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Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:59 am
by Winter
Rules: You can't stray from the series' formula, this must be an Indiana Jones style story with a bit of Mission: Impossible in the mix. Other then that go crazy.

Me I have two ideas, One is a sequel to the Survivor Trilogy that deals with Lara's PTSD, her relationship with Sam and the fallout of Lara's actions in all three games. The other is a full on reboot set in a different continuity but one that borrows elements from all parts of the series.

This would tells the whole story of Lara's life, we see her first adventure, her parents death, the death of Roth, her getting the twin pistols along with her bow and arrow as well her climbing axes. See her relationship with Sam, her long time rival Natla. We get Jonah, Zip, Abby of course Winston and maybe Amanda Evert and of course Lara's Doppelganger along with a few original characters of mine, most notably a personal favorite Coriolanus (long story short someone Lara wronged but works with her because his loyalty to his people is greater then his hatred for Lara).

I would want to use Painted CGI similar to Arcane and Spider-Verse and an overall style similar to Arcane with it having over the top action and set pieces but with a gritty and dark story to try and better blend the style of all eras of Tomb Raider.

And yes Lara would be gay or at least bi and have a romantic relationship with Sam and that would be the core of the series as a whole because, it's me you really shouldn't expect anything less.

Re: Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 7:20 am
by clearspira
Have you ever watched the early 2000s series Relic Hunter?

That. I would recommend it if you have not.

Failing that the Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider films.

As I said before, I have no time for PTSD Lara. Lara should be fun.

Re: Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:52 am
by CharlesPhipps
Go back to the roots.

Lara Croft is a lady adventurer who has been hired to find ATLANTIS and ends up getting opposed by a certain ancient Atlantean vampire, Natla, who opposes her. At one point she fights a T-Rex. Keep away from the Survivor PTSD and just play it as a fun rollicking good time.

Ryan Reynolds would be Chase.

I also would canonize both Laras by having Lara revealed to have a long lost cousin who is basically survivor Lara and yes, have her with Sam.

Chase calls her "Other Lara."


Re: Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:26 pm
by Winter
CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:52 am Go back to the roots.

Lara Croft is a lady adventurer who has been hired to find ATLANTIS and ends up getting opposed by a certain ancient Atlantean vampire, Natla, who opposes her. At one point she fights a T-Rex. Keep away from the Survivor PTSD and just play it as a fun rollicking good time.

Ryan Reynolds would be Chase.

I also would canonize both Laras by having Lara revealed to have a long lost cousin who is basically survivor Lara and yes, have her with Sam.

Chase calls her "Other Lara."

... I was open minded until you said there are two Laras.

Re: Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:46 pm
by CharlesPhipps

... I was open minded until you said there are two Laras.

Why not? One can be a mature woman and adult at the top of her career and the other a twenty something just beginning.

Re: Hypothetical Question: You Have Been Hired to Write a Tomb Raider Film/Show/Game How Do You Go About It?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:36 pm
by Winter
CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:46 pm
... I was open minded until you said there are two Laras.
Why not? One can be a mature woman and adult at the top of her career and the other a twenty something just beginning.
I don't know, this sounds like trying to have your cake and eat it to. I think the reason I'm not onboard with this is that is sounds like a Multiverse pitch and while I'm more of a defender for MV stories it has overstayed it's welcome.

But I wouldn't be against this if this is a legacy character situation where classic Lara is Lara's grandmother whom SL is named after with CL being a mentor, filling the role of Roth. Of course this could easily spiral into a Bayonetta 3 issue unless CL is sought after like what we got in Carmina Santiago.

But really it just seems to complicated for a series that's usually pretty straight forward. There are two characters either operating at the same time with the same name who look very similar to each other but their cousins with completely different personalities.

Maybe I'm over thinking it and the way you have it written it would work out but just to me it seems needlessly complicated.