The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

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The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Post by Arkle »

Why yes, this is a thing. I made it pretty much entirely by myself, though there were four or five based on suggestions from people in the SF Debris Faceboook fan group.

Having played more than a few games over the past year (has it really been that long? Wow.) I can tell you that it's led to some hilarious combinations when played alongside the default decks as well as other custom decks I've made. :)
Incorrect Voyager Quotes:
My Voyager fic, A Fire of Devotion:
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Re: The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Post by TheBritGit »

Curses that I am the only person I know IRL who watches this!
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Re: The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Post by IrrCapT »

Some more suggestions

White Cards:
Awarded the Congressional Medal of Gay
The sexual equivalent of the bends
A magnet installed above Data's quarters
The sun swallowing the world
Reverend Treehugger Von Condescension

Black Cards:
For Janeway's next experiment, the USS Voyager will monitor <blank>
Now the Mimbari blame Sheridan for <blank>
"Now I just need a clever action hero line." "<blank>" "Oh yeah, that's crap if I ever heard it."
<blank>, because dammit, there's nothing gay about this!
Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?

Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7
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