joke is that he's annoying and takes forever to get to the point.

I'd never heard of Smiling Friends before so there might be nuance I'm missing.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 1:47 am
by Thebestoftherest
Yeah, even before change the channel, Doug was starting to appear he was kinda a one trick pony. He not without talent but he has a massive ego that lead him to projects beyond his ability, and surround himself with people who only see him as a job so doesn't tell him it a bad idea.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 10:03 pm
by CharlesPhipps
Because people don't actually read about this sort of things or bother to learn.

This is why cancellation is a myth.

Doug Walker will be fine as long as he is recommended by Youtube.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 10:04 pm
by CharlesPhipps
hammerofglass wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:45 pm Looks like the Smiling Friends cameo is a twenty second clip where the joke is that he's annoying and takes forever to get to the point.

I'd never heard of Smiling Friends before so there might be nuance I'm missing.
The short version being that an "internet famous" person is now famous enough to be a celebrity cameo on HBO.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 10:58 pm
by Winter
Shouldn't this be on General Discussions? I mean this has nothing to do with Sci-Fi or Fantasy but some Internet reviewer. Just as a comparison when I brought up Lucas' ideas for what he had planned for the Sequel Trilogy it was to see his take on a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series he made. I'm not saying don't talk about it I just want to know why it's listed here?

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:03 am
by phantom000
Personally, I like him better now than when Channel Awesome was a website and not just a YouTube channel.

I know about the controversy and I don't claim to be an expert but, from what I can tell most of the allegations are aimed at the people who were running Channel Awesome behind the scenes instead of Doug Walker himself.

Now he does get a lot of crap because of To Boldly Flee the last of their anniversary specials, but I haven't found anyone complaining about the first 3 specials despite Doug being a big part of organizing them. I think he just took on more than he could handle, they tried to make each anniversary bigger than the last one and eventually it just got too big.

I don't know if there is a Channel Awesome anymore or if it's just a YouTube channel, but I think Doug has learned his lesson and is trying to move on while not repeating the same mistakes.

I mean he is working with a new crowd of content creators and I haven't found any allegations from them, and its not like they don't lack a means to get the word out if they wanted to.

Re: I genuinely don't understand how Doug Walker is in anyway still relevent

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:20 pm
by Thebestoftherest
I hope that true, and that it isn't just a cycle of people being to scare to fess up.