The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

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Do you think Quentin Tarantino would make a good director for a Star Trek film?

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The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Wild_Kraken »

...Quentin Tarantino? Seems like an unlikely director for a Star Trek film, but reports have been that the project is moving forward. Here's Tarantino talking about what he'd like to see in a trek movie:

The man knows his stuff. So let's get a poll going. Do you think Tarantino is a good choice for a Star Trek film?
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Admiral X »

I think he'd make a good director for a movie that was a parody to it or was otherwise a call-back to it in the same way most of his movies are call-backs to classic films from the 70s.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Morgaine »

Can't get any worse than the one-two punch of awful that was Into Darkness and Beyond. So he might as well give it a shot, maybe the results will surprise us.
Independent George
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Independent George »

Watch 'Jackie Brown'; Tarantino can do a great job adapting an existing work, and can do great work outside of his usual schtick. Listening to that interview clip, it's also obvious that Tarantino knows, loves, and understands Trek with a depth that Abrams doesn't have.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

I'm not a big Tarantino fan and he's far from an obvious choice as a Star Trek director, but talent is talent. At least he's actually a fan.

I really don't know who I'd consider to be the ideal Star Trek director. There are a lot of great directors who just wouldn't feel like the right fit. Having the right writer and a good story is probably more important to me than the director. Some of the most popular Trek movies, including my own favorite, aren't really directed in a cinematic style. It would be great if Trek could be more ambitious in terms of direction and visuals, but that didn't save the Abrams movies from criticism.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by TGLS »

I'll give Tarantino the benefit of the doubt. I don't have a problem with his movies in general, and I didn't have many problems with the Abramstrek films either.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Independent George »

Abrams Trek are stylish action films set in the Star Trek universe. I actually think they are actually pretty good movies, but within a completely different idiom than the original iteration (though I will say the new Spock is outstanding - every bit the equal to Nimoy's original portrayal).

People worried that Tarantino is going to make a film about wise-cracking Ferengi debating their favorite Klingon opera while planning a heist with a mismatched crew of aliens are (probably) way off-base. He's known for that because he mostly films his own original works; Jackie Brown to see what resulted when he decided to adapt a popular novel, and it was excellent as both a Tarantino flick and as an Elmore Leonard story. He clearly loves the original Trek in the same way he loved Elmore Leonard. If he works on it, I expect he'll be respectful to the originals while adding his own ideas, rather than tossing out everything that came before.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Madner Kami »

Tarantino knows his trade like few others do and I'd actually be curious about it.
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Deledrius »

Independent George wrote:People worried that Tarantino is going to make a film about wise-cracking Ferengi debating their favorite Klingon opera while planning a heist with a mismatched crew of aliens are (probably) way off-base. He's known for that because he mostly films his own original works
If he did something like that, I might actually be on board. I wouldn't mind a franchise-universe story showing some other elements. I have concerns with him being able to adapt the Federation and Starfleet faithfully. I've never seen him make an optimistic film (but then I'm not familiar with his entire body of work).
Darth Wedgius
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Re: The next Star Trek film may be directed by...

Post by Darth Wedgius »

I'm intrigued. He might be able to come up with something that fits with Prime timeline Trek better than the Kelvinverse does for me. Supposedly he's aiming for an R rating, which worries me a little -- it seems more Tarantino than Trek -- but it doesn't necessarily men it's going to be green boobies in space, constant profanity ("Klingonee, p'tak, do you speak it?"), and a high body count.
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